"W-who are...you?"

I think the question is; Who are you? But we'll have to postpone that conversation for another  time. You have to leave me now. She looked at me with a sort of longing. As if we were old friends and she was longing to catch up, to convey the intricate details that had gone amiss in our lives. 

Goodbye Angelina

"Owww! If you shove that pin any farther into my scalp its going to go right threw my skull!" I hissed, resisting the urge to rub the irritated skin. 

I was slightly annoyed that the girl who was stabbing pins into my hair had jolted me from my stupor. I was doing my best to hold tight to the dream-- to not forget it. It seemed vital...to my life. Silly, because it was just a dream. Except there was a part of me that believed it was real. The woman in my dream was real and I didn't think she was going to disappear.

"I'm sorry miss," the girl grunted as she stabbed another pin in. 

I had been sitting in this same seat for the five hours. My butt was all kinds of achy my back was sore,  legs had gone numb long ago. I wasn't even sure if there were getting any blood flow. Five hours. If I so much as moved the women around me would yank me back down in the seat and scorn me for wasting precious time. 

It was official, I hated this room. I'd have to ask Zyker to burn it after I escaped.

"Are we almost done?" I didn't exactly want to take on the winy teenager temperament but I had. Usually when I grew fed up with something I annoyed my way out of it. For instance; when I went grocery shopping with my mom. A task that I absolutely despised because my mother never knew what she wanted when walking into a store. She'd walk around aimlessly picking stuff up and inspecting it. But she'd never purchase anything! She'd drag me through store after store repeating the same routine. I hated it, especially because my feet would be on fire afterwards. I didn't understand how a person could spend hours on end going shopping without purchasing anything. It drove me nuts. I whine, and stomp around until got the hint and took us home.  Ever since then I'd make sure I knew exactly what I wanted before going to the store. That way I'd be in and out...well, unless the lines were long. 

Right now, the only thing I could do was swat and squirm away from my captives. 

"Hold, still Angelina!" Etney  huffed as she attempted to put yet another color of lip gloss on. "If you don't cooperate I will call the master! You are ruining Amber's work on your hair." She had tried on of fifty different shades of lipstick! And Amber had put in thousands of pen. How the hell was I going to get them out later? I probably grow tired of searching for the damn things and just shave my head. Huh,I wasn't opposed to the idea at all. And did she really just call my future fiance from hell master?

"Master," I scoffed. "He makes you call him master?" The word 'master' was something that should only be used in some filthy porn video. Something to never be used unless your reading a pamphlet on HOW TO BUILD A BOND WITH YOUR PET PUDDLE. If he was making his employees call him master than they were nothing but pets to him. And that pissed me off. This was the twenty first century!

The master was definitely going to hear from me.

 Etney attempted to hold me down while the girl- Amber shoved another pin into place."Don't make assumptions Miss, he is a very respectful man. The master treats us well, he is a caring leader."

Leader? Hah! 

Leader to what?  "What are you guys? Like a cult."

"No. Now hold still and let me finish. --That's it! Kelsi go find Master Zyker. Tell him that the girl does not wish to comply."

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