7: Secret.

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~Beth's POV:~

"Get out!" my voice quivered as I held the towel close to me, as if it would fix everything—the way Spencer was looking at me was what I was afraid of, why I didn't show my scars to anyone who wasn't my mom or Imogen.

Spencer looked away, his face red as if he was embarrassed. "Beth—I-I" before he could finish my back door opened once more.

"What is going on, what is all the screaming?" Imogen said holding a baseball bat up above her head, she was changed into leggings and a sports bra that was barely covered by a white long-sleeved shirt. "Spencer?" Imogen straightened herself as she stepped up the two steps which came into my kitchen. My house lay out was nice the back door either led to the basement stairs or two steps which led into my open kitchen with a counter that basically acted as a wall to go down those two steps—beside the open kitchen was my living room which had another archway which led to the hall of my front door and my guest bedroom where my mom usually spent her time when she visited, since Imogen lived next door or even slept in my bed with me since we didn't mind. My bathroom was at the end of the hall as the master bedroom door was right beside the bathroom a few steps.
Imogen turned her head and saw me standing there, towel clutched to my body for dear life as my wet hair dripped down onto my wooden floors. "Oh shit" she muttered under her breath before turning towards me fully, Spencer not knowing who to look at or what to do.

Pointing my finger towards their direction, I was shaking in my spot from the cool air from my air-con but nerves that were soaring through my body. "He-he needs to leave. . ." I said feeling my lip quiver.

Imogen held her hands up, looking at Spencer as she placed a hand on his chest. "Spencer, my house is right next door—the door is open, why not meet me there and I will be right over?" she said gently looking at Spencer. He went to open his mouth when she looked at him, her blue eyes catching his. "I will meet you over there" she said firmly to him.

He looked at me with a sorry expression before nodding his head and jogging down the two steps and out the door. Exhaling the breath I hadn't realized I was holding, I looked at Imogen who had the same sorry expression on her face. "Bethany . . . I didn't know he would come into your place; I thought your door would still be locked and I thought he would know which house was mine" you'd think, considering Imogen has a scream mask in her back window.

Lip still quivering, I just nodded my head in understanding. I felt guilty for snapping at Spencer, and part of me wanted to go say sorry to him because it wasn't fair how I snapped I was panicking, and part of me still was as I looked at Imogen who stepped beside me, arms around my shoulders. "He. . . He saw my scars Imm's—I know he didn't mean it, but he saw them, and he looked at me like everyone else did, I. . . I don't know how to face him" I stuttered out.

Imm's nodded her head, gently nudging me into my room. "I know, come on let's get you some clothes and then we can figure that part out together" she said gently to me. Nodding my head I let her lead me into my room.

~Imogen's POV:~

Grabbing some leggings for Beth, she got herself in her underwear and bra as she sat on her bed—a sad look on her face, she felt guilty about Spencer and even though it wasn't her fault, I felt bad for her. She took things harder than I did, where I was tough and didn't care, she did care and sometimes the guilt would eat away at her. "Here, change into these" I said passing her the leggings and her favorite Bad Omens hoodie. She loved her varsity hoodie; it wasn't too warm, but it kept her warm in the cooler weather for sure. "I am going to go check on Spencer, please come over as soon as you are changed" Beth could only nod her head before I closed the door to her room before heading to my own house.

Opening my door, Spencer stood in my living room his eyes wide when he saw me. "Look, I am really sorry—I didn't mean to upset her, or you if I did. . . I understand if you want me to leave" he said quickly.

Raising my hand, I halted his word vomit. "Spence, relax. . . She is okay, she feels bad how she handled it, just—maybe keep what you saw to yourself? She struggles with it and if you can keep it to yourself I know she will feel a lot better" I said lowering my hand to my side. Eyes looking at Spencer, he wore jeans and a button-up black shirt with a grey shirt underneath. "How're you feeling?" I asked. Seeing something like that could be hard for someone, and I didn't know Spencer well enough to know how he would react.

Furrowing his brows, he stepped closer to me, leaning against the wall—part of me hated that I couldn't look away as Spencer looked me over, almost appreciating how I looked. "I am okay, I didn't expect to see Beth in a towel" he trailed off shaking his head, "I didn't mean to scare her, and I promise her secret is safe with me, just I want her to know if she needs help or anything I am a safe person to come to, that goes for you as well" he said poking my shoulder earning a laugh from me.

"Same for you, whatever you need—I am more than happy to help, Beth is just calming down before she heads over here and Noah said he would meet us for food if we were up for it, I think the arcade sounds fun, I would beat you at air hockey any day" I smiled going into my kitchen to put away the juice I had left out before running to Beth's. The way she screamed, it reminded me of myself—when I finally left Billy, it felt like he was right there and if I didn't get to her he would.
Shaking the thought from head, I looked back at Spencer who was watching, he had the look on his face as if he wanted to ask something but was too nervous to. "Do you want anything to drink? She might be a little while before she comes over. . . Not your fault, she just needs to calm down" I finished off feeling my own nerves begin, if she wasn't over in the next five minutes I would go check on her.

"No, no thank you—so you got Noah's number?" he chuckled as Spencer took a seat on the bar stool of my counter, looking around admiring the horror theme I had going as well as some Halloween vibes. "I also love the place" he said before turning back towards me.

It felt so weird having Spencer in my house, never in a million years did I think he would be talking to me, or even in my house. "Thank you, every day is Halloween with me" he chuckled at that, "and yeah—you gave Noah my number last night so he could contact me about Beth" I opened my phone to show him the text, "I am surprised you aren't puking your guts up with how drunk you were the other night" he laughed at that making my heart rate pick up a bit.

"Believe me, it wasn't pretty when I got back to my room, I think I spent a good hour closer to two hours living beside my toilet" he cringed at the thought.

"Yikes, well do you at least feel better enough to go out? Should we just cancel so you can rest?" the last thing I wanted was to be the reason he overdid himself.

"I promise, Imogen I am okay, it is fully out of my system" he gestured down his body which I couldn't help but track his movement noticing his toned chest I gulped before his eyes met mine.

Before I could say something that most likely would have embarrassed me, my door opened and in came Beth she was reluctant when she saw Spencer but fiddled with her nails. "Spencer. . . I am really sorry" she said looking up at him.

Mouth falling open, he shook his head before placing his hand on her shoulder. "No, no Beth I am the sorry one—I didn't mean to scare you and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it wasn't my intention" watching how he was with Beth warmed my heart, it was a goal to make sure I could find someone who respected not only me but her as well since she was part of my family.
Spencer was also treating her as family, which couldn't help but make the crush on him grow more.

~Beth's POV:~

I watched Spencer as he apologized to me, it wasn't something I was used too—in the past I was always the one needing to say sorry, that was something my father and uncle made sure I knew is usually everything was my fault.
Nodding my head as he looked at me, he glanced at Imogen before looking at me. "I promise, I won't tell anyone what I say, you don't need to worry about me telling anyone, and if you ever need you can message me okay?"

It felt weird having him say this to me, it was weird because just the other week he was just another artist Imogen and myself listened to and now he was standing in Imm's house, saying he was going to keep my secret. "Thanks" I managed to say before looking at Imm's. "So, what is the plan?" I asked, she had told me to come here right after I was dressed but I took a few minutes to breathe and calm my racing heart, in that time I did my makeup to cover the puffy eyes and bring out the blue in them with some eyeliner.

Imogen smiled as she grabbed a sweater off her coat rack in the hall. "We need to go meet someone" she didn't say who and I was at the point I didn't want to ask. "We are going to the arcade, we will grab some food there" she smiled before winking at me.

Not saying much, I followed them to Imogen's car—deciding to let them speak, I gestured for Spencer to sit in the front as I crawled into he backseat listening to them chat about different horror movies and what their favorite kills where in them. Focusing on the world outside that passed by, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.
Pulling it out, I saw it was my mom texting me to check in on me.

Mom: How was your concert honey? I saw on Imogen's story you both met the band, that's exciting!

My mom only saw what Imogen posted, which I am thankful she didn't post more than us in the green room—not the aftermath, and I am glad my mother didn't ask her or if she had Imm's hadn't said how I spent the night in Noah's room. My mother would never leave me alone if she knew.
Hitting reply, I chewed my lip as I thought of what to say to her.

Beth: Hi mom. It was a good concert! We hung out with the band for work, and we currently are going to hangout with them again. I can't talk today but I will call you tomorrow, love you!

Hitting send, I knew my mom would be excited to hear about us hanging out with Ice Nine Kills, she knew they were Imogen's favorite band and every year around Christmas my mom would handmake her decorations, every year since Imogen and I have been in college my mom would make Imogen a horror one, and the last few years it has been an Ice Nine Kills one—sometimes I think Imogen was more excited to see my mother than she was her own, but I understood. It wasn't easy for her to go home, and she hated how she left her mom and brother there but stated how her mother would never leave that town. My mom being my mom, always wanted another daughter and was more than happy to adopt Imogen into our little family since it was just my mom and myself—we both never wanted to see my father or uncle again and last we heard they lived where I grew up.
"Beth, what are you feeling like you are in the mood for?" Imogen asked as she pulled into the busy parking lot—the arcade was attached to a movie theatre and restaurant so part of me wished that this crowd was for what ever hit movie was playing.

"Unsure, maybe my usual" Imogen and I would come here once a month if we could, when we were younger we tried spending most our weekends here in the movies but then our jobs began keeping us busy.

Getting out of the car, Spencer wrapped his arm around Imogen and I watched a small blush emerge on her cheeks which had me chuckling. "I never been here so you ladies need to tell me what's good" Spencer said as he held the door open for both of us.

"What's good is the arcade shape drinks" it was true, they would serve their alcohol slushies in a arcade machine shaped glass.

"Sounds good to me" he said following as Imogen led the charge like she usually did, I didn't mind.

Looking at Spencer as Imogen looked around as if she was trying to find someone, "so who are we meeting here? Is it someone else from Ice Nine Kills?" I asked over the sound of laughing kids and arcade games.

Looking down at me, Spencer shook his head—"nah, the guys are all watching a game in the hotel room today, curing their own hangovers" he did look rough when he emerged from the room I was meant to stay in. "I think she found him, come on" he patted my shoulder before following Imogen.

Following her to the table, Spencer slid in beside Imogen on the wooden bench. My smirk fell off my face as soon as I saw who sat on the other side of Spencer, beside the only chair left open now.
Noah turned his head towards me, a smile growing as he looked at what I was wearing, "hello again, just Beth."

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now