8: Dinner & games.

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Author's note: Hi friends. I am really sorry that Said & Done didn't get a chapter last week. I had the flu, and it wasn't fun, took forever for it to pass. Also, the usernames 'BlondeGhost' and 'ImogenHorror' were created by @anonymousDND so I wanted to make sure she was credited as she was really kind and let me use them in this story. Be sure to checks out her story 'When Stars Align' which is her own Imogen and Beth x Spencer and Noah story, and she was the one who inspired me to write this one!

~Beth's POV:~

Just Beth.
The way he said it, and the words clung to me as my mind raced—Noah's brown eyes gazing into my blue ones which surely were still puffy looking from the incident earlier. "H-hi" I croaked out looking at Imogen who seemed confused at the nickname but also amused at the fact she could watch me interact with someone I had admired for years now.

"Take a seat Beth, I am sure Noah won't mind" Imogen gestured to the spot beside Noah in the wooden booth.

Cursing silently at her, I knew she got what I was doing as she lifted her menu and began chuckling softly to herself. "So, how was the bar last night?" Noah asked turning his attention from me to the two in front of us.

Spencer grumbled but Imogen smiled as she leaned back. "I am not hungover like some, so I would say it was good in my books" her gaze looked at Spencer.
This was going to be a long night for us all together.

~Imogen's POV:~

This was so surreal, here I was sitting beside Spencer Charnas, the man who I had the biggest crush on in years and in front of me was my best friends crush, her idol and someone who I never thought in a million years we would see all together.
I had hoped seeing Spencer since he tended to follow more horror accounts, it was only a matter of time before I hit the right path on the algorithm, and he saw my account.
Waiter walking up to us, I smiled as it was the one who usually saw Beth and myself here on the weekends—his name was Nate, he was a nice guy. Speaking to him we got to learn a bit about him. His blue eyes like Beth's shining with amusement at the fact it wasn't just us two this time—he had blue eyes like Beth and brown hair that sat slicked back out of his face, even if it wasn't too long. "How are my favorite ladies tonight?" his smile was lovely as he asked us.

Beth smiled softly to herself as she looked down at the menu in front of her, Nate and I would gently tease her saying she was shy around everyone—she was, and we would make it a game of how much he could make her blush in one night. It was a harmless game, and she didn't mind, she found it amusing and somewhat annoying, but she knew if she wanted us to stop all she had to do was ask and we both would.
Seeing Spencer look at Nate, he smiled himself before wrapping an arm around behind me as if he was casually sitting back, was Spencer jealous?
"Your favorite ladies are hungry" I said looking at Nate, "I would love a drink though—my usual, you know which one I like" Nate smiled as he noted the drink I favored down on his paper.

"I'll have the same drink as her, thanks" Spencer said before glancing towards Noah and Bethany.

Noah looked at the alcohol options on the menu before shrugging his shoulders. "Surprise me, as long as it isn't straight vodka" he chuckled as he turned his attention on the girl beside him. Her cheeks flared pink as she looked up at Nate.

"I-I'll have just a Pepsi, please Nate" she said before looking back at everyone which I was sure we all shared the smug look of amusement seeing her blushing.

Nate winked at her before turning on his heel and heading towards the bar leaving us to look over the menu once more. "What are we thinking of having tonight?" Spencer said leaning over my shoulder to look in my menu rather then opening his own.

"What are we having?" I asked looking at him, his eyes seemed to glow with amusement before nodding his head. "You are having the same thing I am?"

He seemed amused at my question as he furrowed his brows looking at me. My heart seemed to stumble, how was I supposed to get used to this? How could I handle Spencer looking at me, talking to me and acting as if he had known me for years instead of only weeks now. His voice dropped a bit as he said—"well, I never been there, I did say you two would have to show me what is good" he did have a point, he did say that.

Biting my lip as a smile bloomed on my face, I nodded my head before turning back to the menu—I was pretty hungry since I didn't really eat much at home, it wasn't that I didn't want to it was more the fact I got busy and by the time I remembered it was pretty much time to head out. "A lot of their menu is pretty good, I usually change it up every time I am here—I am sure Bethany will get her usual though" smirking as Beth looked over at me, she knew I was right.

"What does she usually get?" Noah asked looking between us.

Opening my mouth she raised a brow, "you'll see" she said before closing her menu.
Settling on what I wanted, and suppose what Spencer wanted too. Nate made his way back over to us as he had his pen ready to write down. "Nate, my usual please" Beth said timidly.

"Of course, wouldn't have my favorite girl have anything else, it's still my go to as well" Nate smiled as he wrote it down. "Imogen, what about you?" he asked looking over to me.

"Spencer and I would like the specialty pizza to share" usually Beth and I would order it to go when we had movie nights, but since Spencer was insisting on having what I had, I was more then happy to get pizza since it was a comfort food for sure.

"Sure! And for you?" Nate glanced at Noah who closed his menu.

"The burger and fries sounds good, please and thank you" Noah smiled before handing the menu back to Nate with us all following along.

Nate smiled once more before turning and heading to go place our order. "So, you two come here often?" Spencer asked as he sipped his drink, seeming surprised that it was good. Spencer and I each had the same drink—it was almost fruity tasting but drinking enough of them would leave you pretty hungover, Bethany and I learnt that the hard way one night.

Nodding as I sipped my own drink, it was hard not to smile at the memories Beth, and I had created. Both of us growing up in hard times, granted once I moved in with my mom I didn't have the father problems like Bethany did—if I ever saw her father or uncle, I would most likely end up behind bars for what they did to her. The thing I had to deal with most was my ex-boyfriend, Billy.
"We did yeah, not so much these days since we both have been busy with our work" Spencer nodded as if letting me know he was listening. "When we first moved into the area, we had just mainly graduated—we didn't expect our internet jobs to take us as far as it did so buying a house was weirdly amazing, but since we didn't know the area we both decided to go around and find places to try, I found this place and it quickly became a favorite, we used to come here every weekend and spend birthdays here" it was nice remembering our times here.

"Yeah, and we brought your brother here when he would visit too—your mom isn't such a fan of it, but she was happy to see you and Dustin together again" Beth said taking a sip of her own drink, "we don't bring my mother here, we learnt very quickly my mother will beat our asses in games" snorting I nodded my head remembering how Beth's mom basically slaughtered us in air hockey.

Part of me wished my mom was like Beth's. I loved my mom and brother more then anything of course, it was just growing up I lived with my dad—who was a terrible person, and I didn't move in with my mom until I was already a teenager so trying to navigate learning someone new and a new town wasn't the easiest and I didn't give my mom an easy time.
My mom loved her cats, watching soap opera's and chatting to her book club nonstop and my brother loved hanging out with his nerdy friends and playing dungeons and dragons, all in which I wasn't fully into so that had created a rift in our relationships, and when I had dated my ex-boyfriend. I shuddered just at the thought.
"Yeah, my mom said Dustin wants to visit soon so who knows, maybe we will spend a full day out here again" my brother loved this arcade, he would spend hours upon hours in here even facetiming his friends.

"So you two are from small town I take it?" Noah asked sitting back in the booth, the closeness of it looked like it had Beth nearly crawling out of her skin from being nervous.

"I am, I am from a small town in Indiana. I lived there with my mom and brother for a few years. My dad was from a bigger area" I said taking a gulp of my drink to help calm my nerves a bit.

Noah seeming to notice didn't push further and instead looked at Spencer. "So, tour is almost over and done with, you looking forward to it?"

"Oh yeah, and you guys have your last show in this town next weekend right? I should be done tour by then; I would love to come see it" Spencer said so casual.

It was so weird seeing these two men speak to one another, the fact they knew each other and were friends blew my mind away. "Sure, just text me and I will make sure to have passes ready. . . Imogen, Beth did you two want passes as well?" Beth nearly choked on her drink hearing those words.

"We would love them!" I said before Beth could decline them, she would too—her nerves would get the best of hers, but I wouldn't let that happen, this would be great for my accounts to do videos as well. Granted I wouldn't be able to do a horror video like I did with Spencer but even a concert behind the scenes video was more then enough as well.

"Alright here we are" Nate said as he carried out two trays of food. One containing the pizza for myself and Spencer to share, the other was Noah's and Bethany's order. "Let me know if you need anything else" Nate said before waving himself off.

"Alright, so there is veggies on this pizza as well as pepperoni because you can't go wrong with that" I said taking a slice putting it on the plate in front of me. Spencer following along and adding a few slices for himself. "Noah, Beth have some pizza if you want" I gestured before taking a bite of my food, enjoying the taste of it.

Shrugging Noah didn't hesitate before he grabbed himself a slice and adding it to his plate of food. Spencer looked over at Beth before he let out a small laugh. "You got dino-nuggets and onion rings?" he seemed over the moon about that.

Chuckling along, I smiled feeling my heart filled with happiness. "That is her usual" I said before munching more on my own food.
How did my life get this good?

~Beth's POV:~

My cheeks heated as Spencer seemed more amused at the fact my dinner was from a child's menu—it was something Imogen both would get when we first started coming here since we didn't know what we wanted, and you couldn't go wrong with dino-nuggets. "I have been having this for years, they add moons every now and then" I said taking a small bite of my food, thanking myself it wasn't too much since my anxiety brewed with Noah sitting right beside me.

Everyone was enjoying their meals, Imogen and Spencer speaking to one another giggling away and Noah listening in. Not even finishing all my food, I sat back in the seat frowning as my phone began to ring. Pulling the small device up, I saw it was my mom calling me. "Shoot, I should take this" I said showing Imogen the screen before sliding out of the booth and to the doorway where it was more quiet. I could see Imogen and Nate speaking, him looking this way and winking at me of course turning my cheeks all red as Imogen paid, I would send her my money later to cover the bill.
Sliding the answer button, I held the phone to my ear. "Hi mom" I said trying to sound excited.

"Hi baby! How is everything there going?" my mom lived about an hour away from Imogen and I, so we never got to see her too much since she was always working. My mother worked as a nine-one-one operator, a job she adored and has been doing since I was about fifteen after we finally got away from my dad and uncle.

"It's good mom, I am out with Imogen and some friends. . . I thought you got my text?" I had texted her when we were on the way saying I would call her tomorrow.

My mom sighed, "I know but I missed you and thought I could get a quick call in—I am on my way to work right now" she worked the night shift then.

"That's fine. I missed you too" it was hard not to miss her; she and I went through hell together and I truly don't know what I would do without her.

"So, next weekend I am going to come stay the weekend, no complaints allowed" she said making sure I knew she was putting her foot down. "Maybe you, me and Imogen can do something—it would be fun" I could hear the smile through the phone.

"Oh, yeah sure! Look mom, I know this was a short call, but I am actually out with Imogen, I should get back to her, but I will let her know!" I said looking at Imogen who was already playing some games with Spencer, Noah casually off to the side enjoying the view of them.

"Okay, tell Imogen I love her too. I love you Bethany, I will see you next weekend" she said as the line disconnected.

Blowing out the air I held, I made my way back inside to where everyone stood. "So, how is your mom?" Imogen asked not even looking away from the shooter game her and Spencer battled one another in.

"Ugh. . . She's good! She said she is going to come stay with me next weekend" Imogen glanced at me and that was when I remembered. The concert, shit! "Oh shit! I forgot, you go and have fun I will stay with my mom" it wasn't me trying to get out of it, it was me trying to make sure my mom didn't feel upset about being bailed on.

"Nonsense, you all can come" I looked at Noah with my lips slightly parted. "Three access passes with your guy's names on them—I don't know if your mom likes our music, but I am sure she would have fun seeing her daughter have fun" Noah smiled as we followed Imogen and Spencer through the crowded room.

Stopping I looked at Noah who slid his hands into his pockets. "Please don't feel like you have to do this" I said trying to keep calm as he looked down on me.

"Do what?" he seemed amused to watch me be shy near him.

Feeling my heart race I didn't know what to do—Imogen was out of sight, so I needed to not hide from this. "Be nice to me, I know you are friends with Imogen which I adore more than anything. . . But the clothes, the hotel and now this. Please don't feel like you need to be nice to me" I wasn't used to this in the slightest.

A chuckle erupted from Noah which had my cheeks turning red. "Cute, I am not being nice to you just because of that—I genuinely think you are pretty cool, BlondeGhost" he winked using my online name. "I saw you on Instagram, trust me, you are someone I would like to know" he fell into step beside me as we maneuvered through the crowd of people.

"Well thank you. I still have your clothes to give back to you as well" I said—they were currently in my dryer ready to be folded and put somewhere so I could give them back to him. "Thank you again, by the way for that" I didn't get the chance to thank him this morning.

"You're welcome, I was kind of sad when I woke up and didn't see you in the room. I wanted to see how you slept, considering you tucked me in before leaving" he said looking down at me.

Smiling softly, I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear as I continued walking with Noah. "Oh, I slept pretty well. You should have moved me from the bed though, I could have slept on the sofa a lot easier then you must have, I am really sorry you had to sleep like that" he was so much taller then I was it wasn't fair I got the bed which would have fit both myself and Imogen in it and still had room—Noah had slept on the small sofa at the foot of the bed and he was curled up so small when I had woken up.

Shrugging his shoulders, he stopped to play a small vending machine game. "I didn't mind, I slept in worse places. . . Tour kind of trains you I suppose" he watched as the game kept going until he won a small gnome toy out of the machine. "For you" he held it out for me.

Lips parting, I accepted the small toy going to thank him when I heard a gasp from the side of me. "Holy shit! You're BlondeGhost, and you're Noah Sebastian!" a guy said—turning to face him, he wore an Ice Nine Kills shirt and had curly brown hair that fell just to above his eye. "Holy shit!" he smiled looking at me, "I am sorry for like being a fangirl in the moment, but can I get a photo with you both?" I looked at Noah who seemed to nod his head before the guy passed his phone to his friend and scotting in between myself and Noah—the guy was a bit taller then me but shorter then Noah. We all smiled at the photo before he turned to me. "I loved your videos, especially with ImogenHorror god you two are such icons" he must be referring to when Imogen would do horror videos with me in them—she adored covering me in fake blood. "Listen, this is going to sound so weird. . . But could I give you mu number?" his eyes seemed to slide over my body which made me feel bare in the moment.

But it wasn't every day I got stopped and noticed on the streets, so when it did happen it was surprising. "Oh thank you, Imogen and Spencer are actually around here somewhere" his eyes seemed to widen at that. Completely forgetting he just offered me his number he slid out from where he stood waving himself off before emerging into the crowd most likely to go find her.

"Wow, that was a little. . . rude and weird?" Noah seemed to notice as he looked at the direction the gentlemen went in.

Shrugging I began playing a small arcade game brushing it off. "I am used to it honestly, most people know me as Beth, Imogen's best friend which I don't mind and I love—I love seeing her live out her dreams and doing something she cares about, just isn't often people stop me as just me honestly" it wasn't me complaining it was me just telling Noah how most people loved Imogen, she was the outgoing one where I was more careful and thought out.
Pulling out his phone, Noah stood behind me as he leaned down more. "What are you doing?" I asked confused.

He snapped a few photos before looking at me, still snapping photos as I looked back at him. "I want some photos together, not with Imogen—not to be rude, I want to know Beth. . . Not Imogen's best friend, Beth" he said which had my eyes water a little. How could this man be so sweet?

Looking back at the arcade game, I hadn't realized Noah switched to a video as he still stood behind me, videoing us, or mainly me since he stood straight once more. Winning a small duck I let out a 'woop' of joy before turning to him and smiling. "For you, it is only fair" I glanced at the video once to show off the duck I had in my hand.

Smiling Noah accepted the duck from me, grin on his face. "I will cherish this duck for the rest of my life" ending his video he held his phone out to me. "Here, add your number. . . I would love to get to know you more."

Accepting his phone, I noticed the contact's name he had set was 'Just Beth' which now felt like a running joke between us—God that felt so weird to say, a running joke between myself and Noah? Once I typed in my number I fired off a text before adding his number to my phone. Turning the phone to him, I smiled softly. "You have me as just Beth, so you get to pick your contact's name" he seemed happy to do that.

Once he typed something in, I could feel my cheeks burn as I read the name had put. 'Noah is so good-looking Sebastian' "Can't deny it" he chuckled before leading us through the crowd.
No, no I couldn't deny it. 

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now