May We Meet Again

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word count: 1,866

Sleeping Giants (5x03)

Pandora's Box (5x04)

Pandora's Box (5x04)

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The world will end someday. Maybe not today. Maybe not for another century. But eventually, the world will cease to be, as will everything on it. That scares people. It scares people down to their very core. It terrifies them so greatly, that no one talks about it. No one thinks about it.

But you do.

When you were sent to the ground, you thought that you were going to die. You thought that your world would end.

It didn't.

When the Grounders attacked camp, you thought your world would end.

It didn't.

When the Mountain Men started harvesting your bone marrow, you thought for sure that this was it. This was the end.

It wasn't.

And then the world caught fire yet again. You stayed behind with Clarke to make sure that your family could make it safely to space. You watched the spaceship leave the atmosphere, and you knew they would be okay.

He would be okay.

Soon after, you lay dying from radiation, Clarke beside me. And you were okay. You were ready to die. As your eyes closed, you remember whispering one thing:

"May we meet again."

° • . ♚ . • °

"It's been six years, (Y/N)," Clarke whispers. You lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I know, Clarke. You don't have to tell me," you reply quietly so you don't wake Madi or Benjamin. "But I know they'll come back. They have to." Clarke sighs and rolls over to face you. You roll over as well, carefully shifting Ben in your arms.

"I have no doubt they'll make it back down. I just don't know when. What if it's another six years?"

"Then it's another six years." Clarke's lips quirk into a tiny smile.

"Ever the realist," she teases. You roll your eyes but end up smiling as well. Clarke looks as if she's about to speak again but a gunshot echoes through the woods. You sit up quickly, immediately on high alert. Clarke does the same, your actions waking the kids. Ben rubs his eyes, looking around drowsily. Madi looks wide eyed at Clarke.

"What's going on?" Clarke holds a finger to her lips, signaling them to be quiet. You hold Ben close to you as Clarke slides out of bed.

"Stay here," Clarke orders you. You open your mouth to protest, but she glares at you. She grabs her gun and turns toward the door.

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