you need to let her go (NR)

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Age 14

Y/n's POV
I don't know how long I have been stood looking at myself in the mirror, wearing my mommas old suit.

After years, and I mean years of begging my mom to let me join missions with her and the team, I am finally going on a big mission.

Sure I have been on small missions with the team exploring abandoned bases or surveillance missions which unfortunately for me don't consist of much fighting. But today I was going to invade a working hydra base. Now I know what your thinking Y/N you are 14 how do you think your going to beat Hyrda agents and keep up with the avengers.

I lived under the control of the red room until I was age 7 when momma and I escaped. So I was training up until that point. Dreykov would say that I was the most talented KGB assassin since momma was cycled through. But then when Uncle clint saved us in Budapest and brought us to the avengers, momma wouldn't let me train anymore. After lots of persuading when I turned 10, she let me start up light training as I got older I trained more frequently, I would sometimes spa with Uncle Clint I certainly gave him a run for his money. Of course my favourite to spa with was momma, she's the best.

'Y/n lets move we got to go' Uncle Steve calls up the stairs. I finally stop staring at myself in the mirror, finally having taken in the sight Infront of me who knew mommas old suit would fit so well. As I walked down the stairs Tony turns to look at me;

'Freaky it's like stepping into a time blip and seeing a little Romanoff' He sniggers, I watch my mom shot daggers at him.

'Shut it Stark!' She snaps, walking over to me bringing me into her arms.

'You look so grown-up детка. Remember what we spoke about right. Be careful don't take unnecessary risks and watch your six' she begins her lecture as we head to the Quinjet.

'Yep I know momma.' I reply with a sigh as we sit down.

'I'm sorry детка. I'm just worried. I love you the most and I'm so proud of you.' She says rubbing my cheek softly.

'Я люблю тебя для мамочки' (I love you too mommy) I say shyly holding my moms hand.

Natasha's POV
Did I want y/n/n going on this mission? No. Did I have a choice? Also no. Fury told me I couldn't keep putting it off, that y/n wasn't a normal kid, she was a fully trained KGB assassin by age 6. I didn't want her to feel like she has to fight, she spent the first 7 years of her life being forced into combat, I never wanted this life for her.

We arrive at the Hydra base and the first thing I do is grab y/n's arm before she can run off to her post.

'Listen to me, be safe. If you need back up you ask, no taking chances. There is nothing wrong with needing a bit of help. Я люблю тебя всем, детка, Пожалуйста, будьте внимательны. (I love you baby with everything, please be careful).' I speak sternly to her looking into her deep green eyes.

'Я люблю тебя больше. И я всегда осторожен. (I love you more. And Im always careful)' she replies giving me that cheeky smile.

I stare at her face just a little longer taking in her identical face. Shes certainly my mini me. I kiss her on the head and pull her into a quick hug before letting her go to her post.

'I'm proud of you Tasha' I hear from beside me.

'Clint there is nothing to be proud of. She's more than capable.' I sigh getting myself ready.

'She is.' He agrees joining me.

The Mission was a lot more intense than we originally thought, there are way more agents that anticipated an right now we are loosing. I haven't see Y/n since we first started the mission.

'Y/n/n are you okay? Do you need any back up?' I ask through my coms.

'All good momma' She pants in response.

'Are you sure детка' I check again, as I punch some guy in the face. I'm worried she's getting tired.

'Romanoff, relax. The kid said she's fine' Tony backs her up.

The mission is only getting more intense as time goes on. I'm getting more worried, about y/n I haven't heard from y/n in 30 minutes and I'm starting to worry.

"Y/n, How's it going" I ask sternly

"I'm fine momma will you stop" Y/n gets cut off by multiple gun shots.

"Y/n?" I ask shakily, i hear here wheezing slightly.

"Tony what's y/n's position" I ask sternly

"Relax Romanoff.." he starts

"NOW TONY" I shout. He immediately gives me her whereabouts. I head to her straight away knocking down guards in my way. As I get closer I see my little red head lying on the floor clutching her stomach. I rush over putting pressure on the multiple gun shot wounds her stomach.

"mo-mommy" She hiccups

"sh sh baby it's okay i got you. Save your energy sweetheart." I shush her.

"Это больно, мамочка (It hurts mommy)" She stutters out. I watch as her eyes go droopy.

"I need a med kit NOW. Someone get the quinjet here" I shout through coms, before turning my attention back to my daughter.

"Я знаю, детка. Следи за мамочкой. (I know baby, keep your eyes on mommy)" I whisper to her whipping her hair out of her face.

"Я чувствую усталость, мамочка (I feel tired mommy)" She chokes out, She's loosing to much blood too quickly.

"Nat" I hear Clint calls out.

"Over here" I shout back, turning to lock eyes with my daughter running her check.

"Вы слышите этот ребенок. ваш дяд линт здесь. вы будете нормально. (you hear that baby.  your uncle clint's here. your gonna be okay.) I can feel my tears streaming down my face. I cannot lose her.

"Tasha. Oh God Y/n/n" He says looking at my wide eyed.

"I can't slow the bleed!" I sob. I look down seeing my daughter's blood seeping through my hands.

"Mo-mommy I can't bre-Breathe" Y/n says with a cough.

"It's gonna be okay baby. Clint you gotta help me please. Please i'm begging you." I look up at him But he doesn't move truth was there was nothing he could do she was bleeding out far to quickly. The rest of the team arrive but no one moves to help me.

"WHY ARE YOU ALL JUST STANDING THERE DO SOMETHING!!" I scream at them. My tears are blurring my vision.

"It's.. it's okay mom-ma. Я всегда люблю тебя, мамочка (I love you mommy always)" She says to me grabbing my hand, Tears falling down her cheeks.

"No.. No please god no. why are none of you  helping me." I cry. I hold my daughter's face in my hands I can see her eyes fading.

"Я тоже тебя люблю, детка. Со всем, что у меня есть. (I love you too my baby. With everything i have.)" I speak so softly. I watch as her eyes close, I hold her tightly in my arms, her head in my chest cradling her, not caring that i'm covered in her blood. I scream and sobbed.

I have been slumped on the floor. Holding my baby in my arms. Rocking us back and forth, stroking her hair. Whispering sweet things in her ear. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Nat she's gone. You have to let her go" Steve says sternly to me. I turn to look at him.

"Let her go. All of you stood there and did nothing as you watched my daughter die in my arms. MY BABY DIED AND YOU DID NOTHING TO HELP. I will not just let her go" I scream.

"I'm done." I say numbly.

"Tasha what do you mean?" Clint asks.

"I quit. And it's Natalia." I spit. I lift my daughter into my arms, I walk into the quinjet leaving the team behind, and I fly us home. To our home budapest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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