Mommys got you (SJ)

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Age 15
Warnings: Attempted abduction

Scarlett's PoV

Today was meant to be a happy day, a day to celebrate y/n's new movie, spend time with my daughter and celebrate her success. Though it very quickly took a rapid turn. Never in a million years did I ever think this would happen and judging by y/n/n face... neither did she.

We had been getting ready for the premier of Y/n's new movie all morning, I had been ready for a good 30 minutes but my daughter clearly takes after colin and still isn't ready.

"Y/n/n hurry up, your taking forever" I finally call out only to be greeted with  my gorgeous little angel who comes out full dressed, hair and make up done, she look so gorgeous. I felt my eyes well up as she walked towards me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Momma don't cry" she giggles looking up at me with a little pout. I giggled stroking her cheek as her hair was up for today's look.

"You look so beautiful baby, I'm so so proud of you bug , I love you with everything I have" I say to her looking directly into her green eyes.

"I love you too momma. You look stunning as always" She laughs. She pouts her lips at me, clearly trying to send a hint, I peck her lips before  grabbing her hand.

"Come on , we have a premier for you to attend." I laugh dragging her out of our hotel room and down the stairs towards the car.

Once sat inside y/n grabs my hand, holding it whilst fiddling with my wedding ring.

"you nervous baby?" I ask knowing full well she does this when she's on edge.

"Mhm, it's my first lead role. I just hope people think I'm good enough" She replies shyly.

"you are and incredible actress y/n. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks okay!" I reassure her as we pull up to the entrance of the premier.

Y/n gets out of the car first and I follow behind. This is her big moment and I want her to enjoy every second. I originally hesitated when y/n asked me to be her plus one to her premier. Obviously as her mom I wanted to go and support her but I assumed given her age she wouldn't want her mommy with her. I thought she would want to do the carpet on her own. But she's a mommy's girl and knowing my daughter she wanted a source of comfort which i think is the cutest thing in the world.

Y/n had started walking down the carpet a few minutes prior to me, Getting her solo shots and answering a few interviews and had just reached where all the fans where waiting, I wasn't far behind her, getting photos myself and answering a few questions about my daughter and the movie, when I couldn't see her anymore, making me panick.

"y/n" I call out. This went on for a few minutes before I decided to ask someone.

"Have you seen y/n" I ask someone on the carpet who shakes there head no.

Thats when I hear a scream I will never forget, followed by lots of commotion. Immediately I recognise the sound as my daughter, I got closer to where all the commotion was but i still couldn't see her there was a see of people blocking my view. That was until I push past the security guards who are trying to block the view of the public. That's when i saw..

My daughter held in a tight headlock with this man's hand over her mouth with something sharp against her neck as this guy try's to take her over the barrier. I felt a bubble form in my throat before my eyes fill with tears. Naturally I went into a panick Screaming out to anyone that would listen to not let this man take my baby , luckily the security guards intervene using a taser on the guy just as I get through which releases my daughter from his grip as she runs into my arms.

"M-Mommy I can't- I can't breathe" She stutters out she wheezes trying to pull herself closer to me using one hand to scratch at her neck.

"Y/n take a breath, taking a nice deep breath for me" I say removing her hand from her neck.

I try to pull away from her to cup her cheeks and check her over to make sure she wasn't hurt

"Y/n/n did he hurt you? are you in pain anywhere? Let me check you over" I babble out. But she sobs harder trying to grab me again shaking her head.

"No Mom. Don't let me g-go..please don't let go of me" She basically screams at me, I look at her, wided eyes. She is overwhelmed and terrified, I wouldn't expect anything else. I didn't know what to do i'm scared, my daughter is in such a state and I can't fix it.

I swiftly pull her back into my embrace, holding her tightly holding her head to my chest.

"Okay. Okay i'm not letting you go baby you're okay. I've got you ,Mommy's got you! Your safe now bug" I whisper to her, trying to keep my cool when i'm freaking out. Some man just tried to take my child. At her own premier.

I see one of the event manager's and he points me into the direction of the way to exit the carpet and get my daughter to a quite room away from everyone, so I can assess how she is, if he hurt her in anyway and try and prevent her from having a panic attack, which right at this second isn't looking likely.

"Okay baby, I need you to listen to me carefully, we are gonna here through this door and off the carpet and into a room just as us okay? I need you to try and take nice deep breaths for me can you do that for me baby?" I ask softly trying to prie her away from me slightly. I'm growing more and more concerned, I can't seem to get her focus on me, I don't know what's running through her head right now. All I know is I need to get her out of here and fast.

I mange to walk myself and y/n into the room, security are outside whilst I continue to try and calm my baby down.

"Y/n, mommy needs to check you over okay, I need to make sure your not physically hurt, I promise as soon as i'm done I can hold you again" I speak softly prying her hands away from me.

"Mom I feel like I'm gon-gonna pass out." Y/n breaths. My eyes go wide as i remove myself from her grip and quickly as I can i check her over.

"Y/n blow on my face" I say sternly

"Mo- mommy n-o" She wails. Within minutes I watch as my daughter goes white before collapsing in my arms.

"Woah okay sweetheart" I carefully lift her onto the couch and lie her down. Brushing her hair out of her face. She's only out for a few minutes before she wakes up again.

"You're okay sweetheart . Y/n I need you to take nice deep breaths for me can you do that" I ask. She nods slightly. Taking her back into my arms I lift her into my arms laying down on the couch with her on top of me head in my chest listening to my heart beat. I continue to whisper sweet things in her ear, rubbing her back, playing with her hair anything to calm her down. About 30 minutes go by and she's calm enough to get her into the car and take her home.

Once we got home I got us both changed into some pjs and we are currently laying in my bed. Y/n is on top of me, still shaking holding me so tightly.

"I've got you. Mommy's got you. You're safe now baby. I love you so much" I whisper as she starts to drift to sleep in my hold.

"I love you mommy" She whispers back before drifting to sleep, not losing her grip. I hold her close kissing her head, resting my cheek on the top of her head. I don't sleep. I can't. Someone tried to take my baby from me today, and I can't ever let that happen. Her big day was ruined and I almost lost her.

I hold my baby girl and let my tears free as I think about how differently this could have ended and how close I was to losing my girl.

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