She is my daughter (NR)

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Your 18

Your mom is many things one of them being a hero.. but she has one weakness you. Surprising the great black widow is actually human. You were Natasha's everything. She didn't think she could have kids so when she had you she swore to protect you from everything.

Present times

Steve rushed into the med bay to be met with wanda

"Steve what's going on?" Wanda questioned scared of the answer

"Where's Natasha's?" Steve asked sternly

"She's downstairs training" she responded confused

"Good what ever you do keep her here. Do not and I mean I need to you to promise you will not let her anywhere near here" he says

"What why?" Wanda questioned

He opens the door to beckon Bucky in whom is holding you up arm tightly secured around your waist trying to stop the blood dripping from your side. You were almost un recognisable.

"Now do you see why?" Steve questioned knowing as soon as Natasha saw you.. her daughter she would not be rational at all.

"Yeah yeah okay. I will hold her off but Steve, she will know something is up and when she figures it out just know I will not stand in her way that's her daughter.

He nodded and Wanda left to distract Natasha whilst they fix you up!

Wanda walked into the training room to see Nat boxing she was staring at Nat so intensely she didn't even see her stop...

"Wanda you okay?" Nat asked concerned

"Of course" she responded with a false smile

"Is y/n back from her mission?" Nat asked still boxing

"Ummmm...Nope" wanda reply's popping the p

Immediately Natasha stopped boxing...

"What's going on..." the red head questioned

"Nothing Nat.." wanda replied

"Wanda I'm a trained Russian spy. What's happened and how does this involve my daughter?" Nat asked walking towards Wanda

"Nat I don't want you to panic you..." Wanda

"Wanda stop being flowery what the hell is going on?" Natasha says staring deep into her soul.

"Y/ngotbroughtbackformhermissionbutshesnotokay." Wanda blurts out.

"What?" Natasha says concern taking over her body...

"Y/n got brought back from her mission but shes not okay..." Wanda repeats

"I heard the first time. Where is she?" Natasha questions

"I'm not allowed to say. I'm not allowed to let you near her." Wanda says low enough for only Nat to hear

"I will ask you one more time. Where is my daughter?" Nat threatens

"Med bay." Wanda says

Immediately Nat pushed past Wanda and sprints to the Med bay, she was met be Steve at the entrance. He immediately blocks her path.

"Move" Natasha says trying to push past Steve who doesn't budge.

"I said move. Steve I mean it" Nat said

"Natasha you need to calm down." Steve says calmly

"Don't. DONT YOU DARE tell me to calm down. My daughter. My only child, my Miracle, my baby girl is lying on that med bay and you expect me to calm down. How bad is it?" Nat questions

Bucky walks in as Nat grows more and more agitated...

"HOW BAD IS IT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER?" Nat shouts in Steve's face

" Y/n Romanoff age 18. Thrown into the air after an explosion, large open wound or the left side of her abdomen, intense bleeding. Multiple cuts and bruises on her face as well as her arms and legs. Slight head injury, nothing of concern. Main concern at this time is the injury on her abdomen. Right now Bruce is trying to stabilise her." Bucky recites the medical report to Natasha

She stands there emotionless before saying

"Let me in there" Nat says sternly not making eye contact

"Natasha I..." Steve begins

"Let me in there or so help me god I will hurt you" she spits

Steve moves aside to let Nat into the med bay. The minute she sees you her heart drops and the realisation and panic sets in.

She begins to walks towards you as she begins to break down. You may be 18 but you will always be her baby, her perfect little girl. She looks at you in the hospital bed you looks so tiny, face covered in blood bruised. It broke her to see you this way. Ash got closer to your bed she knelt next to your head.

"Your okay baby, your okay. Your safe now, okay, your safe now baby mommy's here" she says as tears leave her eyes. She never once took her eyes off you.

"Natasha I'm going to need you to step away" tony says to Nat softly whom just keeps talking to you.

" everything is going to be okay sweetheart. I promise I'm not going anywhere, your mama's little girl, my sweet baby girl. I love you so much y/n/n." She takes a shaky breath before sobbing completely "I-I l-love y-you s-so m-m-much baby" with that Steve goes behind Nat lifting her up and bringing her away from you.

All could be heard was the sound of Nats sobs and her broken voice repeating the same phrase over and over "I love you so much baby".

Scarlett/ Natasha x Daughter one shots <3Where stories live. Discover now