1: The message.

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~Beth's POV:~

Slamming my hand on the cursed box blaring at me I had since middle school, I cursed at it not wanting to get up to deal with my day—I wanted to lay in bed and mope around, of course it was nearly impossible these days being busy and working as hard as I could, even if my job was from the comfort of my own home.
Hearing my front door slam open, I huffed before putting my face on my pillow groaning when my bedroom door burst open next and in came Imogen in her robe, toothbrush in hand. "Get up" she kicked my bed as she looked at me. Her platinum blonde hair sticking out as she continued to brush her teeth. "Bethany, come on!" she said.

"Can't I just stay in bed?" I groaned sinking myself further down in my pillow.

Hearing her huff a laugh, she kicked my bed once more, "get up or I will make you get up, come on we said we were going to get breakfast today, so, let's go" she nudged me with her foot this time. Knowing I wasn't going to get up right away, Imogen sighed before ripping my blanket off of me, exposing me to the coldness of the room she stood in, she got up on my bed and started bouncing, "I will keep doing this until you get up" she warned.

Knowing there was no use in fighting her, I rolled myself out of bed groaning as I straightened my body. "It's nine in the morning, Imogen. . . You wanted to go for this breakfast, then you proceeded to keep us out until three in the morning" rubbing my tired eyes I led the charge out of my bedroom. Imogen and I had a house that was a good deal, there were two homes beside one another in a newer area of town when we first moved in, us having enough saved at the time scooped those up instead of moving into one home together, which was the original idea—now we were neighbors with a connected back yard.

Grabbing some clothing from my laundry room, I cringed at the mess of clothes I had around—I had been so busy the last few weeks my home needed a desperate clean. Imogen, of course, never minded it and was always happy to come over to visit, even if it was at inconvenient times of the day, sometimes even the night. "I posted a new horror video; did you see it?" she questioned as she held up a shirt clean enough for me to use.

Tugging the shirt from her hands, I began to change into something clean—I had self-harm scars on me, from when I was younger, I had been clean for over a year now thanks to the support of Imogen and my mother, both of them never judging me for how I looked and speaking to me when I needed it, Imogen even going as far as spending nights with me to make sure I didn't do anything reckless. She never looked at my scars long enough, but I knew she did a glance to make sure there were never any new ones on me, she was the big sister I never had.
"Ugh, yeah I fell asleep halfway through it though" I said not lying to her, I had put it on when we got home last night but with the exhaustion of the day, I ended up falling asleep halfway through.

She smiled as she let out a laugh, "I shared it onto some horror groups online, I made sure I was in the same groups of Ice Nine Kills fans and even just Spencer—god could you imagine if he saw it?" she blushed at the thought of Spencer seeing her video, she had been working hard to get her horror content up there for him to see, she did amazing and the fact her making videos and horror content for a living, I was surprised Spencer hadn't already seen it.
Grabbing her keys she left her last night as I slid my shoes on, she placed her toothbrush on my counter not even questioning it—we were so close at this point nothing surprised us, we were like twins in a way but entirely different in a way as well.

Where Imogen loved horror, I got queasy with an insane amount of blood but still supporting her and watching everything with her. She was twenty-nine as I was twenty-seven, we met in college and were dorm mates, surprisingly we became inseparable since. Imogen would spend family holidays with my mother and I, phoning her own mother and her brother when she could—she loved them dearly but didn't like going home for the holidays, and I didn't mind the extra company on them since my mother worked most of them anyways. Where Imogen knew I loved anime, studio Ghibli films and being comfortable in my own home. Her dragging me out dancing until three in the morning was nothing compared to what we usually did together. "I am surprised he hasn't seen it, or your content yet—I mean, he is missing out" truthful towards my friend as he climbed into her vehicle to begin the journey to the normal little café we would get breakfast at on days like this.

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