The Final Hour

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"And here i was thinking parents could be a bit...much at times", Starlight said as her cheeks started to turn a bit pinker then she already was. "Yeah. Try living with that for 15 years", London said. "I think i know a thing or two about parents", Starlight said. "Anyway, so that's what happened since the party", Cyrus said. "That does seem rather awful", Twilight said in a concerned and caring voice. "You could say that again", Austin said just as the building started to shake in rapid succession over and over again. Penny and everyone else were caught off guard as they fell to one end of the testing lab and then back to the other side over and over again. "What is happening?", London said in a rather panicked voice with a little hint of fear in her tone. "I don't know but whatever it is, it's going to cost a ridiculous amount in property damage!", Cyrus said with fear, some level of annoyance and a little bit of discomfort in his voice. "At least we have insurance right?", Sophia said with a little bit of joy in her voice as she tried to lighten up the mood a bit even though it did nothing to change the tone at all. "What in Equestria is insurance?", Twilight said with confusion in her voice. Just then, the shaking came to a halt as everyone caught there breath for a little while. "At least it can't get much worse then this", Casey said. Right after she said this however, there was complete silence. No one even dared to moved a single muscle at that moment. As Penny got up again, she felt this weird feeling that something wasn't right. She looked around the room but no one else could feel it as well. Then, in her motherboard, she felt this feeling to move out of the freaking way. As if someone was screaming at her for anything. She followed through to this feeling and moved away from the wall with the testing tubes as fast as she could. For a while, nothing happened and the silence continued. "Well that sure was some-", Xander said. Right at that moment, the building shook a little bit and the back wall collapsed out of nowhere. Bricks were flying everywhere and there was little to no room for cover. There wasn't any time for anyone to get out there wands so everyone was about to try and hide witch was already dangerous enough since they were in a room with lot's of glass. Penny thought it was the end as she started to remember everything after Cyrus rescued her on that day. "No, no, don't tell me my life is flashing before my metal eyes?", Penny said in her motherboard as she thought it was all over until a cyan shield came over her and protected her from the falling rumble. "I got your backs!", Starlight said as her shield was holding on for some time but even she couldn't hold onto it forever. "I'll cover you", Twilight said as she casted her horn as well and helped create a much stronger shield. Even with this stronger defense, it still was a lot to handle. The rumble this time was much harsher and little by little, it was damaging the mare's shield by quite a lot and it was beginning to seem clear that sooner or later, it was going to crack at any moment. After around a full minute of this, the rumble was beginning to come to an end as the dust settled and all seemed calm once again. The building stopped shaking but there was this massive hole in the wall even though there was little to no wall left on that side anymore. "My wall", Sophia said in a sad voice. "That darn dragon!", Cyrus said in mad voice. "Now why would she do something like this?", Penny said as a long, black and scary shadow appeared in front of her as she felt something breathing on her. She took a few steps back in fear and turned around to see Liz's dragon form. "Well, I hoped you liked that little surprise Mr. CEO's", Liz said in a angry, yet pleased voice. "Your lucky we have insurance!", Sophia said. "Hmm, anyway, I've grown board of doing dragon things like flying around, burning some villages and don't get me started on that weird and ugly donkey", Liz said. "So you want to kill us now i suppose?", Austin said in a scared voice. "How right you are", Liz said. "Well before you can fulfill that wish, your going to have to fight us", Penny said as she along with Cyrus, London and Austin pulled out there wands and held them at the ready. "Is this a joke?", Liz asked with a bit of laughter in her voice. "I'm a ten-foot dragon and your just a robot princess in high school." "Well she's not alone this time", Starlight said as she along with Twilight walked up to right behind Penny. "Ugh, I've heard about you mares", Liz said in an annoyed voice. "Shall we, your majesty?", Twilight said to Penny as she started to fly upward while Penny was yet again distracted by the princess part again and lost what was going on in the moment. Twilight flew to look Liz right in the eye as she fired a laser at her and it did nothing to her. "Ha, i almost forgot to mention that I'm invisible to your magical attacks thanks to my little, beautiful gem", Liz said as she griped Twilight by her wings and swung her around for a while and then threw her a very great distance away. "NOO, Twilight", Starlight said as she wanted to rush over to her but knew that she couldn't. "Ugh, too much sad, NOT ENOUGH KILLING!", Liz said as she activated her fire breath and turned the lab into a oven in an instant. However, with a very quick reflex, Starlight was able to teleport everyone outside and away from Liz's eyes. "Well there goes are way of reaching this beast.", Xander said. "We don't need to reach her, we need to get her to activate each element at the same time remember?", Cyrus said. "Judging from what we just saw, that might be easier said then done", Penny said. "Wait i have an idea", Sophia said as she talked very quietly and everyone else knew what to do. Just then however, Liz came flying around the building and spotted the gang in an instant. "There you are", Liz said as she opened her claws and shot ice rays in a split second. "Shield sealed!", Penny said as she created a shield around everyone as she was about to use her lighting when she pushed out her other hand when her lighting went out but it hit the shield and hit her as it knocked Penny to the ground, causing the shield to go out as well. "What the heck? How did that hit me?", Penny said. "Oh right, I removed your shield with that gas from before. I hope you like it", Liz said. "Well, we are learning a lot on how you choose to go about a fight", London said. "You get use to it I'm sure", Starlight said. Liz didn't respond as she then concentrated and lifted the ground around Penny and the others to create a cage around them as she then switched to water and pouring water into the cage. "Oh great-", Penny said as she had to time to block the attack as she made contact with the water, causing her to short circuit and fall to the ground, shaking rather fast for her. "Penny", Cyrus and Xander said as they ran to check on Penny. "Just what i wanted for Christmas this year", Liz said with a howl of laughter. 

Becoming Normal Part 8, New RevelationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora