11: I got this.

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~Beth's POV:~

It felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me. The person in front of me was Imogen's baby brother, who usually stayed close to their mother. "What. . . Dustin, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Ugh, good to see you too, Beth" he scrunched his face. "Can you let me in? Kind of need the bathroom" not even saying anything I stepped aside as Dustin hauled in two huge duffel bags and a suitcase. My brow lifting in question as he navigated the home he visited a few times before.

Stepping back into the kitchen, Noah watched as the younger male entered the bathroom, door closing behind him. Leaning against the counter, I waited until Dustin emerged from the bathroom seeming to feel better. "Where is Imogen. . . Who are you?" Dustin clocked Noah sitting at his sister's counter.

"I could say the same about you" Noah said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Did you and Imogen like switch houses, did I go to the wrong door?" Dustin looked at me, his brown eyes nothing like Imogen's blue ones. You would never believe they were siblings.

Her brother seemed worried for a moment thinking he had come to the wrong house. Lifting my hand, he watched as I said. "Dustin relax. . . Imogen went on tour for three days, she is back Friday afternoon the latest."

Brows furrowing he looked between Noah and myself, "tour?"

"With Ice Nine Kills" I said smiling trying to be supportive, I had seen Dustin enough where I was comfortable joking with him when time was right—but this timing was not great, Noah being told to stay here, Dustin now showing up. . . What was I supposed to do?

"Oh shit, really?!" his voice cheered almost before he glanced at Noah, seeming to not know what to think. "So who are you, are you Beth's boyfriend?"

My face reddened as Noah let out a chuckle as he slid off the counter to step-up beside me, extending his hand out for Dustin to shake. "He isn't no, Dustin this is Noah Sebastian and Noah" gesturing to the guy in front of us, I smiled. "This is Dustin Henderson, Imogen's little brother."

His mind worked as he looked at Noah, as if he knew the man stood beside me—soon after his eyes widened as the smile bloomed. "Holy shit, he is the one you had the biggest crush on when we were younger!" smacking his chest he let out a laugh as he looked at Noah, "man it's nice to see you!" he didn't even think as he pulled Noah into a hug, his laughter emitting through the kitchen.

"Dustin!" I snapped as he looked at me.

His smile dropped as he realized what he had said. "Ugh. . . Change of subject!" he panicked, "does Imogen have food, I am starving" he went to open the fridge being disappointed at the fact there was nothing in there as well as the cupboards. His eyes slid to my breakfast on the counter which I gestured for him it was okay to have—not wasting time, Dustin dug into the food.

"What are you doing here, Imogen didn't tell me you were coming over. . . Didn't tell me about him either" I pointed my thumb at Noah who still stood beside me.

"You seemed to enjoy the surprise though" Noah leaned down as his voice sounded right beside my ear.

It was an effort not to blush as Dustin raised a brow in question. "I was going to surprise her. . . Mom is off for the summer travelling and well, I actually got accepted into a second semester of college and it's out here, mom encouraged me to apply so I did and thought it would be nice to surprise Imogen" he looked around her home.

"Well, you and Noah are going to be roommates until she is back" I said taking a sip of my iced coffee.

"Ugh. . . Is there any way I can crash at your place? I don't really fancy Chucky starring at me while I sleep" he referred to Imogen's guest room in the basement.

"I can take the room" offered Noah.

Shaking my head I looked between the two men. "No, it's fine—Dustin you can stay until Friday, after that you are sleeping with Chucky, my mom is visiting this weekend" he piped up at that, everyone loved my mom—my mom met Imogen's mother and brother when we they all helped Imogen and I move into our homes.

"I will forever be thankful" Dustin said stretching his hands out.

Grabbing my car keys, I looked at the two males in front of me. "You both wanting to come to the store so I can get you some groceries or are you going to stand there all day?" I gestured to the door I was heading towards.

Both men followed me out and into the car as we began the drive—Noah asking if we could stop at the hotel he was at so he could grab the rest of his stuff. Agreeing, Dustin sat in the front humming along to the music I played which felt weird since it was still my Bad Omens playlist.
Running my hand over my face, I could feel how tired I was, and the added surprises today didn't help. "So, are you going to take your shot with him?" Dustin asked, he was just as forward as Imogen was.

"Dustin. . . Have I said how much I missed you?" I said sarcastically. But I did miss him. Him and Imogen were the siblings I never had, and they adopted me into their family fairly quickly, of course I was considered their middle child since I was younger than Imogen and older than Dustin.

His smirk in return was just as sarcastic. "So?" he asked.

"No, and I don't plan on it. . . I can't even believe he is here, and I am speaking to him, let alone the fact your sister is off for a few days with Ice Nine Kills" these last few weeks have felt unbelievable. Going to say more, the backside of the car opened as Noah climbed into the seat. "Ready?" I asked looking in the mirror.
His nod my only confirmation as I began driving to the nearest store so we could get some stuff for both men, and I suppose myself since I also lacked the food shop. Dustin would complain how he was still hungry and Noah agreeing he could get something to eat, there was a McDonalds in this Walmart which I sent them off to as I remained in the car telling them how I would be there in a minute. Dialing Imogen, it rang a few times before her voice filtered through.

"Beth?" she said, I could hear background noise.

"You owe me big time, your hair straightener was still smoking hot when I got there" she laughed at my reference, "oh and by the way your little brother showed up on the doorstep of your house, him and Noah had some weird encounter where I didn't know who was jealous of who" the thought alone was pretty funny.

She seemed to pause at my words. "Dustin is there? Why?"

"He's moving into town apparently, accepted into a college your mom hounded him into."

"Maybe I should come back" I could hear her shuffling away from something, as if getting ready to leave wherever they were currently.

Feeling guilt wash into me, I shook my head knowing she wouldn't see it. "You do this tour; I can handle this. . . I got this" did I though?

Imogen seemed hesitant for a moment before she spoke. "Okay, but don't let either of them bully you into anything, especially Dustin. And you better not sleep with Noah, or if you do at least tell me so I can know all about it" her voice joking through the phone.

"Love you too. I'll see you on Friday, have fun."

"See you Friday."

Grabbing a cart, I pushed it through the store—both Dustin and Noah catching up as they both snacked on fries, Noah offering his drink to me as I declined. "Bethany, you look like a tired mother" Dustin chirped as he tossed some body wash into the cart.

My eyes were so tired or else I would have rolled them at the younger Henderson. "Thanks. . . It's what happens when you work late and wake up early" I said grabbing my own stuff for body wash. Noah seemed to study as I put it in the cart making me question if it was decent. "I like smelling like vanilla, it's a comforting scent" I said shyly as we followed Dustin down the aisles.

"Hey no, it's cool. . . Vanilla is a great scent" he smiled grabbing his own bottle and putting it in the cart, "listen, I am sorry if we upset you earlier" he said looking down at me.

"Oh, oh don't worry it's all good" I said looking up at him. "Just, I don't do surprises well and Imm's knows that, not saying you were a bad surprise I just felt like I needed more time to prepare."

The smirk on Noah's face was devilish as he looked down at me. "Because I am the biggest crush you have?" he teased.

Blushing, I shrugged it off. "Had. . ." I lied.

"Oh, had? So you have a boyfriend?" he questioned as Dustin was trying to show me something.

Feeling my brain shutting down I looked at Dustin, but my chin facing Noah—"yes."

"Yes you have a boyfriend? Oh, my bad" Noah said before sliding ahead of me.

My mouth fell open as I looked at him as he browsed. Did I just tell Noah Sebastian I had a boyfriend by mistake? My brain rained a million miles per-hour as my anxiety began. Dustin seeming to notice put his hand on my arm, not unnoticed as Noah looked between me and the younger Henderson.
This wasn't good. 

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now