19: Movies

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Authors note: I am so sorry this has taken so long to update! I have been so busy and if you know Said & Done is a book I update when I feel like it, and for a little I just needed to distance myself for a bit which is silly, but I am hoping to get more into it now! I also wanted to say a huge thank you for 4k reads on this, it truly blows my mind that you are taking the time to read my work and I appreciate you all so-so much!

~Beth's POV:~

"Do you think she will forgive me?" two weeks of this, two weeks of nonstop pestering questions from Dustin wondering if Imogen would forgive him for not telling her about their mother being placed in a home.

"Dustin, she needs time we have been over this" I groaned folding up the laundry I had just washed, I was going to be filming some videos today and I liked sorting my outfits before the videos that way it made it easier for me.

"But Beth, she hasn't even said one word to me, she acts as if I am not even there!" he exclaimed as he placed his hands out to the sides of him.

Looking at Dustin as I held the clothing in my hand. He ran a hand through his hair stressed, as much as I wanted to bite back at him for pestering me I knew it wasn't the time and what good would it be if both Henderson's were upset? "Dustin she will come around, Billy isn't something she can just move past he is like a disease, and it takes time to get rid of, and the fact she had to find out about your mother through Billy isn't easy—you know her trust is hard to get back but she will trust you again, just with time" I reminded him for what felt like the millionth time.

Looking up as Noah stepped up beside Dustin, he brushed his hair out of his face as he wore shorts and a loose shirt, I couldn't help but gulp knowing about the muscles that were under that shirt—the guys have taken a liking to working out in my back yard or in the basement since Dustin currently isn't able to go into his sister's home, and I have seen all three of them shirtless but it was Noah I felt greedy when looking at, the way the sweat would coat his tattooed skin, or how his chest would rise and fall with every breath.
Shaking my head, I looked up at him as he had a brow arched as his eyes focused on what was in my hand. Looking down at the clothing I held, I gasped face turning red when I saw it was a black lace lingerie set I held.
Imogen had gotten me it as a joke the other day, and I forgot I had washed it. "You ugh, going to meet someone special tonight?" he cleared his throat eyeing the lingerie.

Eyes widening, I shook my head frantically, "no! I mean, no. . . I am not meeting anyone tonight" it felt weird having to say that out loud, not like it was any of his business, but I wasn't lying, I wasn't seeing anyone tonight and even if I were I wouldn't be shedding my clothing for them.

"Oh, cool. . . Well, do you want to go see a movie with me tonight? Your theatre is playing some reruns of scary movies" he said scratching his arm.

Mouth hanging open slightly, I looked most likely like a fish out of water. Dustin smirked as he exited the scene before he would see me make a fool of myself. "I would love that; I mean it would be fun for us to hangout." My voice couldn't remain stable as my heart raced.

"I'd love it too; I can tag along!" Dustin said entering the scene once more.

Noah glanced at Dustin sidelong. "Ugh yeah, that sounds fun" Noah smiled but I could see the hint of sadness on his face, "where is Spencer?" he was trying to pawn Dustin off to Spencer.

"Him and Imogen went out for the day, they were meeting with Ricky" Dustin took a gulp of his drink, "we should let her get her videos done, movies tonight won't work if we can't get her out of here on time" he chuckled as he once more exited the scene.

Looking at me, Noah smirked once more seeing the lingerie that was still in my hand. Closing the room door behind him, I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips as I tossed the lingerie onto the bed and grabbed my phone opening my texts messages.

Beth: Noah just asked me to go to the movies with him tonight to see a horror movie. Oh, and your brother invited himself along!

Imogen: Uninvite Dustin then? Have fun!

She was busy which is why I got the vague text messages; she would do that if she was busy. Groaning at the thought of trying to ask Dustin to stay here had guilt swirling inside of me, I wouldn't want to be alone either—he could come, and I would deal with it.

Wishing the day went smoothly, it was fair to say it didn't—my camera's memory card messed up and the videos I had filmed were trashed, so I had to do a quick tik-tok style video which I didn't want to do, spending the better half of my day trying to fix the memory card I groaned putting my head in my hands ready to admit defeat. "That good of a day?" Noah asked stepping into my house, he was still staying with Imogen but would come hangout here with myself and Dustin.

My eyes had tears in them from being frustrated but I didn't want him to see that, nodding my head I blinked away the tears that threatened to spill. "That good, my memory card corrupted so I lost hours of footage, and the videos I did manage to get out I hate" he placed his hand on my back rubbing soothing circles on it.

"Are we ready for the movies?" looking I saw Dustin ready, he wore sweats and a hoodie. The movies, shit I had forgotten! Looking at Noah I saw he wore jeans and a black shirt that suited him well, it showed his muscles off nicely. "Beth, we should be going soon—movie starts in half hour" they had decided the movie for us tonight since I was working and told them I didn't mind what we saw.

"Right, let me get changed quickly" going to my room I closed the door. What would be good to wear tonight?
Digging through my clothes, I decided on a crew-neck shirt and leggings, both hid my scars well and the crew neck would keep me warm but not too warm. Tying my blonde hair into a messy bun on top of my head, I let two strands hang down on either side as I touched up my makeup surrounding my blue eyes. This would have to do, opening the door I made my way back to the men who stood at the front door waiting for me. Both of their eyes widening slightly at the sight of me, "what?" I asked shyly.

Noah spoke first, earning a look from Dustin. "You look great" he said softly.

Noah drove us to the movie theatre, all I knew was this was a horror movie we were seeing and even thought I seen hundreds of them because of Imogen, it didn't mean I wasn't still nervous for it especially since horror movies did contain triggers for me and there was already once I had to leave halfway through the movie we all tried watching as a group.
Getting to our seats, we sat near the back—the guys sat on either side of me while I was in between them. I had grabbed a small drink for myself not really feeling up to much, Noah had grabbed a popcorn saying he would share it with me.

The movie began and I could feel my heart starting to race. Both guys on either side of me seemed so focused on the movie, which I loved but same time also hated because it meant I was trapped here even if something were to trigger me, the only person who knew of them were Imogen, and suppose Spencer since he saw my scars.
The jump scare in the movie had me yelping and clinging to something on my right, my eyes narrowed, and I saw my hand in Noah's squeezing his hand. Going to snatch my hand away, Noah closed his hand around mine holding it as he leaned into my ear "it's okay, if you're scared hold my hand I don't mind" my eyes looked as my hand looked so small compared to his, but the warmth of his hand in mine settled me down enough as I looked at him, his brown eyes dipped down to my lips before meeting my gaze once more.

Watching the rest of the movie was a chore, all I could think about was Noah's hand in mine as he held it through the rest of the movie, looking to my left I saw Dustin's hand ready as if he thought I would grab his hand to hold like I did Noah's. Once the movie finished, the lights to the theatre turned back on and Dustin got up stretching, "I am going to use the bathroom I will meet you guys at the car" he said following the small crowd of people down the aisle.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Noah asked, pulling my thought back to him.

Turning to face him, I didn't realize we were still holding hands. "Oh, yeah it was good. . . Horror movies I am weak with, I am a wimp even if you think I would be immune because of Imogen" trying to chuckle off my embarrassment only brought on more.

"That's okay you can hold my hand whenever you're scared" winked Noah as he stood from his seat, blushing I looked away as my face was level with his waist, "come on, let's get you home and properly fed since you haven't eaten anything today besides breakfast and popcorn that I had to basically force feed you" he wouldn't settle for no when I had shaken my head to the offer of popcorn.

We met Dustin at the car, and on the drive back we listened to Dustin explain how he thought the movie was lame in a sense, how the kills were tacky, but he had fun being out with him, which I suppose was a good thing.
Dustin retired for the night when we got back to my place, Noah leading me over to Imogen's as he opened the fridge and pulled out some stuff, he made me—sorry, us, grilled cheeses and my heart wanted to explode at the gesture. "Maybe next time we can go see the movies just as you and I" Noah said taking a bite of his sandwich, holding the plate in one hand and the sandwich in the other.

Gulping down my small bite, I shrugged my shoulders. "Dustin needed us, he is having a hard time with Imogen not wanting to talk to him."

"He has a crush on you" Noah said flat-out.

"What? No, he is like a brother to me."

"Still doesn't change the fact he has a crush on you" he put the plate on the counter, "I watched how he looked at you tonight, and you didn't see it, even this morning with how he looked at you. . . Does he know your boyfriend?" my stomach dropped at that.

Not knowing what to say, I went to open my mouth when Imogen's front door opened and she had walked in, laughing with Spencer following behind her, her eyes met mine and I swear relief washed over me knowing I didn't need to think about this right now. "How was your day?" I asked changing the topic before Noah could bring it up once more.

Smiling she took the sandwich from my hand as she took a bite, "it was good! I wish you could have come with us; how did videos go?" raising an eyebrow she pulled a face, "that good huh?"

"I have to go get a new memory card tomorrow. My memory card corrupted" she winced knowing of the pain of that, it was a nightmare that we both have been through sadly more then once.

She began telling me of her day, and I would look at Noah who watched me, which his eyes met mine he winked as he smiled placing his plate in the sink and heading towards where he slept in Imogen's house. I watching as he began closing the door, eyes meeting mine he winked once more before the door fully closed between where he was and where I sat.
What was happening. 

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now