1x4 'Spy Games'

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The Next Day:

I stayed in bed the rest of that day and the next day I suddenly remembered that I'd missed my second day of work. Luckily when your boss is your step-dad he kinda goes easy on you "I understand, you can have today off to rest as well but tomorrow I expect you at work okay?" Ward told me "Yeah, I'll be there" I didn't really need to go since I'd won like $60 for doing coke but like I didn't have anything better to do "I gotta take this" He said taking his phone that was ringing and walking down the stairs. I shut the door of my room and opened up the doors to my balcony as I heard an engine reving outside. I watched as Ward's car pulled up in the driveway. Sarah got out- with a guest. I watched as a boy with brown hair got out of the car. It was only until he got closer that I realised it was John B. I groaned. What was my sister doing with John B again? Most importantly what was John B doing going into a kooks house? The Cameron House? I watched as they walked underneath the balcony and disappeared from sight. Why couldn't my sister just leave him alone? She already had a boyfriend so she should be lucky. I don't even have one.

I stayed in my room for a few minutes, I didn't want to risk John B seeing me. Then I opened my bedroom door and crept down the stairs. I checked around for them but they were no where in sight. Suddenly I heard voices coming from the other end of the house. I followed the voices until they got louder and louder and I eventually realised they were coming from inside Ward's office. What was Sarah doing in there? No one was allowed in there accept for Ward and my mom. I listened in to their conversation but they weren't talking loud enough for me to hear what they were saying. I heard footsteps approach the other side of the door so I slipped away, hiding behind the wall. I watched as they left the house and walked down the drive way. That was the sussest thing I'd seen Sarah do and trust me she's done a lot of sus things. What were they doing and where were they going?

That evening:

Sarah didn't come back after that. It was 8pm and she'd been out all day. Out all day with John B. My Mom and Ward were out so it was just me and Wheezie in the house so I guess you could say I was babysitting. Wheezie just stayed in her room all night so I was bored as. I lay on the couch, my eyelids closing, almost falling asleep. DING DONG! I jumped. It was the doorbell. I jumped up, rushing to the door and opening it "Sarah oh my god-" but it wasn't Sarah, it was Topper, soaking wet and covered in rain. I frowned and began closing the door but Topper stopped me "Wait wait wait!" He cried, I rolled my eyes "What are you doing here?" No doubt he was here for Sarah "I'm looking for Sarah" Told ya. I sighed "She's not here, she's been missing all day I don't know where she is" I didn't dare tell him she was out with John B because it might break his heart, but then again I suppose I wanted it to break "Oh, I guess I'll just have to find somewhere else to stay" He turned around "Wait!" I called, Holly, what are you doing? You hate him, remember? "Come in" I urged

Topper stepped inside, dripping wet from the rain "Are your parents home?" He asked anxiously "No, they're out" I led him to the living room "The fire is on if you want to warm up, I'll make you a drink, tea?" He nodded "Yes please" why was I being nice to him? I made him a tea and he drank it down quickly, despite it being burning hot "So, what's the problem? Need Sarah to be your lady in waiting?" I mocked. He shook his head "I got into an argument with my mom, I couldn't stay there" "over what?' I asked curiously even though quite frankly it was none of my business "My parents boat sunk, my mom thought it was me so we got in a fight, turns out it wasn't me but she's still mad at me for some reason" I raised an eyebrow "And who did it? Lemme guess....a pogue" He nodded "Pope" "Heyward's son?" I'd always thought he was the least troublesome of the group, guess I was wrong "My moms pressing charges" He said "Jeez" I exclaimed "You must be so upset" I said sarcastically. He looked at me in a funny way "Are you mad at me?" I almost choked on my drink "Well um yeah let's see well first you get high with me but completely ignore me all night then you watch me vomit and cry in front of you in your own home and all you can say is 'oh shit' so yeah I'm pretty mad at you" He sighed "I'm sorry, I was high but I guess that's no excuse" Wow? He actually apologised. I sighed "My parents will be back soon so you can't stay here, they'd never allow it, but..." his face lit up "I guess you could stay on the Druthers, it's rarely used at night but you'll have to leave before 7am because that's when work starts" He nodded "Thank you" I nodded, why was I doing this?

"Lucky for you I just started working on here so Ward gave me a set of keys" I said, opening up the door to inside the boat and stepping inside. I arranged the window seat with pillows and a blanket and turned the AC on. I then found some of Rafe's clothes and gave them him to change into "There, if you need anything call me I will probably be awake all night anyway" "Thank you" He said "I really appreciate it" I nodded "No problem, but this can only happen once" "Absolutely" I sat there for a minute awkwardly, not sure what to do but I eventually headed toward the door of the boat "So do you accept my apology?" I turned to him and hesitated "I'll think about it" I said, although I guess I'd already made my mind up. God, I'd really fallen for him hadn't I?

30 minutes later:

I was about to head up the stairs until I heard the front door open and turned around to see a soaking wet Sarah standing in the doorway, frozen. I put my hands on my hips "Finally she decides to show up! Where have you been?" "At Topper's" She lied. I folded my arms but didn't decide to argue "Right" "Hey could you maybe not tell my dad about this...or Rose for that matter?" I nodded "Sure" "Thanks" "Whatever" I then went up stairs to bed.

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