(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 4

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Where are you going? And where's everyone?"

Peter: "Heading to a cafe where MJ and the others are working"

Y/n: "I didn't know they had jobs"

Peter: "It's part of their Senior year plan. They want to at least experience what it feels to work part-time"

Y/n: "Huh...neat"

The elevator then arrived to their floor, Peter headed in with Y/n quickly following after, riding the elevator back to the ground floor.

Peter: "Don't YOU ever want to try working part-time?"

Y/n: "I DID. But then the whole Mysterio situation happened, then being Spider-man sort of also became my part-time job"

Peter: *scoff* "Apart from getting paid I'd say"

Y/n: "Actually, no. I do get paid"

Peter: "Wait, seriously?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I managed to snag me some brand deals a few months after our whole court situation"

Peter: "Brand deals like what?"

Y/n: "Oh, just studios using my likeness to sell their products in exchange for money that's automatically transferred into my account"

Peter: "Y/n..."

Y/n: "Hey, I didn't use MY name. I made sure to put Spider-man instead, keeping the whole secret-identity-esc magic even if it is public knowledge"

Peter: "How did you even get to SIGN those deals?"

Y/n: "Oh, I called another favor from Matt. Which reminds me; Peter, remind me to look through the case file Matt gave me"

Peter: "What's it about?"

Y/n: "I don't know. Some Russian group in Tracksuits"

Peter: "That just sounds like an everyday thing for you"

Y/n: "Because in a way it sort of is"

Peter: "Right...So what other deals did the contract make you do for cash?"

Y/n: "Well..."

Y/n: "Oh, Spidey Bells, Spidey Bells Swinging through Midtown~"

Inside a small cafe, Peter and Y/n can be seen sitting in front of the TV as Miles, MJ, Gloria, and Betty sit beside them as they watch a Christmas caroling video of Y/n in his Spider-man suit with a Santa hat.

MJ: "You know, for as long as I've known you; I never heard you sing"

Miles: "I didn't even think you COULD sing"

Y/n: "Hey, it surprised the hell outta me too!"

Y/n (TV): "Thwipping through the streets. Of New York every night~"

Y/n: "I don't know, maybe it's the singing coach that they hired for me, the Christmas spirit flowing in me, or-"

Betty: "The thousands of dollars you're raking up PER LISTEN!!?"

Betty then showed the others the revenue Y/n was gaining from just this one song. Managing to top Mariah Carey's 'All I Want for Christmas'.

Y/n: "Yeah, I guess that's a good enough motivation"

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