16: Rainy day.

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains mention of abuse, and self-harm. Part of the chapter will be marked with ----- for those who do not want to read it. Please know readers discretion has been advised.

~Imogen's POV:~

Dustin and I headed over to Beth's, her lights on as the rain outside hit the windows of the cozy home. "Wonder what time she got back" said Dustin climbing out of the car, shielding his face as he ran for the door to Beth's house.

Following him through the rain, I grabbed my key knowing her front door would be locked, we usually only ever used our back doors but with the rain I really didn't want to run all the way back there. Unlocking the door, I pushed Dustin inside before stepping in myself, thankful for the warmth of Beth's house. "You two were gone all morning" Noah chuckled from Beth's sectional sofa.

Looking at the two men who sat on the sofa, hot chocolate in hand by the smell with blanket's laid over their laps. "Wh-what are you two doing here? Where is Beth?" they pointed to the kitchen where music played softly.

Dustin not minding, went and slumped himself with the two men to watch what ever they were watching as I made my way to my best friend. "I thought you were having a girl's day with your mom?" I asked taking my damp sweater off of myself.

"Mom got called into work, so here I am, and they are on their fourth hot chocolate, they are calling me a hot-chocolate witch" I snorted at the comment as she placed her famous hot-chocolate in front of me. Not denying it, I accepted the hot mug thanking it silently for the warmth it brought me.

Sipping what I considered liquid treasure, I nodded my head. "I mean—not your mothers, but still one of the best" she knew her mothers was the best and silently agreed as she brought her own mug to her lips, "have you been in here slaving away over hot chocolate all day?" I noted the stuff she used to make was still displayed on her counter near her coffee machine.

Beth shook her head before shrugging. "It's not a big deal, it's kind of nice honestly in a weird way, plus. . . Spencer and I are going to be roommates for a little while" my eyes widened at that. "He was going to stay at a motel, thought it would be better if I offered the room since my mom isn't here anymore and I mean you still get to be right next to him basically" she gestured.

She was having Spencer stay here? Couldn't lie, I was a little jealous but thankful he wasn't going to be in a motel room. "I was going to suggest Noah stayed with you" I lowered my voice making sure the men in the other room couldn't hear us.

Shake of her head, I knew it was a long shot. "I would be too nervous Imm's. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact they're actually here, talking to us and that I made them hot chocolate" Beth whispered as she pulled out some stuff. "I am sorry if you're upset, you can ask Dustin to stay with me if you want?" she offered.

As tempting as it was, if I asked Dustin to stay here I felt like it might put a wedge between us, and we finally were getting close after years. "No, no it wouldn't be fair to Dustin—he is looking for a place, just needs to settle first" she nodded her head in understanding. "What are you making?" I asked sitting back in my chair bringing my leg up as I balanced the warm mug on my knee.

Seeming to be proud of herself, she looked at me then the various vegetables on the counter. "It's raining, soup isn't really a mood today especially with how I seen those three can eat" she gestured to the men that spoke about the movie that was now rolling credits, "I am making chili" she never made chili as much before—Bethany wasn't big on cooking, she could cook but she tended to get nervous from it.

"Oh, do you have the spices?" I asked, knowing if she didn't I did at my house.

"I do" she smiled proudly showing me the various spices she had pulled out for it.

"Bethany Knight, hosting a hot chocolate cart for two rockstars and now cooking dinner? My, my who is she?" I joked sipping on my hot chocolate.

Spencer and the others joining us in the kitchen, placed his empty mug on the counter beside me looking to Beth who smiled gesturing to the croc-pot that remained on low, Beth used a croc-pot to make hot-chocolate sometimes, as weird as it sounded it turned out really good every time. She said her mom used to do it so they could have hot chocolate all night, her mom would make it for her work holiday parties and as it is here, was always a huge hit there. Spencer, of course, wasted no time as he got himself another mug full, Noah and Dustin following not long after. I could tell she was nervous as all the men sipped their hot-chocolate savoring its warmth on this cooler day. "So, what are you making?" Dustin asked glancing at the spare croc-pot she had as well as the various of items in front of her.

"Beth is making us chili" even if he had it for breakfast he wasn't going to complain. "Since it seems like a cozy night, I am going to change into some sweats, I will be back in a bit" sliding myself off my chair I headed back to my house— both Spencer and my brother following along as we slid into my house, sighing as the rain was coming down.

"I needed to grab my bag from here, since Beth is letting me stay there" Spencer seemed nervous to bring it up.

Feeling a bit sad at the thought, I nodded my head. "Of course, it's better then a hotel and she is a great roommate" smiling as I excused myself and went into my room.
Changing into a horror crew neck and some black sweats that had flake blood on them. Tying my hair into a messy bun on top of my head, I smiled at the look—even on simple days this was still something I loved doing.

Stepping out into the hall, I could hear my shower running as Spencer came out of the spare room him and Noah had shared. "So, did you two have fun?" he asked as he seemed startled for a second at the sight of me.

Seeing his bag brought a small amount of sadness. He would be right next door though, and I could sleep in Beth's room if I so desired, she wouldn't say no to me. It just felt so weird not being around Spencer especially when the whole tour felt like he was flirting with me. "Oh, yeah, he and I had fun it was nice catching up I suppose, we never really were super close when we were younger" I shrugged going into my kitchen. I could bring something to Beth's, since she was making dinner for everyone.

"I'm glad to hear that, family is fun—I love all of mine deeply, they been through everything with me, and they sure helped when I was going through my divorce" his voice seemed sad at the end, it was a hard memory which I understood.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" I asked softly, as I opened up my pantry door.

Spencer seemed taken back by the question. "No, I mean—how do I explain this?" I could tell he was thinking, "I was with her for a huge part of my life, she's seen my ugly side and I seen hers. . . I went through hell with her, I guess it isn't easy to let that go if that makes sense. I love our memories, I love her in my memories but that feeling, that same love doesn't really reside with her and from what I've heard from friends is, she's happy and I love that for her" he was careful with his words, leaning against my pantry I nodded my head.

Was it selfish to be jealous? Most likely, but I was. He had such great times with her, and I felt like part of me would never get that, not just with Spencer but with anyone—not after what Billy had done. "I'm sorry I asked" I said turning and grabbing a bag of chips to bring over to Beth's, realizing it was just her and Noah, it made me want to take my time. . . We could wait until Dustin was done showering and go over all together.

"Don't be, it's healthy to ask and if it was too personal I would let you know" he smiled taking a seat knowing we would be waiting for my brother. "So, your ex, do you still love him?" his words soft as he spoke.

Looking at him, I placed the bag down on the counter. "Too personal" he nodded his head understanding the weight of the question. "My ex was a piece of work, he took something from me I won't ever get back and—" I could feel the emotions swirling inside of me, the hatred, rage, and heart break. "He wasn't a good person" I said not wanting to go further into it.

"How long have you been single then?" he asked.

That was a question I didn't mind. "I had been on a few dates, but none of them worked out. My ex and I were together in the last portion of high-school and a bit after graduation, but we broke it off fully before I started college, About seven years I suppose?"

Spencer nodded, eyes running over my body in a glance. "You know, they say your body changes every seven years—this new you, this version of Imogen. . . Your ex has never touched" my heart cracked at that, not in a bad way in a way I wasn't expecting because it meant this body had never felt Billy, this version of me never suffered at his hand. Sensing I needed to hear that, Spencer rubbed his hand on my own, "I'm more then happy to know this Imogen" he winked before dropping my hand to my side.
I was more then happy to let him know this version of me as well.

~Beth's POV:~

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