Trust: Chapter 28

Start from the beginning

'I know, quick stop.' I noticed we pulled up in his old estate which is basically where Justine, Tarik and some of his old friends still lived. I recognised the block Justine lived in and Aidan looked outside the window.

'Dad, why are we here? I don't want to see Justine.' Aidan said and I looked at Dominic.

'We're not here to see her, just waiting for Uncle Tarik to come with us.' I kissed my teeth and Dominic started laughing hard.

'You need to get used to him, he's gonna be my best man and he could be Kya's dad.' Dominic said and I shrugged, I didn't NEED to get used to him or anyone, I didn't like him and that was final. 

'Shay you look beautiful.' Aidan said and I grinned, I blew him kisses and he blew me back some.

'Can I have some?' Dominic said and I stared at him blankly.

'Anyways...' I said and Aidan started laughing, he started playing his psp that I got him and I checked on Tyrell who of course, had fallen asleep. I had to check he was breathing okay and that his breaths weren't short and quick, I'd often just wake up in the middle of the night to check on him to see if he was okay or not. Dominic rubbed my thigh and leaned over to whisper something to me.

'Later round two yeah?'

'You're too flipping horny Dominic and I'm in pain!'

'Sorry, you need to understand I haven't been near there in like 8 months, yesterday was a relief.' I giggled and he kissed me, a loud bang on my window made us both jump and Aidan looked up. Tarik was standing by the window and he wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and Dominic laughed.

'Aidan move up and put your seatbelt on.' Dominic said and Aidan did that, Tarik got in the car holding a gift bag.

'Happy birthday little man!'

'Thanks Uncle! I'm this old today!' He held up 6 fingers and grinned his little cheeky smile, Tarik laughed and watched him unwrap his present whilst Dominic started driving. I could of sworn I saw Justine looking through her window but I blinked hard as he turned out of the estate and started driving to my mums. Tarik had gotten Aidan some toy, I didn't know what it was all toys were the same to me but he was still excited. Once we got to my mum's, I took Tyrell out and we all went in, everyone was already there apart from Rochelle, Kya and Joel. At this rate I was re-thinking having Rochelle as my maid of honour, I felt someone pinch my bum and I looked to see Tarik wink at me, I was about to open my mouth to cuss him and my mum came and took Tyrell from me cooing at him.

'Look at my beautiful grand baby!' Tarik laughed at me and walked away, my mum screwed him and slowly shook her head.

'I don't know why Dominic is still good friends with that useless grown man.' I laughed.

'I don't know myself mum.' I said and looked at Dominic who was playing with Aidan, the doorbell went and I answered the door. My mouth dropped as I saw her sore red eyes, I recognised her straight away. I remembered her curly light brown hair always being fresh and styled but it was tied into a messy ponytail and she looked at least 5 years older than she really was.

'Leona... can I help?' I asked, it made me feel slightly sick to see her in this state. I cleared my throat, it used to be me, her and Rochelle then she started mixing with Melody and turned against me when I needed her, she showed her true colours and wasn't there through the whole Wayne thing.

'I ran into Rochelle the other day and she told me you had a baby.' Leona said and I glared at her.

'What do you want Leona?'

'Nothing, nothing... I'm just sorry for everything that happened in the past I was a horrible friend to you and-'

'I need to go, my family is here-'

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