Written Journey j.j/m.g

129 1 0

word count: 3,095

Long Into An Abyss (2x07)

Remember Me (2x09)

Resurrection (2x13)

Bodyguard Of Lies (2x14)

Blood Must Have Blood Part 1 & 2 (2x15 & 2x16)

 Blood Must Have Blood Part 1 & 2 (2x15 & 2x16)

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You shift in bed to cuddle into Jasper, only to find he's not there. You open your eyes and see him slipping on shoes.

"Where are you going?" you ask groggily. He turns around, looking surprised to see you awake.

"Just to the bathroom. Go back to sleep." You nod, smiling softly when he kisses your forehead. You snuggle back into the bed and fall asleep.


You finish getting dressed and grab your notebook. Ever since you learned what's going on here, you've been writing journal entries for Bellamy and Octavia in case something happens.


October 22nd, 2149
Time: 8:30am

Ever since Jasper met Maya, things have been weird. He gets up really early in the morning and disappears for an hour or so before crawling back into bed with me.

I don't think he's cheating. He's not that type. We've been through so much that I know he wouldn't.

Though, deep down, I feel like something is going on.

In other news, Harper's been missing for almost two days. I think she was taken to be drained, too. I just hope Clarke escaped and her "running away" wasn't a cover up of her murder.

I don't like it here. As much as I hate to say it, I wanna go back to camp.

I miss you. I have no doubt that you'll come for us.

I love you both.


You close the notebook and slide it under your pillow. You smooth out your clothes and head down to the dinning hall for breakfast.

"Morning Jasp," you chirp, kissing his cheek as you sit down. He smiles, handing you a plate with scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. "Thank you." Monty slides into the seat across from you and Jasper.

"We need to get a move on with the plan," he says in a hushed tone. You nod in agreement.


"I'm not sure. We'll talk about it tonight. Have you seen Harper yet?" Monty asks. You shake your head. Maya walks in and sits across from Jasper. Jasper beams, watching her every move.

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