6: Do you like Ice Nine Kills?

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~Imogen's POV~

We had spent an hour outside with fans—some fans wanting to meet with me, and wanting a group photo with the band and myself, even asking if Bethany was here tonight which I had mentioned she had left earlier to get some rest, some seemed a bit sad at that but there was nothing I could do, this would overwhelm her to the point she most likely would have a panic attack anyways.
The rain never stopped, as we entered one bar closer to the venue just to stay somewhat dry—music blared from the sound system as people also played karaoke. "Oh god, you'd need to get me drunk to get up there" I mumbled as we took a seat in a booth section.

"Bet we could get you up there" Patrick smiled as he shrugged off his sweater.

Looking at him, I shook my head. "I would never—Beth and I did it once in our lives and we swore never again, returned the machine the next day" they seemed to chuckle, amused by that. I watched for a moment, watched as Spencer spoke to one of the crew members who sat at another table before glancing my way, a smile gently on the corner of his mouth.

Excusing myself from the band who were talking about which songs they'd most likely end up singing, I made my way to the bar and pulled out some cash from my wallet. "Can I have a corona beer please?" I asked handing the bartender my money.
Getting my change, they began getting my beer for me.

"Make two more, please" Spencer said stepping up beside me, tossing money down on the counter as the bartender nodded before working on Spencer's order as well. "I wanted to buy you a drink, so now you have two" he smiled over at me.

"Just means I am here for a bit longer" I said thanking the bartender for my drink and taking a sip before the next one appeared in front of me. "Can I get you a drink?" raising an eyebrow I watched as he took a seat on the stool in front of him, following I took a seat on the one in front of myself as well.

"I mean I suppose so, means I will be here for a bit longer" he said sipping his drink. Part of me never wanted to leave this bar, it felt so surreal that I was here with Spencer, and he had bought me a drink—this whole day just didn't feel real, it felt like a dream I was going to wake up from. "So, did you grow up in this area?" he asked taking the small basket of mixed nuts the bartender had given us.

Letting my drink settle in my mouth, I shook my head at him. "No, I am from a small town, not from here" I said.

"Small town? What brought you out here then?" he questioned chewing more on the mixed nuts.

Feeling the weight of the question I took a bigger sip of my drink before placing it down in front of me. "Ugh, well I wanted to get out of there my whole life—wasn't for me, I much prefer bigger areas and I mean getting into college was fun, I paid for all of that myself which wasn't terrible, my mom couldn't afford it since it was me and my brother. . . Plus if I never came out this way, I would have never met Beth—she and I shared our dorm together and we just clicked, you know?" he nodded his head agreeing. "Plus if I didn't get out that small town, you wouldn't be sitting here with me" I argued with him.

Lifting his drink to cheers, Spencer smiled. "I'll cheers to that then, to getting out of dead ends in life!" I smiled but inside I wondered what he meant by that, was he referring to his past relationship in a way? I must be thinking too much about it. "I think the fans are going to be excited to see all the content you share from today" he chuckled.

"Oh yeah, shame you guys go back on tour soon though—I would have loved to made more with you" this was near the end of Ice Nine Kills tour, they only had three more shows after this and even then it wasn't like they were super far.

Shrugging his shoulders his eyes met mine. "Who knows, maybe I will come hangout after tour—I mean we are taking a good resting period, if you wouldn't mind I could come visit and grab a hotel for a bit" my mouth fell open a bit at that. Spencer wanted to come back. "You know, so we can always work together more, hangout even" he glanced down, was he checking me out?

Gulping down the nerves, I smiled softly at him as he took a sip of his own drink. "I think that would be cool, you wouldn't need to get a hotel though—if you wanted you could crash in my spare room or something" if Beth was here right now she would be yelling at me, telling me how I never met the guy personally before tonight. "Of course, that is assuming you aren't a crazy axe murderer" he snorted at that.

"I don't think I am that guy, Imogen—but I might take you up on that offer, I think it would be cool to see how the world of Imogen works, and who am I to say no when she offers me a room in her own house which I know has some cool collectables thanks to her videos."

"Don't think I won't frisk you before you leave, Spencer" I pointed at him as I held my drink up.

His smile was lovely as he sipped his own drink once more, "frisk me anytime" it was an effort to hide the blush on my cheeks at that comment.

The night was getting later—my two drinks have now turned into five and I was feeling it. Whenever Spencer and I finished one of our drinks to start the next, we would buy another one to keep going. The guys were up on stage singing at the top of their lungs which had the bar tender laughing and the drunk bargoers dancing along. Spencer had dragged me on the stage where I stood near the back, they all held microphones as they sang along to Enter Sandman by Metallica. "exit light! Enter light, take my hand—we're off to never-never land!" Spencer sang holding his hand out for me.
Rolling my eyes he tugged me closer to him smile spreading on his face, fuck it what was the worse that could happen? "we're off to never-neverland, take my hand!" we both dramatically sang as the rest of the guys did as well—not once did Spencer's eyes leave mine as he held hands dramatically finishing out the song.

Once the music did end, Spencer still held my hand as we looked at one another—blush threatening to creep on my cheeks. "That was fun" I smiled at him before sliding my hand away from his, even if I never wanted that moment to end.

"Yeah. . . Yeah it was" he smiled.

The night progressed and even more drinks were poured, Spencer and I were pretty much drunk—but for me, I knew I wouldn't wake up with a hangover, Spencer I wasn't so sure about since fans were also buying him drinks all night and shots with fans, he was pretty wasted. I could still get my thoughts together which I suppose meant I was on the better end of things. "Last call" the bartender yelled from the bar.

Eyes widening, I hadn't realized we had been here that late going to check my phone, I cursed as I remembered it was dead from before we left. . . Shit, Beth! I told her I would text her before we left. "Spencer, I think I should go, Bethany is probably worried sick about me" I said grabbing my purse from the counter.

"Oh yeah, your phone died I remember now!" he said he was wasted.

Looking around the bar, I saw the other members of the band and ever the crew had left already, I couldn't leave Spencer like this, he was too drunk. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder I hoisted him to his feet, grunting at the weight difference between us but managing of course. "Come on, let's get you to bed" I said leading him outside sending a silent thank you to the fact it wasn't raining anymore.

"Am I going to your bed?" Spencer asked, he was so drunk I don't even know how he was making sense right now.

"You are going to a bed" I said gritting my teeth at the stumbling man with me.
The walk to the hotel felt a lot longer, Spencer mentioned a few times it felt like the world was spinning which to me didn't seem like a good thing since most people vomited after they started feeling that.

Bringing him into the hotel, he was giggling like a school girl as I shushed him—the lady at the front desk scowled at us which had me scowling right back at her—she looked away first, good because if she hadn't I would have bitten into her with a few sharp words.
Opening my door to the room, I saw all the lights were off and the door to Beth's room was open, where the hell was she? Panic started setting in as I ushered Spencer into the bathroom where he disposed of the contents from tonight. "Beth. . . Bethany?" I called out turning lights on, she wasn't even in my bed. "Spencer, I need to go back out—"

"She is fine, she is safe—I got a text from Noah" Spencer said sliding his phone out of his pocket to show me, Noah had texted saying Beth was with him and to let me know since I was the type to go out hunting for her. Blowing out air from my cheeks, I nodded my head feeling slightly better. "I think I need some sleep" he said flushing the toilet and rinsing his mouth in the sink.

"Yeah, sleep might be a good idea" it was nearing three thirty in the morning and we had to be out of here by eleven for check out. "Come on" I said dragging him into what would have been Bethany's room for the night. Since she wasn't here I let Spencer climb into bed as I stripped him of his shoes and tucked him in a bit. "If you need me, just call" I said patting his back.

"What if I always want to need you?" my heart stopped at those words as this time I couldn't fight the blush that emerged on my cheeks, Spencer closed his eyes and mumbled something I didn't quite hear.
Exiting the room he was in—I spotted Beth's bag, she would have a charger in there. Grabbing her bag I dug through it as I found the charger. Making my way to my own bed, I plugged my phone in and headed to the bathroom to change into my nightwear which resulted in a sports bra and sweats. Wiping the makeup off my face felt like heaven as well as tying my hair up in a messy bun for the night. I could make more effort of myself when I got home tomorrow, right now I just wanted to message Beth to let her know I was back.
Climbing into my own bed, I sighed at the comfort of the sheets as I checked my phone—it was insane how many notifications I got and why I never turned most of them off was beyond me. The flood of texts I got through my phone was insane, the few from Beth and one from one number that was new to me.

B: Hey, where are you? I am locked outside the door lady won't let me in.
B: Is your phone charged yet?
B: Noah is here. . . Hurry back.
B: Let me know when you get back safe, and you owe me breakfast for this.
B: Okay I will get you breakfast, not your fault I forgot my key—be safe!

Chuckling at the number, I hit add to contacts as I knew who it was.

N: Beth is out cold in my room. She is safe, I am sleeping on the sofa. I hope it is okay. I have your number, I got it off Spencer and I wanted to make sure you knew Beth was safe.

I replied back to both Beth and Noah, telling Beth I was back here and thanking Noah for making sure she was safe. Scrolling on my phone, I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier as exhaustion from the day swept me into a slumbering peace.

~Beth's POV:~

Earlier in the night:

"Are you hungry?" Noah asked as he began plating his food. I looked at the second plate he had hovering.

"Ugh?" I didn't know what to say, I wasn't overly hungry, but I knew I needed food in my system since I was mainly running off a granola bar I had this morning as well as the few bits of crackers Imogen had shared with me in the green room today.

Noah seeing the nerves, placed the plate down before beginning to dish out food onto both. "When was the last time you ate, I should be asking that more" he said as he continued.

There was no way to run or hide from this, I was locked out of my room and the weather outside was atrocious. "I ate mainly this morning; I had shared a snack with Imogen before the show" I chewed the inside of my cheek feeling nerves settling deep within. "You don't need to share or worry about me though; I promise I am fine and as soon as Imogen gets back will be out of your hair!" I was word vomiting, which in a way I suppose was better than actually vomiting in front of Noah—thee Noah Sebastian, the man I wished to meet for years now and here I was currently sat in his hotel room.

Handing me a small plate that contained rice, some lemon chicken by the smell and some sweet and sour pork. "Here, and I don't mind—I think some food is needed, you must have worked up an appetite after all that dancing" my heart thundered hearing those words, I totally forgot that Spencer said his friend had seen us dancing in the green room.
Looking down at the plate, I accepted the fork from his hand as we both began slowly eating together. "So, Imogen I gathered loves horror, what about you? What are you into?"

"She is. . . And you just met me?" he chuckled at my words.

Noah held his hand out, accepting the gesture he shook my hand once, leaving his hand in mine for a moment—butterflies threatening my stomach as well as my anxiety. "I am Noah Sebastian, nice to meet you?" he tried acting as if he didn't know my name already.

"Bethany. . . Beth, just Beth Knight" I stuttered out.

He leaned back in his seat as he chewed on some chicken. "Nice to meet you just Beth Knight" he teased as I let out a small chuckle.
We had finished our food and I remained at the table; Noah got comfortable on the sofa as he flicked on some Netflix assuming for him to watch. "Have you ever seen this?" he gestured to an anime I was familiar with. It was a smaller anime and never got as much attention but still was pretty good, even if it only ever got two seasons.

Pulling my phone off the charger as it was about halfway, I nodded my head as I took a seat on the bed behind him—I didn't know if he was okay with it, but the distance did help me with remaining calm. "I have, it is really good" I said looking into his brown eyes.

He smiled as he looked at me sitting on his bed, "well get comfy—let's watch it" he said as he pressed play. He lay back on the sofa as he turned off the light. "If you want to sit with me, just let me know—but if you are comfy there than by all means" he gestured to the bed I sat on.

"I-I can move if you want your bed?" guilt washed over me thinking I didn't let him have his own bed he paid for.

"Stay, it's all good" he smiled once more before his attention returned back to the television that sat in front of us in the room. He looked at me once more, "so. . . Do you like Ice Nine Kills" he asked, trying to break the silence in the room or the slight tension that seemed to be eating us both.

A chuckle escaped my lips as I got comfy in a spot on the bed, "not really" and at that we both turned to face the television.
How was this real, how was I actually here in Noah Sebastian's room.

I hadn't realized how tired I was, not until I woke up the next morning. Eyes shooting open, I felt panic struck me as I didn't recognize the room, sitting up quickly I felt the blanket that was over top of me fall to my side, a glance down at it had me remembering who's room I was in. Looking over the bed, I was alone in it—Noah wasn't here.
Pushing myself off the bed, I checked the time to see it was ten in the morning. Imogen had texted me late last night about being back in the room. Eyes catching something, I stepped forward to see Noah curled up on the sofa using his arm as a pillow. Horror ran through me seeing him on that sofa, he was so tall and here he was curled up small so he could fit on it—he should have woken me up!

Grabbing the blanket, I slid it over Noah before grabbing my clothing from the bathroom. This felt so strange leaving his room like this, but it would make it easier for me to leave before he woke up and started asking more questions, it wasn't that I didn't want to be here when he woke up, it was my anxiety that wouldn't let me. It would eat me alive before he woke up.
Leaving a note on the table on a napkin, I made my way to the door and quietly exited the room.
Knocking on mine and Imogen's door, she swung it open as she had a toothbrush in her mouth. "Jesus took you long enough" she said letting me into the room.

"Sorry—I fell asleep in Noah's room, Imm's I fell asleep in his bed!" her eyes went wide as she began looking over my body to see if she could find a hickey of some sort. "Gross, Imm's not like that!" I flailed my arms in front of me, "he saw me in the room and brought me into his room, he shared his dinner with me even and watched anime for an hour or so."

"Sounds like a cute date to me" she argued back as she put her toothbrush away once her teeth were clean.

"It was not a date!" a groan from the next room had me yelping as I spun around, Spencer was in the doorway a hand on his head as he looked around the room. My eyes widened as I looked between Spencer and Imogen.

This time she shrugged her shoulders at me. "I can explain" I gave her a look which told her to continue. "He was wasted, we drank too much at the bar and I couldn't just leave him like that!" she said as Spencer stepped closer to us.

"Did. . . Did you two?"

"No!" they both cut me off before looking at one another.

"No, no we didn't and thank you for letting me crash here" Spencer smiled at Imogen, she seemed starstruck by him as she nodded her head, a blush slowly burning her cheeks. "I should get back to the guys. . . It is our day off so if you want we could hangout, maybe later today?" he asked looking at her before his eyes met mine.

"Sure, I will. . . I will message you" Imogen said as she grabbed her bag she had packed on the ground. "Ready Beth? We should get back and unwind a little" nodding my head in agreement I followed her out after wishing Spencer well.

The car ride back to our houses was pretty silent, I think both of us were trying to process the other night and the fact we both were not dreaming. "So you and Noah get to know one another?" she asked as she pulled up to our street.

"No, I panicked too much and hid basically, I can't believe he tucked me in and let me sleep on the bed. Imogen, I felt so bad!" she chuckled at my suffering which wasn't a bad thing, it just wasn't helpful.

"Well he texted me last night to tell me you were safe, so he is a good guy in my books" she said parking the car in the driveway. "I will text you when I hear from Spencer" said Imogen.

Saying bye to her, I headed inside and plugged my phone into my laptop where I would make sure all my videos stored safely for my tik-tok's. Curious as I saw the video of us dancing to Electric Callboy I clicked play to see if I could see if the door was open. Noah said he liked our dancing and I felt so stupid knowing he had seen it.
Watching as the green room door did open and Noah peering his head in, his eyes lingered on me as Imm's, and I danced before he closed the door softly behind him. Shit, he had seen us!

Imogen had texted me later that afternoon telling me Spencer would be going to her house and that I should come over, telling her I would be over shortly. I decided a shower would be nice to just wash the reminder of the other day off of myself.
Stripping off the clothes Noah had lent me; I made a note to ask Spencer to return these to him or how I could return these to him. It felt weird knowing I had his clothes in my house.
Music played from my living room as I stepped into the shower, quickly rinsing off and stepping out of my bathroom. I heard my door in the back open which had me curious, why was Imogen here if she knew I texted her back?
Wrapping my towel around myself, I made my way out of the bathroom. "Imm's?" I questioned.

"Hey Imogen I am—" we both suddenly stopped in our tracks, my eyes widened as Spencer's own eyes widened at the sight of me. "Beth. . ." he said, his eyes going straight to looking at my arms and all the scars that lingered.

"Spencer?!" I yelled feeling my heart race a million miles as I held the towel closer to my chest. "What the fuck, do you not knock!?" I was panicking as I felt bare—I was bare, I was in a towel and Spencer was in my house looking at my scars that laid on my body. "Spencer!" I yelled getting his attention.

"Shit! I am so sorry, Imogen texted me to come over and I went through the back gate! I didn't know who's number whose and she was said just to walk in when I got here!" he argued looking away from my scars finally.

Feeling my anxiety sweeping in, the feeling of it had me breathing heavier as I looked at Spencer, his eyes had a hard time not looking at the glance as he faced me. "Spencer" he looked at me once more.

"Yeah?" he asked, just as nervous as me.

"Get out!"

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now