18: Makeshift date.

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~Imogen's POV:~

Beth was baking today—like her mother would when she was stressed, I sat in her house scrolling my phone as she would put various of stuff in front of me. "What if it was my dad?" she said stirring what appeared to be muffin batter.

It had been a week since the farmers market, and I knew she was still stressed. I didn't blame her, the torture her father and uncle put her through was something no one could just get over and if anyone understood that it was me.
"If it was, maybe he was just in town meeting a women?" it could have been her dad I saw with the lady at the market, but I was on such high alert I didn't get such a good look at them. "Beth, you are turning into your mother, I am sure the baking is great, but you need to slow down. . ." I joked about taking a bite of the cookie she had baked.

Putting the bowl down on the counter she blew air out her cheeks, it was just Bethany and I here—both guys were currently at my house with my brother discussing some games of some sort, I didn't pay too much attention. "Sorry, it's hard not to be worried about this stuff, I mean, what if he found me? I'd need to move" the fear was there on her face, and in a way it broke my heart for her.

"No one is moving, it wasn't him—" I let out a breath trying to think of what to say, something to cheer her up.

Watching as the door to her place swung open, in came Spencer with a grin on his face. "Imogen, just who I wanted to see" he said his grin never leaving his face once.

Brow's furrowing, I looked at Beth who seemed just as confused. "You wanted to see me?" I asked confused, why did he want to see me—or should I say, why was he that determined to see me?

Spencer clapped his hands together before rubbing them. "I was at your place, your brother is a great hype-man should I add" he pointed his thumb over his shoulder, even when no one stood there I knew he was trying to signal what he was saying. "I wanted to ask you out on a date, tonight, say four?" my eyes widened as my mouth hung open.

He wanted to ask me on a date? Spencer, the guy I had a crush on for years wanted to take me out on a date. I tried forming words to say, feeling like a fish out of water. "She would love to, Spencer" Beth smiled as she got back to her baking.

Blowing out breath I smiled looking at my friend who tilted her head towards the stove, showing me it was already three in the afternoon. "Oh shit, okay—am I meeting you somewhere?" I asked looking at him.

"Café we spoke about, Dustin mentioned he would hitch a ride with you but wasn't sticking around" Spencer smiled as he started backing away to the room he was using in Bethany's place. "I'll see you are four" he called before closing the door behind him.

"Oh-my-god-oh-my-god!" I rushed out grabbing my phone looking at Bethany, "it's happening, I am going on a date with Spencer!" my voice remained low so he couldn't hear my excitedness, but I felt like I was bursting at the seams with excitement.

Beths smile matched mine as she placed the baking back down on the counter. "Remember out pact!" she reminded me as I headed for the door, "Imogen, no sex remember!" she hollered earning a laugh from me as I headed back into my own house.

Getting inside my house, I smiled as I went into my room—it was a café date, so I didn't need to go all out, but I wanted to still look cute. I grabbed a brown plaid skirt that fitted me nicely as I slid on brown see-through knee-high stockings. I grabbed a white crop-top that was one I tied in the front; it suited the outfit well as it was a long-sleeved one. My makeup was casual and the way I liked it but I still plumped my lips up a bit with a nude lipstick, before finishing I tied my hair up in a high pony tail as I put ribbon in it to create a bow.

Deciding to get there before Spencer I headed into my living room looking at Dustin who sat on the sofa with Noah, both of them had their phones in hand. "Henderson let's go" I said using our last name as I slid on my cardigan of choice for the date.

Grabbing his sweater, Noah looked at me as he sat back, arm leaning over his knee. "You look good, Imogen" he complimented.

Smirking I shrugged my shoulders. "You'd think this looked better on Beth" he seemed to turn red at the comment as I headed to my car, Dustin on my heels. "Spencer finally asked me on a date, and I am so nervous for it" I admitted to my little brother as we started the drive there.

"Yeah, hey ugh. . . Have you heard anything from Billy?" Dustin asked nervously.

Furrowing my brows at the red light we sat at, I shook my head. "Why would I have heard from him? I made it clear I never wanted to see him again" the memory of me saying that to him lived in my head since the day I spoke those words.

Dustin shook his head, going silent—not wanting to push him further on it, I continued the drive, humming along to my playlist that played in the car.
"I am surprised mom hasn't called us from her cruise, you know to check in on everything" I admitted as we got closer to the café I was going to meet Spencer at.

He looked up from the window, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe she got busy, who knows—you know mom, if she meets someone like her she will hangout with them non-stop" I chuckled at that.

"Wonder who she is making scrap-books with now, or reading what ever cheesy romance novel there is" our mom used to go to a book club when we were younger and even host scrap-book parties, she truly never left the eighties I felt.

Dustin chuckled, not his usual though. I wanted to ask him about it, but I knew by how he was that he didn't want to get into it right now, I'd make a note to ask him about it later.
Pulling into the café, I smiled as I grabbed my purse slinging it over my shoulders, Dustin followed me out of the car when another car came storming into the lot—the car had my stomach leaping into my throat as I recognized the vehicle. Before I could say much, Dustin stepped in front of me, his eyes dark with what seemed to be anger as he watched my ex step out of the car in front of us. "Well, blondie didn't think I'd see you for a while yet" his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Billy, what are you doing here?" I questioned, keeping my breathing under control even when every sense in my body screamed for me to run.

His eyes met Dustin as he smiled. "I thought I would come see the lovely Henderson family, you know tell you how your dear old mom is doing" Billy's voice had mockery to it, he often did it with his little step-sister when she was upset.

Billy's eyes met Dustin and I looked at my little brother who seemed pale, unable to find words to say. "Imogen, ignore him" Dustin said his eyes never leaving Billy.

"Ignore me? Dear, sounds like someone didn't tell her sister where mommy really is" my head snapped back to look at Billy.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I snapped stepping forward, my fists balling up at my sides.

Billy stuck his tongue out from his teeth, his smirk showing me I was feeding into him. "Dustin here didn't tell you where mom really is? What did he actually use that excuse that she was on a cruise?" my head turned to Dustin who seemed nervous.

"Dustin, what is he talking about?" I questioned my brother.

"Imogen—please don't" he started.

"Boring!" we both looked at Billy who casually walked up to me, I could feel the heat of his body radiating off my own. "Imogen, your mom is in a care home in Indiana, Dustin put her in there before leaving—your mom had a complete break" he tapped his skull as his eyes slid to Dustin.

My mom was in a home? I hated myself as I looked at Dustin, confusion on my face as I could feel my breathing becoming shallow. "Dustin, where is mom?" I asked hoping he would tell me she was on that stupid cruise.

His mouth opened and closed which is what I did when I was nervous, it was something him and I had in common. Feeling my heart sink as Billy laughed at the image of my brother, I turned to Billy who stood there. "Dustin came to me for help, before he moved here—he forgets your ex has a big mouth sometimes, and when word gets around that small town" his eyes darkened as he looked me up and down, "are you still hanging out with that blonde freak?" he referred to Beth.

Beth was the only one in my life to stand up to Billy, a complete insane move, but it was what made me know she was more then just a best friend, she was my family. "You leave her out of this, what do you want, Billy?" I snapped trying to remain calm.

He shrugged his shoulders, pulling out a cigarette before lighting it. "You have sometime to think, but come back to Indiana with me, you know you and I were meant to be together."

"I should just run off like I did before" I said referring to when I left him.

Blowing smoke into my face, I felt my walls crumbling around me. "You can try, but no matter what Imogen—just like your friends demons find her, I will always find you."

His words seemed to settle, before I knew it—Dustin was tugging me to my car, he tossed me in the passenger seat as he climbed into the drivers' seat, he knew how to drive he just didn't have a full license. I knew he was taking me back home, my eyes welled with tears as I watched us pull out of the café parking lot away from Billy who stood there smoking as he watched us. "Imogen, are you okay?" Dustin asked glancing from the wheel.

I didn't say anything though, not as we passed by the streets and not even when tears silently streamed down my cheeks. Billy was here.
Getting into my parking spot, I saw Beth's car was still there meaning Spencer hadn't left yet—not thinking, I rushed out of my car into my house before running to my bathroom slamming the door closed and locking it. I heard Noah curse as Dustin came and knocked on the door. "Imogen, Imogen are you okay?" Dustin called from the other side of the door, tapping his knuckles on the wood.

"What happened?" Noah's voice met on the other side of the door.

Hearing a third voice, I knew it was Spencer as he entered where the guys stood outside the door. "Is everything okay, I saw her run back inside? What happened?" he asked my brother.

Laying on my bathroom floor, I stared off in the distance, I could hear the guys on the other side of the door talking, even arguing but I couldn't move—the fear I had kept at bay swallowed me and the only thing holding me together was laying on my bathroom floor.

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