Chapter 36: Political dispute

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They drive toward the testing facility with aircraft flying around it.

"Talking about the test, what do you think of that new suit?"

"Oh, you mean that flight suit? I don't know honestly but I think it will make the mage more useful than before"

"Now that you said it, mage is kind of out of the ground now. Those researcher is trying to make mage more useful than before by having them fly in air"

"Seriously? Mage and air support? Those two words don't come together often.."

Mage, an essential role for military and public service since ancient time to the age of discovery. Every major nation will have mage in their military as they prove to be effective against almost anything that was atleast until Mu invent gun, and aircraft. Those machine can be made at anytime but mage cannot be made manually, mother nature will be the one that choose who will be a mage.

Mage become obsolete quickly as no nation can compete themselves on 'producing' mages. They start to disband them from military at the start of modern era and aircraft start taking over, Wyverns goes down the drain and mage reduced to a simple scholar and as a support role.

However researcher of Holy Milishial realized that they could make mage useful again by making them fly. This seem like an absurd idea at first, yet they somehow manage to make it work by developing a flight suit which propelled with energy from the user to make it fly. The suit can go up to the speed of 370 kph and with them being a size of a person make it impossible for anti air weapon to hit them.

Though come with down side, the mage will get exhausted quickly by draining too much of their energy on the flight suit, especially if they are not an expert. Plus they can't outmaneuvered a discharge engine fighters and the fact that they are extremely fragile just one shells from light-magic cannon could easily kill them with ease. What the mage are armed with is a weird choice, it a specialized and modified version of R-7 Semi-auto rifle. It understandable that R-12 wouldn't fit since it unnervingly uncomfortable to hold and aim with it, plus the accuracy couldn't compete with rifle.

This modified version have one thing other weapon don't have, it is that the gun can use a spells unlike other weapon that spells need to be used seperately. This one is very important since it significantly improve firepower of this upcoming branch of unit, no one couldn't imagine an explosive spells being used with a weapon like this, how devastating it would be.

Location: Jin-hark, Federal Republic of Louria, Rodenius
5th September, 1632, 8:00 AM

A big riot is happening in the street of Jin-hark, the populaces swarmed American commercial company. Nation defense army try it best to contain the situation without using any lethal forces.

"Off the street! St.Kiono is overrun! We need reinforcement!"

A distressed signal come from a radio, anti-American movement has take it turn to stand and rebels against their new governor. Many personnels was attacked by the protesters, the riot then turn into rebellion. The civilians take up arms and turn their sword against America.

Qua-Toynian troops intervene in the rebellion. American troops is waiting for the situation to cool down and not wanting to escalate by joining in. Mass arrests happened in Jin-hark that days with over 8,000 detained, no one was killed fortunately.

"It pretty chaotic around here.." Lumies remarked.

"Some people don't like this new regime and try to get old Kingdom of Louria back. There's nothing we can do about it" Lourian officer replies.

"What is that?" Lumies deviated her attention somewhere else.

"Miss, don't play around with our equipment-"

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