Not good (SJ)

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Your are 15 in this story
TW- Sickness

You and your mom Scarlett Johansson have been on set a lot recently, for Captain America Civil war! You play Natasha and Steve's Daughter "Darcy Romanoff" and you sided with your dad over tony.

The days filming have been really long and physically challenging... so as you can imagine you are so exhausted.

Before filming you had been complaining to your mom that you hadn't been feeling well... you had lost a lot of weight and had began to feel nauseous all the time as well as light headed. You had been trying to play it down but your mom could tell it was bad. You noticed from filming that you had also been brushing easily.

On this particular day on set it reached the mid day break and you walked over to your mom, almost stumbling.

"Y/n baby are you okay" she says looking at you concerned as you reach her

"Mhmm" you say as you nod

Scarlett puts her hands on your shoulders looking at you, trying to make eye contact. She guides you to a chair and sits opposite you.

"Y/n look at me?" she says sternly.

You moved your head up so that your eyes meet, but you look empty. Your skin has gone a pale white and your hands are shaking in Scarlett's.

"Baby?" She questions whilst cupping your face.

At which point you fall unconscious and hit the floor.

Scarlett is panicking unsure of what to do.

"Some-someone call 911! Please!!!' Scarlett screamed

She begins to stoke your head!

"Your okay baby. Your going to be okay, mommy's got you okay, I'm not going anywhere..." she whispers.

No response

" come on y/n don't do this! You need to wake up for me okay. Come one baby wake up for mama? Y/n? Please baby pl-lease." She sobs.

The paramedics arrive and tend to you! At which point Scarlett rings Colin whom is going to meet her at the hospital.

Once you arrive the doctors won't allow your mom to see you as they are running numerous tests to find the cause.

5 hours later a doctor comes out.

"Miss Johansson, Mr Jost.... Would you follow me to my office, I need to speak with you about your daughter" the doctor says

Your mom and Colin go into his office and sit down. Colin grabs your moms hand rubbing his thumb across her knuckles in little circles to try and keep her calm.

"I would like to begin by telling you that your daughter is stable. However we have found a cause for your daughters sickness. Unfortunately it's not going to be a positive diagnosis" the doctor begins.

—————— part 2?———————————————-

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