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When you heard that you captured a Sky Person, you didn't know what to think. Sure, you'd heard about the Sky People, but you thought they were just a silly story that the parents recently made up so the kids wouldn't go wandering around at night.

But hearing the screams of the Sky Person proved you wrong.

"(Y/N)," your mother calls. You look up from the basket your weaving and up at her.

"Yes, Mother?"

"Bring water to the prisoner," she orders. Your heart stops.


"Is there someone else named (Y/N)?" she asks, looking around dramatically. You barely resist the urge to throw the half finished basket at her head.

"Now? Or when I'm finished with the basket?"

"Now." With that, she strides away, all high and mighty. You groan and set the basket down before getting throwing together a reasonable meal for the Sky Person. You approach the cells and look at the guards guarding them.

"Ai laik gon lid in honon dina," you tell them, holding out the plate of food.

"Chon don biyo?" The larger of the two, Icago, asks.

"Ai nomon." Icago and Uske look at each other, probably wondering why your mother, the Clan Leader, has sent her disappointment of a daughter to feed the prisoner.

"Kei." Icago leads you to the prisoners cell and unlocks the door. Your heart pounds out of your chest as you look at the beat up boy in front of you.

You walk carefully into the cell and set the plate in front of you.

"Ai souda klin em, seintaim." Icago looks at me, hesitant. "Dula op yu gaf in gon kol au ai nomon? Ai gaf fisa."

"Who are you?" the boy asks. You hesitate in responding.

"(Y/N)." The boy stares at me while you push the plate of food closer to him. "Eat."

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him that my mother ordered me to tend to your wounds."

"She did?" You look behind you to make sure Icago and Uske aren't around.

"No. I lied." He's silent for a moment.


"Because what we are doing is wrong. I never agreed with our ways, but I can't say anything about it."

"Why not?"

"Because my mother is the Clan Leader. Not only would I be punished, I would also be banished."

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