Gone (NR)

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you are 15
requested by @jordan_Romanofff


It's been 5 years since the blip. Meaning that it has been 5 years since your mom left.

You had began to lose all hope of ever seeing your mom again. You were sat in your moms office when steve came in.

"y/n!! I have good news" steve said

"what is it steve" you respond

"we have a way to bring everyone back!!" steve exclaimed

"are you serious" y/n said

"yes now come down stairs" steve said walking out

you go downstairs where the plan is explained each group goes back intime to a different location to bring back a stone.

You and Peter are paired together to retrieve the soul stone from vormir.

Once you arrive you are Greeted by a dark figure.

" y/n yelena romanoff - Daughter of Natalia Alianovna Romanova"

"Peter Benjamin Parker - son of Richard and Mary parker"

"welcome to vormir! to claim what you seek you must give up that whom you love.... a soul for a soul..."

this leads you and peter into a debate of who is going to make the ultimate sacrifice. Peter goes to jump but you use the electric pulse in your suit to knock him down so you can jump.

"tell my mom i love her and that i'm sorry pete" y/n tells peter

by the time peter recovers it's to late and you had jumped resulting in him claiming the stone.

peter arrives back at the compound

"peter where is y/n" steve questioned


"peter?" steve questioned again

"she's gone steve... she sacrificed her self for the stone... to bring nat back" peter shouts

——— time skip to the end of endgame ————

it had actually worked the avengers has brought everyone back and defeated thanos. but the hardest thing they had to face was explaining to nat that her daughter being the once 10 year old she left behind had died.

"Steve, Clint have you seen y/n she's not in her room and i can't find her anywhere" Nat asked

steve looked at clint then down to the floor.

"Steve what was that look?" Nat said angered

"Nat... i?" Steve tried to find the words

"STEVE WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?" Nat was starting to get worried

"She's gone" Clint blurts out

"what do you mean gone" she says welling up

"y/n sacrificed herself for the stone she died nat.... i'm sorry" he responded walking towards her

"no.. no no no. your lying please be lying" she says backing away from clint through tears.

"Natasha i'm so so sorry" he says causing her to collapse in floods of tears in his arms.

"my b-b-baby" she sobs "my beautiful little girl... i missed her so much i just wanted to hold her i'm my arms...." she breaks down in clints arms and sobs for what seemed like weeks.

————— 1 year later —————
it was the 26th of november

Natasha had just pulled up at and open space filled with grey stone heads.

she got out and approched one in particular which read

"Y/n Yelena Romanoff. Daughter- Avenger"

nat bent down placing her for head on the grave stone as tears dropped from her cheeks.

"Happy 16th Birthday my angel! i love you baby girl"
she whispers as she places flowers on her little girls grave

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