Every Life

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You know the world is gonna end soon.

Nuclear reactors are melting down and though everyone is trying their hardest to top it, realistically, it can't be stopped.

So, the best thing anyone can do is prepare and try to find a way to survive.

You sit in yours and Harper's shared room, doing calculations for how many times people will be able to eat per day once the doors close. Clarke's list was recently read out, and while you were on it, Harper wasn't.

You were pissed, of course, but you knew that deep down Clarke was doing what she could. Jaha had been her saving grace, calming the crowd and promising a raffle instead of a pre-made list.

Which, honestly, is better than nothing.

"Baby, you here?" Harper's voice calls.

"Yeah," you reply. Harper stands behind you and lays a hand on your shoulder. You lay your hand over hers, sighing. "Are you okay?"

"Sure," Harper replies, a fake cheerfulness in her voice.

"You're not," you state, "and it's okay not to be." Harper sighs and you turn around, looking up at her.

"It just stings that I wasn't on the list. Logically, I know she's right, but I'm her friend. She even put herself on the list, and—"

"She didn't," you interrupt. Harper furrows her eyebrows.

"You heard her name."

"Harper, do you honestly think that Clarke Griffin would put herself on the list?" Harper is quiet for a moment.

"No," she admits. "It was probably Bellamy."

"I saw the torn pieces, and her name was definitely in Bellamy's handwriting," you confirm. Harper's shoulders deflate.

"At least you would have been okay."

"Bold claim," you scoff.


"You think I'd be okay knowing I'd have to live without you?" you ask, baffled. "Whether I'm on the list or not, if you're not on the safe side of these doors when they close, then I'm not, either."


"Where you go, I go. It doesn't matter whether that means life or death." Harper's chin trembles, and you stand, gathering her in your arms. She clings to you, and you kiss her shoulder tenderly.

"I love you," she whispers.

"And I love you."

You stand there for awhile, just holding each other. Finally, she pulls away, and kisses you softly.



"I hope that in every life, you're there with me."

Your chest tightens at her words, and you fight back the tears at the pure look of love and adoration in her eyes.

"I'd never be anywhere else."

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I will come away with you

I'm in love with you

My honeymoon

— Honeymoon (Forever) by Hellogoodbye —

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