1x10 'The Phantom'

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Sarah wasn't in the bell tower, but she didn't come home either. My mom wasn't impressed when I got back, saying she'd been worried sick about me. I told them Sarah hadn't been in her room so I went looking for her. I then told them everything about the fire. They waited ages for to come home but she didn't. In the morning she wasn't there either. She'd obviously found John B and gone off with him, but there was only one way I could find out if that was true. Topper. I also wanted to check if he was okay, and that he hadn't been arrested. I hadn't heard from him since the bell tower, I'd texted him a couple times but he hadn't seen them. I knew he'd been staying at Kelce's so I made my way over to his house. The street was empty, as a pose to last night when police cars had lined the street, people gathering around watching the house where John B had been. I made my way up the steps to Kelce's front door. I felt awkward since Kelce and I weren't really friends anymore, not since the party where he'd got too handsy with me. I wasn't even sure if Topper was still crashing here, for all I know he could've gone back to his house after the cop situation. It would be awkward if he had. I took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell. I waited a few seconds and then knocked on the door three times. No answer. I knocked again "Okay jeez I'm coming!" Kelce called in the distance. I stopped knocking and stepped slightly away from the door. Kelce's shadow appeared behind the door and it opened. Kelce's face fell as he saw me "What do you want now?" I placed an arm protectively around my arm "Is Topper in?" "Yeah, he's in the back" He opened the door ajar and moved to the side, letting me in. I stepped into the house, pushing past Kelce "Go right through" He said "Thanks" Kelce shut the door and went back into the living room. I walked through the house, the lingering smell of male sweat and beer in the air. I tried not to breathe in the smell. I walked through to the back where the double doors were open, letting in the fresh air. Outside on the patio was Topper, slunk into a chair. He was deep in thought and a frown was stuck to his handsome face. I leant against the frame of the glass door "Hey" I said. He looked up at me and his frown lifted sightly "Hi" I slinked away from the doorframe and made my way onto the patio decking. I traced my finger across a chair opposite Topper and sat down on it "I um....just wanted to see if you were okay?" I exclaimed "After last night?" He nodded "Yeah, I'm fine...I guess" I crossed my legs. This was kinda awkward. I mean it WAS the first time I'd talked to him properly since he'd friendzoned me. Since he'd broken my heart "So, what happened?" I asked, getting to the point. He looked up at me "With the cops or in the bell tower?" I shrugged "Both" He sat back and we sat there in silence for a moment "Sarah and John B were in the tower....they....looked so in love" his voice broke as he said the words "I mean, I could see they were....I could just tell they were" I nodded "John B told me he didn't kill Peterkin, Sarah backed him up" My heart beat got faster "And? Do you believe him?" He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know I mean....why would he? Why would he kill her?" His eyes gazed into mine "What do you think?" I jumped at the question. What did I think? Well I didnt know. But I had an inkling that my step brother had had something to do with it "I mean, I'm no sleuth so....I don't know" I paused "All I know is that the John B I knew, he wasn't a killer" Topper didn't say anything back "Did they say anything else? About who did it?" He hesitated for a second, but then said "Yeah actually, Sarah said....." He stuttered on his last words "Sarah said Rafe did it?" Panic entered my body and for a moment I couldn't think of anything to say. I managed to come out with "Really?" In a fake shocked tone. I think he could tell I was faking it "Why would she say that?" I said. He shook his head "I don't know" He straightened up "In that moment know, I could tell she was in love" He said, a sad look on his face, he looked so hurt "I could tell they wanted to be with each other, it was like....what I thought we had just didn't matter anymore you know, it just...didn't exist" "But I want her to be happy so, I let her go" "You pretended to be John B to let her get away" I finished. He smiled slightly "Yeah...the cops let me go, but I know they're still suspicious" I bit my lip "Did Sarah tell you where she was going or-?" "No, didn't even give me a clue" He looked down at the ground, the same heartbroken look on his face. I could tell how much he loved Sarah, and Sarah breaking his heart and going off with John B had really hurt him. I thought about how terrible I'd felt after Topper had friendzoned me. That's how he was feeling- but probably worse. I reached out and placed a hand on his "Hey, not everything meant to be in life you know, people come and go...doesn't mean you'll never find love" He looked down at my hand on his "You'll find the right one someday, besides, just because Sarah doesn't love you anymore, doesn't mean she never did" He looked up at me, straight into my eyes. For a second, I thought I sensed a bit of warmness in his eyes, affection maybe. I pulled away from him, my hand slipping of his "I should probably go, my mom will be wondering where I got to" "Yeah" I stood up and neared the door "Your right" Topper said, before I could leave. I turned to face him "I'll find the right person someday" He smiled. I smiled back at him "Hey, thanks....for that" He said "I needed it" "Anytime" I replied. I paused for a second "Besides, for what it's worth, I always thought you deserved better than Sarah....you still do" He continued to smile but didn't say anything. I said goodbye to him and left Kelce's house, a butterfly feeling in my stomach. I think it was a good feeling.

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