10: The surprise guest.

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Authors note: I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who is reading this story and loving it. Thank you for helping me achieve a milestone of 1k reads, it truly baffles me each milestone we accomplish and I couldn't do it without all of you, so thank you. 
Another small note is, please check out anonymousDND 's story 'When Stars Align' if you are unaware she is also writing her own story (she inspired Said & Done) about Imogen and Beth x Noah and Spencer, a story you truly do not want to miss. Another amazing author you don't want to miss is FevMotionless with her story 'I Need A Miracle, I guess' where I had the honor of creating Maxine and helping her bring Maxine to life was truly awe inspiring and such an honor which I will forever cherish. Her story is also Twilight x Bad Omens which is actually so unique and fun to read. Both these authors I consider dear friends and I think if you enjoy my works such as Said & Done, Limit's and Concrete Hearts you are going to LOVE their works as well. Again, thank you all so much for everything the love doesn't go unnoticed. 

~Beth's POV:~

Alarm from my small cursed bedside box blared at me signaling me to get myself up and out of bed. Yawning stretching over the other side of the bed, my palm slammed down on the box—if I didn't need to drive Imogen to the airport, I would most likely still be happily asleep, especially with it being five in the morning, she needed to be in the airport before seven and the drive was about a forty-minute drive from our place.
Sliding out of the warmth of my bed, I rubbed the tiredness from my face, somehow feeling more tired than I was moments ago. I spent most of my night when I got home after texting Noah doom scrolling my comment section, some people loved my videos and some people had very unpleasant words towards me. Not even caring, I tied my long blonde hair in a messy bun on-top of my head as last night's makeup that didn't come off smudged underneath my eyes, of course I was still too tired to even care.
Brushing my teeth and sliding myself into a baggy shirt with a zip-up sweater over top and some grey sweats. I yawned once more seeing myself in the mirror.
Grabbing my phone I sent off a text to Imogen letting her know I would wait in the car for her, we both could drive, and each had a vehicle. We spoke about the odd times we would think of just sharing a car but sometimes we both would be out of town, or she would be out of state and have the car when I needed to do something and other way around. So even if we got Ubers often, we both had our cars just in case.

Locking my door behind me, I pressed remote start on the car as I slid into the driver's seat—I could grab coffee from the airport or on the way back from there, it was going to be well needed this morning. Seeing Imogen haul a suitcase out, my brows rose when I watched Spencer walk out behind her, his hair still messy as if he himself had just woken up similar to I had. Tossing her bag in the trunk, Spencer crawled into the backseat murmuring his good morning to me and myself back to him. Imogen looked like she was ready for the day—she wore leggings, a black horror tee-shirt as well as a zip-up hoodie. Her makeup was done casually as well as her hair fluffed out. "Morning Beth!" she said as she scooted into the passenger seat, making sure she had her passport and IDs with her.

"Morning, so. . . Am I needing to stop at the hotel for you?" I turned to looked at Spencer who scrolled his phone.

"No, no Patrick said he grabbed my stuff for me, so I am good to go, and I have my passport on me" he showed his passport that rested on the inside pocket of his jacket.

Nodding my head I began the drive to the airport—my music mainly playing Bad Omens which no one seemed to mind as the drive was comfortable. "So, you spent the night?" I questioned finally deciding we all had waited long enough.

"Oh, yeah he did—he crashed in the guest bed, and I had to wake him up this morning. . . Not the best morning person, but I suppose it wasn't as bad as you" joked Imogen earning a chuckle from me.

"Well, I suppose that is fine then" I smiled.
After a long drive but thankfully not a lot of traffic thanks to the morning being so early—I pulled up to the airport drop off where the rest of Ice Nine Kills and their group were getting dropped off as well. Hugging Imogen as Spencer excited the car, I looked at her feeling so proud of her. She was thriving and living her dreams. "You don't get into any trouble, you hear me?" I warned her as I looked at my best friend.

"Oh please, trouble is my middle name. Don't do anything reckless while I'm gone" she poked back at me.

I could sense she was worried I would fall into a relapse since it was still something I struggled with—even being told it might be something I struggle with for the rest of my life. Smirking softly, I shrugged my shoulders, "reckless is my middle name" my voice had a sense of humor to it.

"No it isn't, it's Kingsley" she poked my arm earning a swat from me. "Okay, I will text you as much as I can, I will be checking in on you and if I am worried about you I will be dropping this tour, do you hear me?" her big sister side was showing as she opened the car door.

"Imogen, go have fun. . . Live a little" I said using her term on herself. "I love you, have fun and I look forward to hearing about it, text me when you get there" I said as she nodded closing the door behind her.

The drive to the coffee shop was the highlight for me, ordering myself an iced coffee to hopefully fuel me enough until I got home and could make myself something stronger, but as well as making sure I had food for the morning—I ordered some donut bites as well as a bagel sandwich I could snack on as I edited the video from the Ice Nine Kills show. Accepting my order, I smiled at the worker who looked just as tired as I felt. "Thank you so much, I appreciate you" I said trying to make hopefully the end of their shift a little better.
Pulling off to the side to make-sure my order was all there, I smiled seeing it was, even if the coffee did taste weird I wouldn't ask for a new one—thankfully though, it was great today. Hearing my phone ring through the car speaker, I placed my straw in my coffee as I accepted Imogen's call. "Morning, you are not there or even away for half an hour, and you miss me that much?" I teased my best friend.

Hearing her walk through the airport, I could hear how busy it was. "Ha-ha" she said, "look I forgot I might have left my hair straightener on; can you go over and make sure it is all off and also check on my plant?" she was so proud of the one plant she had managed to keep alive for over a year now.

"Sure, I can do that—now text me when you get there" I smiled before hanging up, Imogen had a comfort with one another we knew when we could hang up on one another and laugh it off and then when if one of us did it, it would be the end of the world.

Pulling back into the driveway, I parked the car gathering my items before heading straight over to Imogen's. I could place my stuff down while I checked on her plant and to make sure her hair straightener was indeed turned off.
Placing my baggie in my mouth as I unlocked her front door, I went to go inside when my eyes widened seeing a tall figure at the end of her hallway sipping on what smelt like coffee, not even thinking my mouth fell open as the baggie I had held moments ago crashed to the ground.

~Imogen's POV:~

"Coffee for the lady" Spencer smiled placing the hot cup in front of me. Something to warm me up as the airport was cooler.

"Thank you, who knew this airport could be so cold? Usually I am melting in here" I said shivering as I held onto my cup of coffee.

"Oh, well here" he said not even hesitating as he took his leather jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders, he seemed to take a step back before a smirk appeared on his face. "Look's better on you, how does it feel?"

I didn't know what to say, he bought me coffee, spent the night at my house—and now I was wearing his leather jacket? Clearing my throat, I nodded my head, "good! It feels warm, thank you. . . So, are you looking forward to the last three shows?" the first one would be tomorrow, and it was three nights in a row from different cities.

Spencer taking a seat beside me crossed one ankle over his knee as his arm slid behind my shoulders on the seats. "Yeah—I mean, I am always excited to meet the fans, plus it's going to be fun seeing you work alongside us" he gestured between us and the rest of the band that sat all scrolling their own devices.

Once it was time for us to head on the short flight, I followed Shev taking my seat next to her as the rest of the band split up finding their own seats. The flight thankfully was smooth, Shev and I chatting about how she enters the stage and how she usually keeps all the masks sorted and how the order of them needed to go so it made it easier for Spencer to transition in-between songs.
Getting off the flight, I sent a silent thanks to whatever higher being since the plane ride was sore, not the best seats but it was a small flight. "Spencer seems to be interested in you" Shev said as we followed the group to the airport baggage claim.

Raising a brow as I watched her look at the group ahead of us, I couldn't help but ask. "Oh? I mean, I suppose it is because of my horror theme?"

Shev chuckled shaking her head before lowering her brows at me, confused as to what I wasn't seeing. "No, I mean he seems interested in you—like, more then a worker, more then a friend maybe" she stopped us as she made sure the guys kept going, "between you and me—Nadia was nice, I can't deny that, but they just didn't click anymore, I hadn't seen Spencer this, I don't know. . ."

"Alive?" I asked.

Nodding her head, she smiled gently. "Yeah, it's nice seeing him like this again, the last few months he's been on autopilot I was getting worried about him, he would go do the show then come off stage and just not be himself. . . You brought him back out of that shell, so don't discredit yourself" she said.

Turning my head, I saw Spencer watching Shev and I as he waited for his bags and the stage equipment. Shev was now a few steps ahead of me as I just made eye contact with Spencer. Had he really changed that much since speaking to me?
Shaking the feeling off, I smiled as Shev turned her head to see if I was following, of course I stepped up to her catching up and listening to her how she rambled about how she would do silly videos with bands and how she was excited to do something along those lines with me.

The drive to the venue took at least an hour but thankfully the hotel we would be staying at was literally down the street so checking in was super easy. Tossing my bag down on the bed I sighed as I pulled out my phone sending a text off to Bethany to let her know I was here—she would be so excited to see anything I post, and judging by how tired she looked when she drove us I wouldn't be surprised if she took a nap, and I didn't hear from her until dinner time.
Knocking at my door pulled me out of my thought as I placed my phone down on the bed making my way to the door, opening it I smiled as Spencer greeted me with a matching one. "Thought you might be up for some sightseeing" he said holding his phone in hand, sunglasses placed over his eyes and his hair was freshly done.

Nodding my head, I took a step back—I could tell by how he stood he was watching my every move, which somehow had me wanting more. "I'd love to let me grab something really quick" going in my bag I pulled out my smaller travel bag as well as my disposable camera I had brought thanks to Beth for the idea. She loved taking photos of these things, so she always had one to two to spare and of course this was a perfect chance to use it. Grabbing my phone I slid it into the small bag as I grabbed my room key from where I had put it, sliding my own pair of sunglasses on my face. "So, where to first?" I asked closing the door behind me, Spencer only inches away from me, so close I could feel his body heat.

"We are going to the gardens!" Shev said from my other side causing me to yelp as I faced her, "he should have said I was here. . . Sorry" she seemed unsure if she was welcomed which she always was, it was a pleasure even being around her.

"No! Come with us, you just scared the shit out of me!" I said placing my hand over my chest—the movement not unnoticed by Spencer.
Together all three of us walked through the city, Shev getting excited when she saw an animal in the small park and climbing a tree I was almost worried she wouldn't be able to get out of if it were not for the help of Spencer who encouraged her to climb down safely. Taking photos of everything I could find, I snapped some of Spencer and Shev smiling at the fact I was really here, on tour with Ice Nine Kills.

Turning my attention to the stream we were passing over, I leaned over to take a look at the flowing water beneath hearing a click go off, I turned to see Spencer holding up his phone as he snapped another photo of me. "You looked nice, you were taking photos of Shev and I, I wanted to make sure you had memories of your own as well" he said looking at the phone in his hand. "You look beautiful in them" the comment had butterflies swirling my stomach as my mouth parted, trying to form words to say to him. Even Billy never done that, it was always me trying to capture the memories and to this day, I regretted it because it was such an unhealthy relationship he and I had.

"You two coming?" Shev hollered from down the path, sipping on a drink she got from the cart not far from where she stood.

"Coming!" I called back, Spencer seemed to raise an eyebrow which had my cheeks burning as I stepped past him. "Come on Charnas, let's go feel alive" I practically purred as I brushed my hand along his stomach as I passed, I could have sworn he shuddered beneath the touch.
Catching up to Shev, I walked in sync with her as I glanced back at Spencer who seemed to gulp at my sight, was he nervous around me?
I couldn't wait to tell Beth all about this.

~Beth's POV:~

Standing in Imogen's house was Noah—he wore the same clothing he had on the night before as he sipped on a cup of coffee that seemed like it was freshly made. My mouth still hung open; Noah seemed amused at it. "Morning" he smiled as he took another sip of his coffee. His eyes slid down my outfit, my sweater hung over my shoulder as he seemed to check me over.

"N-Noah?" I stuttered feeling embarrassed about how I walked into this, his eyes glanced at the small paper bag that now sat on the floor. Cursing silently, I bent down to grab it before straightening myself out.

His eyes watched my movements as if studying me. "Beth. . ." he inclined his cup as a greeting, "you seemed surprised" he seemed amused at my reaction as I stood in Imogen's doorway, "are you going to come in at all?" he gestured to the open door behind me.

Nodding my head I stepped inside hearing Imogen's door click shut behind me. "What. . . Why are you in Imogen's house?" I asked making my way to her kitchen where I placed down my food items I had ordered.

Noah joining me, pouring himself a bit more coffee before taking another sip. "I crashed here last night, Imogen said I could stay here while she was away instead of wasting more money on a hotel as she said, so I took her up on the offer" it wasn't hard to believe—she did have two guest rooms, well one guest room and the basement room she used to film some of her videos in but it had a guest bed in it and the room was nice, despite the horror dolls looking at you while you slept.

"Where did you sleep?" I questioned.

"Spencer and I shared a room, Imogen said she didn't want us to feel disturbed as her collection watched us, which I suppose wasn't too bad" Noah's chuckle sent goosebumps skittering over my arms.

"Well. . . I suppose she didn't need me to check on that hair straightener after all" mumbling as I took a seat, Noah leaning on the counter across from me.

Noah smirked nodding his head as he held his mug gently at the rim, his hand could engulf mine if he held it—shaking the thought I looked at him, his brown eyes watching intently. "I think I am the hair straightener she was referring to" he said.

"Well. . . I suppose this is welcome then, to Imogen's haunted home" I joked as I opened my paper bag pulling out the food items I had gotten before arriving. Opening the small container of donut bites, I pulled out the bagel sandwich I had also gotten and looking at Noah, "let's share this—since Imogen is severely lacking a grocery shop just as much as I am" it was true, both of us would wait until we literally had no food in either of our houses before we would cave and go get more.

He seemed reluctant at first but accepted the half of my sandwich. "Sorry if I scared you, by the way" his said taking a bite and seeming to enjoy it.

I shrugged. "I would have been better prepared if Imm's told me it was a six foot four rockstar in her house I was checking on and not a hair straightener she thought she left on" of course I would double check to make sure but knowing her—it wasn't even here.

"Maybe she thought you'd freak out?" he joked.

"Why would I freak out?" I was freaking out. I looked calm on the outside but inside my heart thundered and my stomach twirled with anxiety.

He seemed happy with himself as he took a seat on the counter. "Because I am incredibly good looking" he gestured to the outfit he wore which he pulled off well and the messy hair which had me almost in a trance when it fell over his face.

Not knowing what to say, I went to open my mouth when the doorbell rang, looking at Noah he shrugged his shoulders as he took another bite of his sandwich. Excusing myself, I headed towards the front door swinging it open, eyes widening when I saw who stood there in front of me. "Dustin?"

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now