Niggling doubts

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The top photo is Maury. The bottom photo is Shep. Figured you needed to see what they look like.


When you have doubts niggling you, you need to listen. You have those for a reason. I had doubts about Maury's new assistant. Maury assured me I was reading too much in it. He would never betray me.

I wanted to believe Maury. But doubts niggled at me, especially when Maury started coming home late. When I questioned him, he said he had piles of legal work. I left it alone. I shouldn't have.

From time to time, I would surprise Maury at his office for lunch. Maury told me he couldn't have lunch. Case work buried him. I left it alone. I shouldn't have.

Maury had to meet clients for dinner. I questioned him about it. He explained he needed to tie up loose ends on cases. I left it alone. I shouldn't have.

The day of our anniversary, I stopped at the jewelry store to buy a ring. I planned to surprise Maury and propose. With the ring snug in my pocket, I headed to Heart's Grocers, waved to Amber, and gathered everything for dinner. A nice romantic dinner and marriage proposal should work.

Maury wasn't leaving the office until after six so it gave me plenty of time. Once I collected my bags, I loaded my truck and drove home. I spotted Maury's car in the driveway. I thought he had to work until six.

I grabbed the bags from the truck, let myself in, and stopped when I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I crept toward it as the sounds got louder until I came to a dead stop.

Maury had his head flung back. His assistant was on his knees with Maury's dick in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. My jaw clinched as Maury's moans echoed through the kitchen.

"Oh, God!" Maury yelled.

"Oh, don't stop on my account now," I said.

Maury's head snapped forward as his eyes became wild. "Shep! Get off me!" He pushed his assistant away and tucked himself into his slacks. "I can explain."

"No need. A picture is worth a thousand words. Right there." I nodded to his assistant with Maury's juices dribbling on his mouth. "That's all the explanation I needed." I dropped the sacks as items broke and stormed out.

Maury ran after me. "Please, Shep! I can explain!"

I whirled on Maury. "You got pissed when I didn't introduced you to my brothers as my boyfriend! I busted my ass to earn your forgiveness! But I never cheated on you! Not once!"

"It only happened tonight. I swear."

I threw my head back and laughed before a frown replaced it. "I doubt that." With that, I climbed into my truck and got the hell away from Maury and his lies.


After Amber's situation, I spent months working on cases of bribery and other illegal activities. My work became so overwhelming that I hired my assistant, Will.

When I told Shep about hiring Will as my assistant, he had his doubts. I reassured Shep he had nothing to worry about. Most guys don't find me attractive. My formative years proved that.

Will was a godsend, helping me get through the different cases. There were times we had to work late. Shep questioned me. I reassured him about the workload.

When Shep surprised me for lunch, I had to decline. I would have loved to had lunch with Shep. But I had so much work.

Then, Will set up dinner meetings with clients. I preferred to have meetings in my office. I already missed dinner with Shep because of the late nights. Now I was missing more because of these meetings.

When our anniversary arrived, I promised Shep I would leave the office by six. While working, I realized I needed files I had left at home. Will offered to go with me to get them. I should have went alone. But being a stupid man, I agreed.

I grabbed the files from my office and found Will in the kitchen. "What are you doing in here?"

"I thought we could have a cup of coffee since you didn't drink one today."

"We need to get back to the office." I clenched the files in my hand.

"What's the rush, Maury? You need to relax." Will stood before me as heat rushed downward.

I won't say Will is an unattractive man. He was the complete opposite. But he wasn't Shep.

"Come on, Maury. When's the last time someone took care of your needs?"

My mind wandered. When was the last time Shep and I had sex? I know it's been a while. It hasn't been that long, has it?

As questions flooded my mind, Will placed his hand on my dick. I groaned at the touch. My dick became rock hard, straining against my pants.

Will leaned into my ear. "I can make you feel so good, Maury. It'll only be a one time thing."

I couldn't even think with Will's hand on my crotch. I don't remember much after that. I heard a zipper while leaning against the table. I felt a touch and a hot, wet mouth engulf my dick. My head fell back as pleasure ripped through me. I couldn't stop moaning or shouting, "Oh, God!"

Do I remember every detail that led to Will giving me a blow job? No. Do I remember the look in Shep's eyes when I snapped out of my lust induced haze? Every single regretful minute.

I shoved Will away and tucked my dick into my pants before running after Shep. I begged Shep to listen. He whirled on me as fire brimmed in his eyes. He was hopping mad. I don't blame him.

There's no excuse for what I had done. None whatsoever.

After exchanging words, I watched my heart drive away. Will came outside.

"I want you to leave."


"No. I want you to leave. Don't bother showing up to the office. You no longer have a job," I bit out before heading inside and closing the door. I had to figure out how to fix my massive fuck up.


I wiped the tears away, trying to see the road. I stopped at a gas station, grabbed a case of beer, and headed to Grove Corner. All the kids came here to drink and let loose. I was coming here to forget about my problems.

I lowered the tailgate, hopped on, cracked open a beer, and raised it to the sky. "Here's to love screwing you! Let's party! Yeehaw!" I guzzled that beer before cracking another one.

If I had to get stupid drunk, I would. Anything was better than this sharp pain in my chest. I polished off the second beer and cracked open the third.

A truck pulled up and stopped next to mine. Waylon and Beau got out and strolled over to me.

"Hey, brothers! Care to join me?" I raised my can to them.

"How many have you had so far?" Waylon asked.

"Hang on." I held up my finger and chugged the beer before opening another one. "Not enough to forget my life imploding. So, I need a little more." I belched and drank.

Waylon and Beau watched me.

"How did you find me?" I looked at the ground with the beer snugged in my hand.

"Maury called me and told me what happened," Waylon said.

I let out a bitter chuckle. "Of course he did. Chickenshit."

"Did you really want to see Maury in your state?" Beau asked.

I looked at Beau and scowled. "I want to slam my fist into that cheating prick's mouth."

"That's why we came and not Maury."

"It's funny. That prick berated me for not telling you all the truth. Yet, I come home to find his dick in his assistant's mouth. Ain't that a bitch?" I shook my head and drank my beer.

My brothers didn't say anything but joined me. I don't know if they drank. I don't really care. I wanted to forget I ever met Maury Fisher.

But how do you forget when your heart won't let you?

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