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word count: 705

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˚*❋ ❋*˚

You look at Lincoln, rolling your eyes as he fixes his guard jacket.

"Laik yu Skaikru o Trikru?" He sighs.

"I'm both, (Y/N)." You scoff.

"You can't be," you reply in English. Despite staying true to Trikru, Lincoln thought it best to pick up some English to communicate with the Sky People.

"I can, and so can you." You finish your braid, groaning at the sloppiness. He stands behind you and starts redoing your braid.

"Ai laik nou a natrona," you grumble. He stops braiding for a second, turning you toward him.

"Do you think I'm a traitor?" You shake your head carefully as not to mess up the half-finished braid.

"No, Linc, I think you are lost. You wish to fit in, to make peace. But we can make peace without becoming one of them. Osir ste teina, ai hodnes."

We stay together, my love.

You've said that to each other since you were teenagers, even when Lincoln broke off from Trikru to save Oktevia kom Skaikru.  He kisses your hands, smiling.

"Osir ste teina, ai hodnes," he confirms. He turns you around, finishing your braid quickly. Some of the guards look at you and you smirk at Lincoln. He shakes his head, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Chon ste emo?" He looks at them before looking back at you.

"Miller en Monroe," he answers. Their interest piques and they try to subtly listen in but fail.

"Emo laik gonakru?"

"Sha," he confirms in Trigedasleng.

"Ah, kewl?" He chuckles, shaking his head.

"Emo laik yuj." Bellamy walks by, looking from Monroe and Miller to you and Lincoln. He walks over to you.

"What's going on? Are you freaking out the guards again?" You glare at him.

"Ai dula op nou bilaik disha Belomi hef." Bellamy's head whips to you, recognizing only his name. Lincoln tries to hold back his smirk, knowing what game you're playing.

"Em ste nou fou," Lincoln assures you. You shrug.

"Listen, you having private conversations in your triglawhatever isn't helping your case," Bellamy warns. You cross your arms.

"Em ste sei," you pout.

"What did she say?" Bellamy demands.

"She said you're mean," Lincoln translates. Bellamy's eyes narrow.

"I'm only speaking the truth." You look to Lincoln, pretending to be confused.

"Taim na yu hod op?" Lincoln asks, exasperated. You chuckle.

"Taim emo bants." He rolls his eyes. Other people glare at you and Lincoln for speaking your language and you slap on your warrior's face to freak them out. They look away quickly, scared you'll kill them— which you might.

"You need to keep your Grounder girlfriend in check before someone puts a bullet in her head," Bellamy hisses. Lincoln's hands clench.

"Is that a threat?" Bellamy discreetly swallows as Octavia walks up.

"Leave them alone, Bellamy. They aren't doing anything to you." She looks at you, mischief in her eyes. "Yu kei?" You smile at her concern.

"Ai laik ku," you assure.

"Octavia," Bellamy warns. She slams her hands on her hips and stares him down.

"Screw off, Bellamy."

"Em ste Pike's micha," you mumble to Octavia. She snickers and nods in agreement.

"What did she say?" You smirk, letting Octavia know it's okay to say.

"She said you're Pike's bitch." His jaw clenches.

"Keep your girlfriend in check, Lincoln," Bellamy growls.

"Wife." He looks at you, his eyes widening in surprise.


"I'm his wife," you state like you didn't just blow his mind.

"You speak English?"

"That is the language you understand, yes?" He gets over his shock, his eyes turning suspicious.

"How many of you can speak English?" You open your mouth to give a snappy response, but Lincoln beats you to it.

"Enough for you to learn to watch what you say." You slip your hand into his and smile sarcastically. Bellamy huffs, storming away like a toddler. Octavia chuckles, looking at the two of you.

"You two are perfect."

"You know it," you wink. She walks away toward Indra who is helping herself to a drink.

"Osir ste teina, ai hodnes."

˚*❋ ❋*˚

It's all golden

Every moment

Flowing rivers

It's all romance

— Summerland by half•alive —

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