Panick Attack (NR)

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You are 16 years old in this
You and your mom were having a chilled day for the first time in a while.... She has been away on missions constantly for the last month so you had barley seen each other.

You were both just enjoying each other's company sat curled up on the sofa with your head on her chest and your moms arms wrapped around you as she brushes through your hair. Until...

"Agent Romanoff, little romanoff..." directer fury boomed

"Nick..." Natasha responded bluntly

"Hey uncle fury..." you said happily

"I come with good news" he responded only to be met with a eye brow raise from your mom

"Y/n ... welcome to the avengers... your first mission is in 3 hours" he said

You grinned... you had always wanted to be an avenger and had been working so hard to prove to fury that you were good enough and you had finally done it!

"I'm sorry what?" Your mom asked in utter shock

"Well Romanoff your daughter has proved that she could be an asset to the avengers so end of" he responded bluntly

"She can't be she is 16 she's just a child. Not to mention my child... so my answer is no this is not going to happen" your mom said sternly

"I wasnt asking for your permission Natasha... y/n you have 3 hours to get yourself ready for this mission." Fury said as he walked away.

You looked at your mom with pure excitement only to have it change within a split second



"I wasnt asking for your permission Natasha... y/n you have 3 hours to get yourself ready for this mission." Fury said as he walked away.

I felt my throat close up and my breathing change...

Shit not now please not now I thought to my self before it was to late I collapsed landing on the floor trying to regulate my breathing..

"Mom? Are you okay" I heard my little girl ask in a panicked voice

"I-I'm o-okay d-detka" i blurt out in between trying to catch my breathe I looked over and met my angels green orbs she looked terrified.

"Мама, я приношу тебе воды, хорошо..." (Mama I'm going to get you some water okay..) she said to me

She would always speak to me in Russian if she was scared or upset or sad so I nodded in response.

She came back over a moment later with a glass of water for me I tried to respond to her but I couldn't get anything out all I managed was...

"Позвони папе" (call your dad)

She immediately got her phone out to ring Steve

Steve- hey sweetheart
Y/n- d-dad
Steve- y/n what's wrong
She looked at me as tears streamed down her pale skin I mouthed to her "it's alright"

Y/n- it's mama she can't breath
Steve- okay it's okay sweetheart I'm on my way just stay with her

With that y/n can back over to me and started playing with my hair in an attempted to calm me down as I would do to her when Steve came in and rushed to my side.

"Natasha I need you to breath for me?" He said to me as he held my hands but it wasn't working. He soon pulled me into his arms and placed my head on his chest so I could hear his heart beat which immediately calmed me down.

After some to my breath returned back to normal...

"I'm sorry" I said to steve

"Hey it's okay.. Nat it's perfectly okay" he said as he kissed my fore head.

"Мама?" I heard a little voice croak I turned around to see my little y/n with tears streaming down her face and a look of worry.

I opened my arms signalling her to come and hug me immediately she fell into my arms trying to contain her tears.

"Shh все в порядке, мама тебя поняла..." (Shh it's okay mama's got you..) I whisper to her as I hold her tight and kiss her forehead

"Я не хотел пугать тебя, ангел. Мне жаль" (I didn't mean to scare you angel. I'm sorry) I whisper as my voice cracked. I had never let her see me like that before I felt awful.

"Ничего страшного, мама, я просто испугался..." (It's okay mama I was just scared..) she whispered to me.

I turned my head to see a very confused steve.

"Nat if you don't mind me asking what happened?" He questioned

" fury told me that y/n has been made an avenger and has her first mission in a few hours.. I tried to change his mind but he told me I had no say.... She's my daughter my little baby... so I guess I had a panick attack." I said wiping the tears that had just fallen.

"Я заставил тебя случиться в панике? Это все моя вина..." (I caused you to have a panick attack? This is all my fault..) my baby girl said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Тсс, это была не твоя вина, мама просто боялась потерять тебя. Твоя мама, девочка... Я не могу представить свою жизнь без тебя" (Shhh it wasn't your fault mama was just scared of losing you. Your mamas baby girl... I can't imagine my life without you) I said as I pull her closer to me and stroke her hair

"Я люблю тебя, мама" (i Love you mama) she whispers to me

"Я так тебя люблю, что моя милая девочка причиняет боль" (I love you so much it hurts my sweet baby girl) I whisper back and place a kiss on her forehead.

Okay the Russian most likely isn't correct I used Google translate:)

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