15: Bond.

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~Imogen's POV:~

The next morning seemed super busy, Noah and Spencer had once again crashed in my spare bedroom as Dustin slept in the now doll-free room. I wanted to talk to Dustin when we got home but I had been so tired after the show I barely had enough energy to fully take my makeup off and do my skin routine.
Dustin had seemed pretty wiped out after the concert himself, he was pretty dazed as we all climbed back into the car, drive home nearly falling asleep on Bethany who herself seemed a bit out of it.
Groaning at the alarm clock that read nine in the morning, I sat myself up, covering my mouth as I yawned into my hand. It had been a late night, all of us pretty much crashing as soon as we got here, Noah was the last one to arrive since he was busy meeting fans afterwards which we all understood, there had been a few people that wanted photos with myself and Spencer—not many wanting a photo with Beth which didn't bother her but in a way bothered me, her and I were a packaged deal in a way, was hard to hate one or the other since we were so close, but I didn't let it hurt the vibe of the night.

Climbing out of the warmth of my bed, I slid myself into some mom jeans and a cute horror crop top, the plan was try to speak to my brother and I knew exactly how it was going to go.
The last time I had seen Dustin he was telling me how Billy was still giving everyone a hard time, after college Billy ended up moving back to that small town where I heard he was a nightmare, he was overly sweet to my mother which sickened me, Dustin knew he was a bad guy—even before I was dating him Dustin would voice his dislike about Billy but of course, I never listened or even cared. Sliding out of my bedroom my heart stopped when I saw Spencer standing in my kitchen, coffee in hand as he stood shirtless, but his jeans sat around his waist, his hair a mess. "Oh, good morning" I smiled making my way to where I had dumped my purse before I went to bed.

Spencer sipping his coffee, raised a brow as he saw me. "Morning, are you going out anywhere? Date?" he smirked as he sipped once more from the steaming cup.

We hadn't really spoken since the concert yesterday when he questioned Dustin and I about being siblings, of course no one was unhappy we all had a blast hanging out together and I even got a video of me braiding Jolly's hair for a video which he kindly did with me. "Not a date, I am going to take my brother around and catch up with him since it's been a while since we really last seen one another" the last time I saw Dustin was when my mom had done a quick visit, but I never visited home after Bethany, and I finished getting the rest of my stuff after college. The encounter with Billy was more then enough.

"Sweet, you two have fun" he smiled.

"What do you have planned? Since we won't be here, and Noah is still asleep?" gesturing to the room where Spencer and Noah shared the bed—both men insisted it was fine since they both have lived in a van with multiple other people, they didn't mind sharing a room for a while—plus I was sure I could convince Beth to let Noah stay with her when her mom left later today. Her mom had to be back at work tomorrow, so she was spending a girl's day out with Beth before hitting the road.

He shrugged his shoulders placing his half empty mug on the counter in front of him. "Noah's awake, he woke up before me. He's just scrolling on his phone, but not too sure what the plan is—suppose we could go visit Beth if she is up for it" he didn't know their plan.

Shrugging I looked down the steps of my basement where the guest room remained closed. "She is going out with her mother I think for a bit—you guys can take my spare key hanging up if you did want to explore, go for it, key's yours for as long as you need" I gestured to the key ring that hung up. "Now, if you excuse me, I am about to make the younger Henderson run" I smirked as Spencer lifted a brow—Noah coming out of the room, brow raised in question as well.
"Dustin let's go or else your ass is staying home! Mom would murder you for missing school!" I yelled the familiar line I would yell up the stairs to him every school day.

Said & Done |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens| Spencer Charnas/INK|Where stories live. Discover now