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word count: 801

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° • .  ♚  . • °

"Please! Please! I'll do whatever you want," you cry, struggling against the Grounder holding me back. The Grounder holding a blade to Bellamy's neck smiles at you, her eyes blood red.

"(Y/N)," Bellamy whispers. You look at him, tears streaming down his face. "I love you."

"I love you, too. I love you," you sob. She slides the blade across his neck and you watch in horror as he falls to the ground, choking on his own blood. You scream, thrashing around until the Grounder lets you go. You crawl to Bellamy, ignoring the blood caking your hands and knees. You move his hair out of his face and try to wake him up.

"You killed him," Octavia whispers. "He's dead and it's your fault."

"I didn't kill him! Bellamy!"

"(Y/N)," he whispers. You look down to see he's not in your arms. "(Y/N), wake up."

° • . ♚ . • °

You sit upright in bed, your breathing rough and irregular. Bellamy sits up with you, holding you still. Your wild eyes meet his worried ones.

He's alive.

Your chin trembles and you break down. Without hesitation, he pulls you close to him. He lays back down with you still in his arms, practically on top of him. He rubs your back soothingly with one hand while the other plays with your hair. You even out your breathing and he kisses the top of your head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, his voice making his chest vibrate. You shake your head and listen to his heartbeat, reveling in its healthy rhythm. "It's not good to keep this in, (Y/N). Remember what Clarke said."

"Clarke isn't a psychologist." He sighs.

"No, but she does have a little bit of background on it." You snuggle closer to him, which is already basically impossible.

"I had a dream that you died. Right in front of me," you whisper. His arms tighten around you.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Not until you tell me to." You move your head to look at him.

"Please, don't ever leave me, Bell." He kisses the tip of your nose.

"Never." You smile as he wipes the remaining tears from your eyes. You look at the freckles littering his face and start counting. He lies still, looking into your eyes softly while you calm yourself down.

Every time one of you has a nightmare, you have a routine. You calm the other down and then you do your designated activity. He likes to find every golden fleck in your eyes while you count his freckles.

"Hey, Bell?"


"Why do you focus on the gold in my eyes?" He shifts a little bit but makes sure you're still on top of him.

"Your eyes remind me of the first sunrise I saw on Earth." You smile, averting your gaze from his freckles to his eyes.

"Really?" He nods.

"Really. If I had to choose between seeing a million sunrises for the rest of my life and looking at your eyes for five minutes, I'd choose your eyes." You giggle.

"You're so cheesy." He chuckles.

"Yeah, but only for you." He kisses your nose again. You return your focus to his freckles, trying to pick up where you left off. "Why do you count my freckles?"

"You have constellations in your face. Everyone can see Cassiopeia or Cepheusm, but only I can see the constellations on your face." You use your finger to connect random freckles together, creating your own constellations. "Your freckles are a piece of the stars we left behind when we were sent down here to die. It's a piece that only I get to see every day. Reminding myself that I get to see it and that no one else does comfort me. I don't know if it makes sense," you admit. You look back at Bellamy's eyes and almost cry at the amount of softness and love present in them.

"You're an amazing person, (Y/N)." You blush, hiding your face in his neck. He pulls you as close as he can to him, both of you agreeing that close isn't close enough. "I love you."

"I love you," you whisper, kissing his neck. He shivers, pulling the blanket over you.

"Try and sleep, okay?" You nod into his neck.

"You, too." He plays with the ends of your hair and your close your eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of stars.

° • . ♚ . • °

You sprinkle stardust on my pillowcase

It's like a moonbeam brushed across my face

Nights are good and that's the way it should be

— Bright by Echosmith —

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