12: ImogenHorror.

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~Imogen's POV:~

"Everything okay?" Spencer asked. Seeming concerned when I came back into the room everyone was hanging out in.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, it was Beth, she was telling me off about the little surprise" Spencer nodded his head knowing I meant Noah. "Oh, and she dropped a surprise on me—turns out my little brother moved into town, my mom actually encouraged him, which is shocking, my mom was hounding us to stay in the small town for years" maybe she changed her mind.

Spencer looked me over, brows furrowing a bit. "Did you need to go back? I am sure we can book you a late flight out of here" he gestured pulling out his phone.

"What? No! No, it's okay don't worry, Beth said she could handle both Noah and my brother, plus it's only for three shows it won't be too bad" I nudged him earning a smile. "Trying to get rid of me that soon already?"

My skin had goosebump as Spencer seemed to darken his eyes, not in a threatening way but more of a playful way as his voice lowered. "Why would I want to get rid of someone as good-looking as you?" the huskiness in his voice raised my goosebumps more.

Feeling like a fish out of water, I swallowed hard as I looked at Shev, she was scrolling her phone alone on the sofa as the others spoke around her. "I-I am going to go see Shev" Spencer's smile told him that he had gotten the affect.
Plopping down beside Shev, I tried to look interested as she leaned over, showing me all the videos she was watching, but I could feel his eyes on me—watching from the other side of the room as I sat beside Shev. "What time is it?" I asked getting up looking at Shev, my phone was dead after the call with Bethany.

"Just after ten" it had been that long already?

"I am going to get some sleep, I'll see you guys at the venue in the morning?" I asked looking around at the crew I would be working with.
Stopping beside Spencer who was chewing on some snacks, I looked up at him, my blue eyes pinning him down as the butterflies he gave me subsided enough for me to take him by surprise as I said softly only loud enough for him and myself to hear. "Goodnight, sir" he choked on his snack as the others turned to look at him. Leaving with a smirk on my phone I slid into my own room closing the door behind me and plugging my phone in.

Once I was showered and my skincare routine was done, I plopped myself on my bed seeing I had a few texts from Dustin and even some from Beth, both of them had been arguing it seems. Facetiming Beth, it took a few rings before she picked up the call, she was on my sofa in my place as Dustin asked Noah to pause whatever they were watching. "Wow, a whole day with Dustin and you looked wiped" I noted the bags underneath her eyes.

Beth smiled softly; her blue eyes glazed over with a sense of sheer exhaustion. "He can be a handful for sure, no wonder your mom moved him out here" she joked.

"I'll have you know; I am great company!" Dustin argued coming into frame, taking Beth's phone from her—she didn't even put up a fight, instead pretty much handed it to hm. "So, you're on tour with Ice Nine Kills?" he said looking behind me as if he was going to see one of the members of the band.

"Yeah, yeah I am and next time you come to my house give me warning, how did you even get there anyways?" Dustin didn't drive and he sure as hell didn't have money for a cab.

Dustin shrugged his shoulders, "an ex of yours." My eyes widened at that, palms becoming sweaty as he seemed to notice the weight of his words. "Shit no! Not him. Steve drove me, he was heading out this way to help out someone" it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

It was ironic how my favorite show was Stranger Things and I dated both Steve—who was remarkably sweet, and I truly believe in another lifetime we would have worked out. But also a douche named Billy that everyone hated. Beth was the only one in my life brave enough to stand up against Billy, and once I saw how he looked at her, I knew he marked her as a target as something that could hurt me, if he hurt her, he hurt me.
Taking a deep breath, I nodded my head. "You can be an ass sometimes, I am glad Steve helped you out though, and how is Noah liking my house?"

Panning the camera so Noah was also in frame, Dustin got comfy beside the male as he smirked, I knew my brother could be an ass, but he would torture Beth like I would about her crush, and by the seems of it he knows exactly who Noah is. "I like it, thanks again for letting me stay, if it ever gets too much I can give you money or even get a hotel or something" he said with a small smile.

I waved him off as I smiled. "Nonsense, it's cool saying you are crashing at my house, feel free to use it whenever" mine and Beth's houses were considered a motel in a way to our family so what was adding rockstars to the list?

"Well thank you" Noah added.

"Yeah, you almost starved the poor guy by the way," Dustin joked looking at me with furrowed brows. "Beth fed him her breakfast, fed me her breakfast too! You had no food in this place, Bethany ended up taking us to the store and buying us food" Dustin was my annoying little brother for sure.

Smiling at Dustin I rolled my eyes. "Well dipshit, I was only expecting Noah, and once Beth discovered Noah I was going to see if she could take him shopping for food, you just so happened to have shown up and been a pain in the ass" we both smiled at one another. "Right, hand me back to Bethany, I would like to talk to my wife" we would joke saying we were one another's wives.

"Sure—" Dustin paused, an 'O' shape with his mouth, "yeah no can do, she's passed right out" he turned the camera so I could see Beth curled up on the corner of my sofa soundly asleep. "Guess that is my que to head over to Beth's" I raised a brow at my brother, "there was no way in hell I was sleeping with Chucky!" I rolled my eyes at him, "should I wake her or carry her over?" he seemed stumped on what to do with Bethany who slept there.

Noah shook his head, grabbing the blanket he had over his lap. "No, leave her to sleep" he said placing the blanket over Bethany gently, I couldn't help but study him as he looked her over before turning back to Dustin, "I am going to go to bed, goodnight, have fun and thank you again Imogen" Noah smiled before waving himself off.

"Goodnight" I said as Noah walked away. "Okay, I am hanging up now Dustin, I will see you when I get home" he nodded his head as I hung up my phone.
Seeing Spencer had sent me a goodnight text, making me blush and roll my eyes. I hadn't felt this giddy about someone since. . . Since, my mind stopped as my smile faltered a little. Since Billy.

The night settled in faster, my sleep was restless between nerves and excitement for the next three days.
Sun beaming through the curtains, I opened my eyes to see the new day waiting.

Not wasting time I packed all my things bringing it to the venue where the bus waited, Shev showed me where my bunk would be which would be above hers and ironically across from Spencer. Once I was dressed up in leggings and a black tank top, I headed inside where the others were—kids already lining up outside for their best chance at front row.
The morning went fast and so did the afternoon, before I knew it I was helping Shev scan in the VIP's who would mumble their thank-you's to us. Not that I minded, I understood they were excited, and I would have been the same way.
"I think they are excited" Shev said as she headed to the stage to explain how the VIP would work, and of course everyone being excited to see her. Some would point and look over at me, almost shocked that they were seeing ImogenHorror there, I smiled and waved to them before heading back to help get showtime ready as the band came on stage to talk to the fans.

This was going surprisingly well, both opener acts did amazing, and the crowd was a huge rush of adrenaline to me. Spencer standing beside me as they were about to go onstage. "Feels like I haven't seen you all day" I said jokingly as I poked his arm appreciating the muscle beneath.

His smile felt rewarding as he glanced me over. "I know, welcome to the tour life—the days pass in a blur and you have no idea what happens, that's my que though, I'll see you after" he winked as he grabbed the prop shovel running on stage to begin funeral derangements.

It felt wild that I was here wearing a crew pass, to my favorite band. It was just a few days ago I was watching Spencer sing this live for the first time and even then that still blew my mind. Shev nudged me as I looked at her. "Come on, get dressed" she handed me the outfit to wear, it was one of my favorites' acts where he would 'slice' Shev's neck.

"Are. . . Are you sure?" my nerves awakened as Shev helped slide the outfit onto me.

"Spencer requested you try it, and I have no issues!" she smiled as she looked me over, "okay, show time!" she nudged me onto the stage as fans erupted in cheers.

Memorizing what Shev did in videos, I went up on the small pedestal box in front of Spencer, his eyes seemed to glow as he beheld me on the stage, a wicked smile on there as he stepped up behind me, fake knife in hand.
This was exhilarating. Spencer slashed the fake knife as I pretended to pass-away, falling back into his embrace as he gripped around my middle, I could have sworn he shuddered beneath the contact. Not even a fault in step, he placed me on the ground, winking at me before turning back to the crowd, and I slid off stage as Shev would have done.

Going on stage tonight was amazing, it felt so weird, and I couldn't wait to tell Beth about it. Checking my phone, I saw there was already videos of me on stage, Beth even retweeting one saying, 'that's my girl!' I couldn't help the grin on my face.
Spencer coming on the bus after the show, his sweat soaked hair disheveled as he smiled at me, amazed himself. "You did amazing!" I said wrapping my arms around him hugging tightly.

Spencer chuckled wrapping his arms around me as well. "You did amazing as well!" his face inches from mine, my heart leapt into my throat noticing as I took a step back, but Spencer still held on. "Who knew, ImogenHorror was made for the Ice Nine Kills stage" he winked as he let go of me.

Smiling I shrugged at him. "Got two more shows of it, Charnas" I teased. "Hey, after tour is done. . . Are you wanting to stay at mine while we see Bad Omens?" I asked.

His smile warmed my heart as he said. "I thought you'd never ask."

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now