13: The Game.

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~Imogen's POV:~ 

The last show of the tour, it felt so weird knowing how fast these last three days went—part of me was glad, I was excited to get home and tell Bethany all about it but on the other hand of it, I was sad because it was such a lifetime moment. My only complaint was I hardly got to see Spencer these last three days, the tour pulling us in different directions which I understood, I had spent most of my days with Shev, us bonding together and making silly videos both our following exploded when seeing. Bethany had finally uploaded her video from the Ice Nine Kills concert of us all dancing to Electric Callboy. Seeing Spencer look at me while singing had me feeling some type of feeling, it was like a predator watching their prey.

Shivering at the thought, I pulled out my phone as it rang, Beth facetiming me. I also hardly spoke to her these last three days which was odd since we spoke every single day let alone saw one another every day. Picking up the call I smiled as I stepped outside of the venue as the guys did sound-check. "I was getting worried about you" I admitted taking a seat on the cement step.

She looked up at her phone screen—she wore her reading glasses, Beth wasn't as blind as I was but she did require reading glasses since the screens gave her a head ache, same when she would spend hours on her iPad or hunched over her notebooks drawing fantasy characters she adored, and I admit she was a talented artist as well as her vocals, she was impressive with those too. Using her Apple Pencil to push up her black glasses she shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? Taking care of two people is a lot of work" she admitted as she scribbled some more.

"Are you taking care of yourself in that scenario too?" raising an eyebrow in question.

Her blue eyes slowly, and I mean slowly looked up from the art she worked on. "Tell me about tour," a change of subject.

"Beth. . . Did you, have you," lowering my voice making sure no one was around me. "Did you relapse?" the worry laced in my voice.

Shaking her head, her eyes widened. "No! No, I didn't it's just weird you know? A few weeks ago we were talking about our favorite bands, and now we are in their lives. It feels almost like a cruel joke" she puffed out leaning back in her seat.

The urge to grab her hand was strong, but I couldn't physically be there for her. She had a hard time adjusting to people being in her life, after what her dad and her uncle put her through it was surprising she even let me in. "Beth, they're good guys" I said gently.

"I know, Noah and Dustin have been getting along better now by the way, they have been hanging out at your house" he pointed the pencil to the wall behind her which would be the wall closest to my house.

"Oh god, you mean Dustin hasn't scared Noah away yet?" we both laughed at that. "Have you been hanging out with them as well?" she thinned her lips which told me she hadn't. "Beth you have the biggest crush of your life literally next door, go hangout with him!" standing back on my feet as I heard the soundcheck was finished.

"Imogen, he tucked me in the other night, I felt like a child!" she argued back.

"He was being nice, I need to go. I will see you tomorrow" I said before hanging up, she would grow confidence eventually, she had come a long way since we first met.
Tucking my phone away I headed inside to the green room where I could grab something to drink, looking over my options I grabbed a bottle of juice pulling the lip open and taking a sip.

"I saw you sneak out, everything good on the other end?" Spencer asked as he strolled into the green room, the band wasn't with him.

Nodding my head, I put the lid back on my drink before marking my name on the bottle in case I needed to walk away from it. "Oh yeah, she's fine—Dustin has been hanging out with Noah and from what I hear they're all good" I looked at Spencer, "I think this is the most we spoke in three days" I said, this was the final show of the tour and then I would be getting a flight first thing in the morning with Spencer to get home.

A soft smile tugs at the edges of his lips, a casual shrug of his shoulders. "Suppose that's the downside of the life on tour" he said.

"I thought maybe you didn't want to speak to me," of course he knew I was teasing him as I poked at his chest.

Leaning against the door frame, Spencer leaned down—his breath fanning over my face, "now why wouldn't I want to talk to you, sweet-heart?" the words had my heart thundering beneath my ribs. "Whoever doesn't want to talk to ImogenHorror is stupid" he leaned back, glancing back at me. "After tonight, I hope we can do lots of talking" he winked once more before disappearing in the venue to get ready for the show tonight.

Holy gods—that was, that was hot as hell. Gulping down the nerves, I brushed myself off before stepping into the venue myself, only I had a feeling I was going to be distracted for the rest of the night as his words swam in my head.
Why wouldn't I want to talk to you, sweet-heart.

~Beth's POV:~

Dustin ended up bringing Noah over as they continued to play on Dustin's game console he brought along. Both men joking around acting like college students, well, one was a college student. I remained in my little corner huddled on my sofa with the men sat on the floor in front of me, Noah's back turned to me as he smashed buttons on the controller, Dustin not far behind him as he rested his back against my sofa.
Imogen's words swam in my head though, asking if I was taking care of myself enough—I had been sleeping okay, and my meals were small and quick so I could continue on, I had filmed some edits for my tik tok and even helped edit something for Imogen while she was away on the road. She would be in tomorrow and I was thankful she didn't ask me to get her since she knew my mother was going to be in town and with my luck she would show up whilst I was on my way there.
"Bethany, are you sure you don't want to play?" Dustin looked up at me, controller in hand.

Looking at the television mounted on my wall, I could see them playing one of their games. Shaking my head I looked down at my iPad once more, "no I don't know how to play" I said truthfully.

"Well, come here—I can teach you" Noah said turning his head towards me, my mouth opened slightly at the man in front of me. He wore a loosely fitted shirt and his bands sweats that suited him well. "Come on," he patted the floor between his legs that were now sprawled out in front of him.

What was I doing? Putting my iPad aside, I headed over sitting in front of Noah—the warmth of his body tugging me closer as he slid closer to me, placing the game controller in my hand. I could feel my cheeks burning, no doubt Dustin was already taking photos to send to his sister or to torture me with, sure enough a glance at Dustin and his phone was out taking photos. "Here" Noah's words grazed over my ear as he gently grabbed my hands placing the controller in them, he began showing me the buttons and movements I would need to remember—but I would be honest, I couldn't even remember how to breath being this close to Noah. "Give it a try" Noah said looking at the television. Dustin is already playing the level and encouraging me to follow.

Chewing on my bottom lip, I followed Dustin through the level, jumping almost out of my skin something would happen and Noah would chuckle, basically over my shoulder as he pointed out what to do—listening to his words, I followed Dustin along the level, a smirk on my face as I didn't do too bad, of course my character needed reviving once, but Dustin and I safely made it through the level ready for them to continue on the next. "Would you like to keep playing?" Noah asked looking into my blue eyes, I could feel the heat of his body against mine making me gulp.

Handing back the controller, all of us stopped when my doorbell rang, "did anyone order food?" I asked, usually my doorbell only ever went off when someone was trying to deliver myself or Imogen food, and it was late enough in the evening I knew mail wouldn't be delivering.
Both men shook their heads, eyes watching as I went to my front door, I had two doors at the front an inner door which had a tiny window I kept a curtain over and my outside door which was a glass door with a screened inside. Swinging my door open, my mouth fell open as I beheld the women in front of me, "mom?!" I said.

Smiling she took off her sunglasses as she looked at me, "Surprise! I thought I would come a day earlier, give us a little more time together" she smiled.

Not knowing what to say, I opened the door hugging my mom tightly—even if she was an hour away from me, it wasn't often I got to see her due to her job. "Mom, what. . . Why didn't you call?" I stuttered out grabbing her bag hauling it into the hallway.

Stepping inside, my mom noticed both men—now on their feet. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know you had friends over" she looked at Dustin before gasping "oh my goodness, Dustin you've grown!" she ignored my surprised expression as she beckoned Dustin over, the male doing so as she surveyed him. "Wow, you look great!" she smiled hugging the son she adopted in.

"Thank you!" Dustin beamed, pleased to get the praise from my mother that everyone adored.

"And who is this, I don't think we've met?" My mom clocked onto Noah who stepped up beside Dustin, Dustin was tall, but he was still about two feet shorter then Noah.

Extending his hand, he smiled at my mother. "I'm Noah, you must be Beth's mother, Mrs. Knight?" he glanced at me as I gave a subtle nod.

"Oh please, don't worry about that—it would be Ms. Knight, but if you're a friend of Bethany then it's Michelle" my mother slid her hand into Noah's before looking back at me.

It dawned on me then, "shit!" my mother's eyes widened, she wasn't big on cursing. "No, sorry mom. . . I need to change the bedding in the guest room, Dustin had been staying in there for a few days" I gestured to the room behind us.

"Ah man, that mean's I am sleeping with Chucky" Dustin whined out.

"I can sleep with Chucky" added Noah.

"Nah, Chucky is creepy, you don't want to sleep with Chucky" Dustin said.

"I mean if it's too much trouble I can sleep in the Chucky room?" my mom looked at us three.

Shaking my head, I held onto her suitcase. "No mom, you're not sleeping with Chucky, no one needs to sleep with Chucky" I added—it was ironic how no one liked this doll that Imogen adored, Spencer could be the one to sleep with the creepy thing for all I cared, since he adored horror just as much as Imm's Everyone looked at me, mouth drying out I cleared my throat. "Dustin, you're her brother you sleep in her bed" I shrugged.

"No way! Imogen's room is like a death trap for me!" he cried out.

My mom smiling she looked over at me. "Why don't you spend the night in Imogen's room, and I stay in your room for the night?" suggested my mom who gave Dustin a glance of sympathy for almost being terrified of his sisters house. "Where is my second daughter, anyways?" my mom must have not seen Imogen's tour posts then.

"She is on tour with Ice Nine Kills, she gets back tomorrow in the afternoon—we three, I suppose four?" Noah nodded his head confirming, "we have VIP passes to Noah's concert, he's the vocalist of Bad Omens, mom" I gestured between them.

My mothers eyes met Noah's as a smile bloomed on her face. "Wow, the singer of your favorite band! Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" she once again shook his hand. "Do your band like cookies at all? Brownies, snacks, anything I can bring for you?" here we go, this was my mother's overbearing side.

"Mom. . ." I mumbled.

Noah smiled, his warm brown eyes melting me into my spot as he smiled at my mother. "I wouldn't say no but please don't feel like you have to" he said.

The night crept in; I had texted Imogen I was spending the night in her bed as well as a brief encounter of what had happened. My mom spent most of the evening baking cookies. She was the mother that everyone loved because she loved baking and caring for other people.
How she was ever with my father was beyond me. She dealt with so much abuse, and even thought that abuse carried onto me for seventeen years, I still admired her and how she took care of those around her. Saying goodnight to my mom, I headed into Imogen's house, Noah behind me as he was retiring for the night himself. "Sorry about my mom, she can be a bit much" I said closing the back door behind us, insuring her front door was locked shortly after.

Noah's smile met his eyes as he slid his hands into his pocket. "Don't be, she seems lovely—and I can tell where you get your kindness from" those words warmed my heart as I stood at Imogen's bedroom door, opening the guest door Noah smiled once more. "See you tomorrow, Beth—goodnight" he said.

"Yeah, goodnight" I was flustered, "see you tomorrow" sliding into Imogen's room I crawled into her bed that I spent hundreds of nights in before, getting comfy in the dark purple duvet I couldn't help but keep an eye on the bedroom door.
He truly was the nicest person I met. 

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now