Love On The Brain

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word count: 1,121

word count: 1,121

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You sit beside Lexa at dinner, smiling as she interlaces her fingers with yours under the table.

"Heda, if I may, why must we have a Skaikru here?" Uzac, the ambassador of Yujleda asks. Lexa's soft eyes turn hard as she glares at him.

"Because they are the thirteenth clan of the coalition, and (Y/N) is their leader." That's a lie, seeing how Clarke and Bellamy are, but you guess you'll take it.

"My apologies, Heda," Uzac relents. You bounce your leg nervously, worried that your presence is causing unnecessary tension amongst the ambassadors. The dinner meeting has been going on for about forty minutes before Lexa brings it to a close. The ambassadors stand up, bowing to Lexa, before taking their leave. You stand when Lexa does, bowing as well. Her lips twitch into an almost smile at your attempt of being formal.

"(Y/N) kom Skaikru," a voice calls. You turn around and are met with Uzac holding out a bottle of what looks to be old wine. "I apologize for questioning your place earlier. Please, accept this gift." You smile and take it, inclining your head in thanks.

"Thank you. No need to apologize. I understand the change is probably hard to grasp. The addition of a thirteenth clan and all. All is forgiven." Uzac stands there awkwardly, looking like he wants to say something. Instead he gives a hesitant smile.

"Until next time." He walks out of the room, leaving you, Lexa, and some guards.

"Wanna share some wine to ease the tension?" you grin, waving the bottle in Lexa's direction. A beautiful smile graces her lips and she nods.

"Sounds great." She grabs two gauntlets and pours a fair amount in yours. You don't wait, taking a big gulp as she pours hers. She raises her cup and you do the same.

"To a tense dinner," you laugh. She chuckles. Your humor fades when you notice your hand shaking.

"Are you okay?" she asks. You nod, confused yourself.

"Yeah. Maybe it's my nerves?" As the words leave your lips, you lose all strength and drop the cup, the wine seeping into the floor. Your legs crumble beneath you and you fall to the ground. Lexa drops her cup, rushing to your side.

"(Y/N)?" She grabs your face with her hands as your vision goes blurry. "Look at me," she orders. You try to focus on her, but you can't. "Get the healer!" Lexa shouts at the guards. The last thing you see before your world goes dark is a lone tear falling from Lexa's eye.

┅ ⑅ ┅

You open your eyes, annoyed at the light shining through the window that woke you up.

Why the hell do I have a pounding headache? I couldn't have drank that much.

You groan, shifting in the bed.

Okay, what? How did I get here?

"Oh, thank God, you're awake," Lexa says, sitting by your hip. You rub your eyes and look around.

"What the hell happened?" you ask, taking in her relieved expression. "Did I faint? Oh God, did I embarrass myself?" Lexa shakes her head, moving your hair out of your eyes.

"No, you were poisoned." You think back to the dinner and the memories come back.

"Oh." Lexa sighs.

"Yeah, oh. How are you feeling?" You close your eyes, focusing on the feeling of Lexa's delicate touch on your cheek.

"I have a headache, but I'm alive. How long was I out?"

"A day or so. I made sure no one disturbed you." You sit up slowly but Lexa pushes you back down. "No, you need to rest."

"You didn't wait here the whole time did you?" She stays silent and you groan. She knows how you feel about the fact that she'll drop her duties for you. It's sweet and romantic, but she can't do that. It harms the relationships and trust of the other clans. "Lexa."

"You were poisoned. I wasn't about to leave your side," she argues.

"Yes, but you can't just drop everything for me. It'll leave a bad taste in the other clans' mouths."

"I don't care what they think," she replies calmly.

"It was Uzac's peace offering, wasn't it?" Her jaw clenches and your heart speeds up. God, her jaw is something that never fails to get you going.


"Not so peaceful, huh?" you snicker.

"I will have him executed for his crimes."

"It'll drive a wedge between you and Yujleda."

"He committed an act of treason and will be dealt with accordingly," she deadpans.

"Lexa, I love you, but you can't." You both freeze at your words.

It's the first time either one of you has said it.

I love you.

For a brief moment you're afraid she'll leave. Lexa thinks love is weakness. Despite her devotion to you and you to her, you still fear she thinks that love isn't something she should have as Heda.

Lexa senses your runaway mind and brings you back with a small but sweet kiss on your lips.

"I love you, too." You smile, pulling her back for another kiss. She doesn't object, smiling softly against your lips. She lays her forehead on yours, breathing heavily.

"For the record, my headache is gone," you whisper. She lets out a breathless laugh.

"Good." Your legs start to get reckless, ruining the moment. You gently unravel yourself from Lexa and sit up. She goes to push you back down, but you stand before she can. "You can't move, (Y/N)."

"I can and I am."

"Are you aware of how irrational you're being?"

"I just wanna stretch my legs, Lexa," you complain.

"(Y/N), you need to rest. You were poisoned. You cannot just get up and run around like you weren't!" You smile endearingly at her concern.

"It's okay, Lexa. I promise I'm okay. I feel like I could take on a whole army by myself."

"You may feel like you could, but physically you can't." You chuckle.

"It's just a saying, Lexa. If you won't let me get up, will you at least lay with me?" Lexa's lips twitch into a small smile and climbs into bed with you. You snuggle into her side as she pulls the blanket up and over you. You listen to the steady rhythm of her heart, letting your eyes close.

"I love you, (Y/N)." You smile, moving impossibly closer to her. She welcomes it, wrapping her arms around you tightly.

"I love you, too, Lexa."

┅ ⑅ ┅

But you'll never be alone

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

Dusk Till Dawn by ZAYN (feat. Sia)

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