17: Farmers market.

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Authors note: Thank you guys for all the love and support this story has been receiving. As always, if you are interested in updates feel free to follow my account. I post regularly on my message board about updates. Also wanted to say, if you love this story please check out anonymousDND story 'When stairs align' even leave some lovely comments for her—she is also doing a Ice nine kills/ Bad Omens story with these lovely girls and she is the only to start their story, if you didn't know her story inspired me to do one of my own.
Another amazing author to check out if you are into the supernatural aspects is FevMotionless , she has a story called 'I need a miracle, I guess' which if you are unaware, I got the honor of creating Maxine for that story. If you check them out, be sure to leave lovely comments for both of them.

~Imogen's POV:~

We all ended up crashing on Beth's floor that night, well. . . Dustin and Noah did, Spencer enjoyed his guest room as I slept in Beth's bed with her. Both of us talking about the day and how if this was a dream we never wanted this to end.
"Do you think they're going to stay a while, or go home soon?" Beth asked, it was the next morning as the sun shone through the curtains unlike the other day when it was raining.

"I am going to sound selfish, but I hope they stay—I finally got to meet Spencer, work with him and now he is here? Man could move in, and I would not say no" it was the truth, if he told me he wanted to be my roommate I would let him live with me.

Smirk on Bethany's lips as she lifted the covers off herself, going to her closet as she began rummaging for an outfit. "You two are so going to sleep together the first chance there is" she giggled from the closet.

My mouth hung open as I looked at her. "What? Beth, no!" I laughed shaking my head at my best friend.

Looking at me from the closet with a brow raised, she came back out with the outfit she had chosen for her day. "He so has a crush on you, everyone can see it, you two are the only ones dancing around one another" she stripped of her night shirt—I couldn't help but do the check to make sure there were no new scars, she never minded it before and we both knew it wasn't in a malicious way, it was Beth's idea when we were first in college, after she admitted to me one night.

"Noah has a crush on you, you know" she nearly dropped her black long-sleeved shirt that had a V-neck onto the ground. "He is jealous, he thinks you are dating—it's kind of cute really, you should make him a little jealous some more" my smirk was devilish as I grabbed the clothes I had brought over the night before.

Changing into a tank top, I slid into a pair of dark brown leggings that reminded me of a renfaire in a way. Tying my hair into a ponytail leaving two strands at the side how I liked it, I looked at Beth's makeup as I started working on a casual look. It was filming day, and I had Beth's handheld tripod ready for when we went out. Beth doing her casual makeup as well looked over at me. "He doesn't have a crush on me, he is being nice to me" she said applying some mascara.

Not wanting to push her too far, especially this early—even if it was nearly eleven, I shrugged my shoulders after applying some gloss. "Let's make a pact, a no sex pact" her eyes widened at that sentence. "I won't sleep with Spencer, even if the man is a devil and insanely hot, and you don't sleep with Noah, but you are going to make him a little bit jealous cause the man has it for you" I smiled at her.

"Imogen!" she blushed her cheeks clearly embarrassed. "N-no s-sex?" she was nervous, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her.

"You are correct, no sex-pact. These men are clearly making us not think straight, so it's our best interest to not sleep with them" opening her door, I could hear the guys talking in the other room.

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now