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word count: 880

word count: 880

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Why you keep going back to him, you don't know.

Really, you know you should quit. It's not like you're exclusive. It's a no strings attached agreement. No feelings, just sex. But, like the cliché movies you watched back on the Ark, You caught feelings. Sad? Yes. Inevitable? An even bigger yes. Reciprocated? A big ass no.

Bellamy rolls over on his side and looks at you.

"That was fun." You smile, admiring his sharp yet gentle features, the freckles that litter his face, his hair that's growing a little too long and unruly, but just rightfully so. He cocks an eyebrow at you. "What are you looking at?" he questions. You mentally shake yourself.

"Nothing. I should go before it gets light," you sigh. You maneuver around the tent, gathering your clothes and slipping them on. The whole time, you're painfully aware of Bellamy's eyes on you.

"(Y/N), wait," he blurts out as you're about to leave the tent.

"What's wrong?" you ask, turning around. He's standing, pulling his jeans up.

"I— I don't know if I can keep this a hook-up only relationship," he stutters out. Your eyes widen and you barely manage to keep your mouth from falling open. "Of course, I understand if you don't feel the same. I wouldn't expect you to—" You cut him off by rushing forward, your lips connecting with his. His hands immediately go to your waist and yours to his hair. You pull back only when the need for air becomes unavoidable.

"Does that answer your question?" you whisper. He places a kiss on your forehead and chuckles.

"Yeah, that answers it. But we should keep this between us. I don't want people to talk about you behind your back, you know? Former playboy only using poor girl for sex. Which isn't true," he says, rushing out the last part. You smile to hide your disappointment.

"I understand. My reputation and yours. Anyway, since we're still under wraps, I should go before the others, including Monroe, wake up." He kisses you softly on the forehead and nods.

"Good idea." You slip out of the tent flap and quietly make your way back to your own, smiling the whole way.

° • .  ♚  . • °

And that's how it went for months. Keeping your relationship under the radar until nighttime where you could spend time together. At first it was okay. For you, it wasn't ideal, but you'd rather have him secretly than not at all. But now, it's tiring. You're tired of sneaking around.

"Bell, can we talk?" you ask while he surveys the camp.

"Now? It's daytime," he points out. You roll your eyes.

"I realize this, genius." He grins.

"What's up?" You take a deep breath and blurt it out.

"I'm tired of hiding." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Hiding us," you clarify. He sighs, rubbing his hand over his face.

"You know what we can't." You cross your arms over your chest and stand your ground.

"Actually, we can. But you know what I think?" you ask, struggling to keep your cool. "I think that you're embarrassed to be with me. The daughter of Marcus Kane, the very man you're so against." People start to stare, wondering why you're yelling at the Rebel King.

"Keep your voice down," he warns. You scoff, finally fed up. You step close to him, keeping your voice low like he wanted but just as angry.

"I'm tired of being your secret, Bellamy. We're done." With that, you storm off to your tent before collapsing on your bed and trying to keep your cries quiet. Eventually, you manage to fall into a restless sleep.

° • .  ♚  . • °

"(Y/N) Kane, please come to the fire-pit," a voice hollers, pulling you from your nap. You groan, pushing yourself off the makeshift bed. You exit your tent and almost walk back in when you see Bellamy standing on a stump by the pit. "Wait, please." You sigh and put your hands on your hips, waiting for what he's going to say.

"I, Bellamy Blake, am in love with (Y/N) Kane," he shouts. Your mouth falls open and you let out a small squeak of surprise. The crowd murmurs while looking between you and Bellamy, who is still standing on that damn stump. Monroe and Octavia look at you, Monroe wide-eyed and Octavia just generally shocked. You look back at Bellamy only to see he made his way in front of you, holding what looks like daisies. "Please forgive me. I don't know why we hid. I was an idiot and let my big ego get in the way," he explains, a look of shame on his face. You sigh and take the flowers, pecking him on the cheek.

"Bellamy Blake, your ego will always be enormous," you grin. He chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist.

"It will never, ever be as big as my love for you, (Y/N) Kane."

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If all it is is eight letters

Why is it so hard to say?

— 8 Letters by Why Don't We —

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