3x7 'Happy Anniversary'

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Since there are flashbacks in this ep for Sarah, I thought I would do some flashbacks for Holly in this part, this was so fun to write hope yall enjoy<3

I remember meeting Topper ever so vividly. It had been my first day of second grade, and Topper's first day of first grade. It had been Sarah's first day of Kindergarten, and after Ward and my mom had dropped her off I led her into the building, showing her around. That's when we bumped into a confused looking boy alone in the hallway, crying. I approached him first, asking him if he was okay and he shook his head, his parents had dropped him off and he'd gotten lost. I comforted him and said it was okay. He stopped crying then, and Sarah and I both told him our names. With that, he responded "I'm Topper" The first thing I'd thought was 'That's a funny name?' But I hadn't said it out loud. After that the teachers found us and Sarah skipped off into Kindergarten. Topper and I walked off together, chatting. Once he'd gone in his classroom I trailed off into mine, my mind on Topper. Of course then, I hadn't developed any feelings for him, I was just a child. But I remembered thinking to myself 'He's cute' As the years when by, my feelings for Topper began to grow stronger. At around 12, I started getting the signs. Blushing, struggling to talk without stuttering- getting jealous whenever he decided to go off with Sarah. But the day I really REALLY fell for him, I remembered all too well....

26th August 2018

I slammed my locker shut, anger filling up my body "Girl, what's up?" Chloe asked, applying lip gloss to her lips whilst looking in her locker mirror "Mr Hargreaves gave me a DETENTION again, just for not doing my homework over summer!" I sighed "And it's on the same day as Mrs Raymond's detection, I still can't believe Olivia Jenkins snitched on me it was just a prank" Chloe laughed "Um, you did kinda almost drown little Lily McKeith in the toilet" "Yeah well she was asking for it, plus she's a little bitch" Chloe shut her locker "Yeah, well you should be greatful you don't have Mr Towers after school, everyone knows he's a perv and the only reason he gives out detentions is because he wants to look up little girl's skirts" I let out a snort of laughter and disgust and admired my self in my hand mirror. My hair was long, silky and perfect, blonde just like my mom's. My Kook year uniform was smart and presentable, nomatter how uncomfortable it was, and my makeup didn't have a single smudge. I was perfect in every way. The perfect Kook. I put my hand mirror away as the school bell rang for lunch "Come on Chlo, let's go get outside before the 9th graders take our spot" I pushed past the 8th graders who were lining the halls and strutted down the corridor, twirling my hair. Everyone was looking at me, per usual. They were either looking at me out of fear, or admiration. Nothing imbetween. Mostly admiration though. I was the most popular girl in the school. I blew a kiss at the air as I passed a group of boys in my year and exited the school, walking outside "Ughh, it's way too hot, I can't take this" Chloe moaned, fanning herself with her chemistry book. I scaled the area and made my way over to the tree where I usually stood, chatting with my girls "Hey bitches" I said, approaching the tree. Jessica, one of my girls was laughing with the others and she smiled when she saw me "Oh, hey! Looking perfect as always!" I beamed "Of course" Chloe abandoned me and started chatting with a few other girls at the tree whose names I didn't know. I didn't need to know. I didn't care to know. They were below me in rank, that was all that mattered "Hey, Holly" came a voice. I turned around, daring to see who was trying to speak to me. It was just Sarah though, looking bland. I eyed her "Oh, it's you" She frowned "Don't worry I'm not staying long, just wondering where my Literature book is, maybe we switched by mistake?" I shook my head and flipped my hair again, looking down on my step sister "Well I don't know, I don't have it, the only books I have with me today are Chem and Geography, it must be somewhere at home" Sarah sighed, starting to look through her bag again. Jessica tapped me on the shoulder, making fake vomiting noises and giggling "Ew, look who it is, the loser pogues" she said, loud enough for people to hear. A smile appeared on my face and sure enough John B, JJ, Kiara and Pope were walking passed us, keeping their heads down. I exchanged looks with Jessica and Chloe and we walked further up to them "Hey, JJ, nice uniform! I didn't know ripped pants were back in fashion!" I shouted, giggling at JJ in his scruffy, teared up Pogue uniform. It was different  from our Kook one, brown, cheap and ugly and more affordable "Aw, can your dad not afford you a new one? Or is he still too busy downing six packs?!" Chloe sneered "Shutup!" Kiara shouted, launching forward "Hey, I'll have you know this uniform is in great condition, alright! And I think I look pretty damn good in it!" JJ said, defensively. Everyone around me, sniggered. My eyes moved to John B who was stood at the back, his eyes on the ground. His uniform was smarter then the others, and his hair was slicked back as though he was some '90s biker. He was different from the others though, almost handsome. As the pogues began to walk away, and as John B walked passed me I said to him "You know your way to good for them, you could do a lot better" He laughed, coldly "Wouldn't bet on it" As he walked away I shouted "Trust me one day you'll come crawling to us, one day!" Chloe nudged me "Stop it, he's a pogue, he's not worth it" I thought for a second "Yeah, your right" I turned to Sarah who I noticed was still stood next to me. She was staring at The Pogues who had now sat themselves down at a picnic table. I elbowed her "Ugh, they're so wierd and disgusting, aren't they?" She continued to stare at them and after a minute she said in a low tone, "Yeah...weird and disgusting" I turned my head and my eyes immediately caught onto a group of boys that were walking passed us. I did a double take and noticed the boy who was leading the group. For a second I almost didn't recognise him. It was Topper Thornton. His hair was sandy blonde as usual and he wore the same expression on his face, but this time there was something else different about him. His face had changed shape and his arms and muscles were huge. He'd had a huge glow up over summer, either that or I hadn't noticed it before "Oh my god, check him out!" Jessica swooned "Oh my god, he's so hot!" I heard a girl nearby me say "I think I'm gonna faint!" said another. Topper's eyes moved over to nearby me and for a second I thought he was looking at me but he was looking at Sarah. He waved at her and Sarah waved back, clearly taken aback too. As Topper made his way to a seat, I couldn't take my eyes off him. There was something so different about him now, something....attractive. Something MANLY. I'd known Topper for years and I'd always felt something for him, but now, now it was more then that. It was different. My heart was beating  fast and I felt my cheeks grow red. I didn't know much, but all I knew is that that small, cute young boy had vanished and replaced with someone else. Someone I liked a lot.

The 6th Cameron (An Outer Banks Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن