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You were going to be executed for defending yourself. You were going to be shot off into space top suffocate because you'd fought off your ex who thought he had the right to your body.

Now, five months later, you're dressed in armor, your hair is in braids, your face is painted, and you're a pro with a sword.

Despite being Skaikru, like Octavia, you don't identify with any clan.

Skaikru has left you out enough times to feel alienated from them, and you don't care to integrate yourself into any other clan. You like being alone— your loyalties lie wherever you deem worthy.

That doesn't mean you don't have friends. You are close with Octavia and Monty. They're the only two who haven't looked down on you or seen you as less than them for choosing to embrace the Grounder lifestyle.

You would think Clarke would be understanding, since it's widely known she fucked around with the former Commander, but apparently it doesn't span past herself.

You have no ill will against Clarke. Or Bellamy, for that matter. They just tend to forget that there are other viewpoints than their own.

"(Y/N)," a deep, raspy voice calls. You look up from sharpening your sword as Roan approaches.

"Yes?" you answer, already exasperated. He raises an eyebrow.

"No respect for your king?" he questions.

"I am my own king."

Instead of lashing out, Roan scoffs. "Right. I need a favor."

"I'm not killing anyone for you. It's my day off."

"They are threatening my throne," Roan pushes.

"Sounds like a you problem."

"I would not ask you if it weren't a pressing matter."

"You've asked me to kill people for less, Roan," you mutter.

"Because you're willing."

"Maybe I'm turning a new leaf. Giving diplomacy a chance or whatever," you reply sarcastically.

"Clarke's strategy does not suit you." You sigh, knowing you're going to have to kill whoever it is in order to be left alone.

"Who do you want sniped?" The satisfaction on Roan's face causes you to nearly retract your compliance.

"Col Nesse. He is planning a coup. I need him gone before he tries anything."

"Can't you have your lapdog do it?" you question, referencing Echo.

"She's unavailable."

"Busy trying to suck Bellamy's dick, I guess. Won't work since that man is head over heels in love with Griffin." Roan snorts, sitting across from me.

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