Heading Back To Magic School

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The next day . . . 

It was a peaceful morning on a very special Monday. This Monday was the start of something that spreads quite a bit of mixed emotions. Mostly negative and it was the start of school. The gang got up though the help of loud alarms for the day as they walked to the kitchen to make there own breakfast. As they sat down at a table, Penny and Cyrus were in a rather good moon while everyone else, not so much. "This is problem the only time I'm exited for school to start again", Penny said with a skip in her voice. "Finally, I have someone i can relate to", Cyrus said. "Well we know your exited for magic school", London said. "I'll take that as a complement", Cyrus said. "Well it's the first time there implementing the new changes to school this time around so i can see why were exited for it", Sophia said. "Oh yeah, that will be interesting to see", Austin said. "What are they?", Austin said right after. "I don't think you would enjoy them as much if i told you", Sophia said. "Dang it", Austin said. "Well i hope you happy about going back to school cause us creatures don't have to", Cole said as he sounded happy but also a bit proud of it as well. "Well yeah, your a werewolf and it's hard enough for a mermaid to travel on land and don't get me started on those desks", Dez said. "Tell me about it", London said as she took a bit out of her pancake when she then felt something. It was the same feeling when she got her force manipulation as she could feel it coming back or that's what she thought. When she tried to reach for her pancake, it moved away from her just like the punch from before. She tried to cover it up like it was no big deal but that didn't last long as Cyrus then noticed it and he was interested fast. "What the heck was that", Cyrus said. "It looked like the plate dose not like London", Casey said. London now starting to be filled with embarrassment in front of her friends, tried to grab the plate with her left hand but that also made the plate moved as well and by this point, everyone saw it. "Don't tell me that we have another girl with powers", Dez said. "How is this-? I need to know", Cyrus said as he then took a nearby notebook and pencil and started to write. "How did this feel? When did it start? What is it like having powers", Cyrus said as Austin and Dez were trying to get a look for themselves and this was really overwhelming London. Penny was also starting to see it as London was starting to have a panic attack when Penny stepped in. "Guy's, give London some space. She just got this power, don't bombard her with questions", Penny said in a rather strict voice. "Right, right", Cyrus said as he put the notebook away. "Sorry, i just got a little carried away there", Cyrus said. "It's fine", London said as she then got up and threw away her leftovers and headed to her bedroom to get ready for school. After some time, everyone else finished there breakfast and got ready for school. During this, Penny was starting to feel a little bad for London as she remembered to when she was mastering her own powers and she was so exited for them but London wasn't and fearing the shadow queen was going to come back, destroy something and kill one of them. She did feel sympathy for her but she figured that she would give her some space for now and let her do her own thing. She was her friend after all and she was going to do this the friendly way. 

When they got to school . . . 

"Ahh, Stellarlune, this place feels so new and yet so old", Cyrus said as he, Penny, London, Austin and Dez headed into the palace doors. "Just like when we first got her off that boat ride", Penny said as she then felt like mutable eyes were on her for a strange reason. Once she and the others reached the door's, a few people dressed in very, very fancy getup rolled out a red carpet as it was parallel to Penny's position. Then another person who was also dressed nicely pulled out a scroll from his back pocket. How he managed to fit a scroll in a very small pocket, Penny had no idea how as he started to read off of it. "Presenting her majesty, princess of the Central Sea herself, Princess Penny", The person said as the other two people pulled out trumpets and started to blow into them as all eyes were on the five but most were on Penny. She was starting to get very anxious as she then had flashbacks to when all those reporters tried to film her when she entered her own brother's party and she lost it. She did have her friend's and Cole's support but it wasn't enough to get her through. She as well as the four walked along the carpet as people started to clap for them as a bunch of students tried to get autograph's from her and the others. "While Austin and Dez were enjoying it, London, Cyrus and especially Penny were not enjoying it as much. While London and Cyrus just tried to get through the crowd, Penny couldn't even get her head up to see strait but all she could do was look at the floor. Once the hype settled down a bit, she went over to the rest of the gang. "This is a nightmare", Penny said as she was starting to tear up a bit. "Relax sis, it's going to be ok", Cyrus said as he put his hand on Penny. "How do you know?", Penny said. "There's no way this hype can last for very long until people start caring about something else like a purple milkshake or something like that", Austin said. "It's not just that, I just hate that my new title created this and these people just see me as a Mary sue instead of a person, well a robot to be exact", Penny said as she was starting to sound more and more sad. "It's going to be ok Penny. Were here for you and you know that well enough", London said. Penny sat there in silence for a few moments until she came around. "Well it's nice to have your support that i could never pay back", Penny said as Cyrus and London pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, just don't let that stop you from dropping a big fat check", Austin said. The others turned there heads so fast towards Austin that it was amazing to see. "Wait did i say that out-loud", Austin said as no one replied. "Oh good i didn't say it", Austin said. Just then, an older man was walking around with a flier that when it was passed out to a student, it would multiply into two and he was passing these fliers to the students when he reached the table that Penny and the others were at. "All well if it isn't the students who saved this school from a robot killer", the older man said. "Boulder", Penny and London said as the two girls pulled him into a hug. "Now now, i just got here", Boulder said. "It's so nice to see you again gran", London said. "It's nice to see all of you back here as well. It's been some time since we last saw each other after all", Boulder said. "At least we don't have a robot killer after us again", Dez said. "Very much true although that was a great school year", Cyrus said. "So how have things been since that battle for you", Penny said. "Oh nothing much, just introducing the magical world to the Mormals as relationships have been going very smoothly so far", Boulder said. "Well it's better then having a whole law, rulebook and museum about how not to use magic in the mormal world", Cyrus said. "Mormals", Austin said. "The new word for non magic people", Cyrus said. "That is true. That cost us a few arms to say the least", Boulder said. "What's that flier for", Dez said. "Since we have a lot more changes this year for pretty obvious reasons, i made a flier to duplicate to give to the students this year", Boulder said. "Like what changes", Cyrus said. "Well for a few things, we can use human technology in our magic classes, we can allow mormals to do somethings but not attend the school unless we approve of them and we can catch whoever puts gum under the desk's", Boulder said. "I feel you on that one", London said. "Any who, you all know your agenda right", Boulder said. "Why yes i do", Penny said as she used her wand and made it appear. "I memorized mine", Cyrus said. "I have mine", London, Austin and Dez said. "Very good since class is about to be in session", Boulder said as the first bell rang. "Goodbye for now", Boulder said as he used his wand to disappear. "Hey we have the same first class London", Penny said as the two compared agendas. "Well we have to get going now", Cyrus said as the three boys had class together. "See ya", said all of them as they parted ways. 

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