When The Party Became Rocky

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When Penny and the others arrived to the party, it was already in it's full swing. The food was being taken, the guests were talking and it was going rather well. Cole, Twilight and Starlight went in with drawing some eyes but it was no big deal while when Penny went in, all eyes then turned to her faster then light. "OMG, IT'S PENNY ANDERSON AND THAT WEIRD HORSE THING", A guest had said before mostly everyone rushed over to her and began to take her picture. News stations then got past the crowds with mics and speakers. "So tell us your majesty's, how is life as rulers of your very own kingdom's going", One of the reporters asked. "Well we don't have our own kingdom's at least for me yet but we should get going", Twilight said as she noticed that Penny was starting to freak out with everyone surrounding her. Cole caught on quickly as well as Starlight and blocked her as well. "We we should get going for the night, we came here for Cyrus and Sophia after all", Starlight said. "But tell us how is life in a castle", The news person said. "Stop it! That's my girlfriend your trying to swarm and she doesn't like it", Cole said with the most sincere and strict voice he has ever said. "OMG the princess has a boyfriend, this is making the front page", The news person said as more and more people tried to ask her things and while Twilight, Starlight and Cole tried to protect Penny while not harming anyone, even they fell flat after some time as little by little, the people pushed the three out of there way and it was just too much for Penny to take anymore. "Guy's stop it already! I'm not someone for you to take pictures with", Penny said as she tried to run as fast as she could but since she was in high heels, she wasn't getting anywhere in good enough time. "But your a princess so your just a Mary Sue", The news person said. "I'm not a Mary Sue", Penny said as so much fear was in her eyes that her palms were starting to turn blue and by the second, they were turning more and more blue until...it was too late. Penny then let her hands free as they almost hit the mob but just barley as the mob ducked just in time. The reporters were surprised or I should say shocked by this. The same reporter was just about to ask Penny what the hay was that but then she was gone along with Cole, Twilight and Starlight. "There gone, but where did they go", The reporter said. 

Meanwhile . . . 

"I look forward to the future of this company as well as what we have to offer these two worlds and there differences", Cyrus said. "That was a great rehearsal babe, were gonna kill it out there", Sophia said as she and Cyrus hugged. "Eh I'm sure your speech will be just as good as mine or even better for that matter", Cyrus said. "Well we both have a way with words, especially you sugar muffin", Sophia said. "Hun un strawberry short cake", Cyrus said. "Man you two need to get a room dudes", Austin said. "Right with ya", Dez and Casey said. Just then, the door swung open as Penny rushed inside and hid in the corner, barley able to speak. "Penny? What's going on", Cyrus and the others said. "I am not going out there when the entire country thinks I'm a Mary Sue", Penny said in a very panicked voice. "What happened", Casey and Sophia said. "So many reporters tried to ask me questions I wasn't ready to answer then I almost let my powers out on them", Penny said as she was on the verge of tears. Just then, London came though the doors as she saw what was going on. "There's a mob where this party is at. I may be new to party's but I don't think this is how it's suppose to go", London said. "Well that's what happens whenever I try to go out anymore. I was lucky no one cared when we went to that summer camp", Penny said. Twilight then went up to Penny and lifted her chin up with her hoof. "I may know that things were different in our world but I still know that this princess thing is not and will never be easy to deal with. It took me ages to get use to this wings on my back or even my crown for that matter. It's going to be alright, you just need to give it time", Twilight said. "But I don't have time, there's a mob right there eavesdropping and I don't feel ready for this role, I don't even like wearing my crown anymore", Penny said. "We've all been there Penny, it's suppose to feel wrong but what happens is that we learn that we were meant for what came our way and that we were ready to handle it. There was nothing that we couldn't take down together even if that was a crazy scientist, an evil queen, an evil brother or an evil siren, we handled it together and that's no different here. We take on our obstacles together as a team, a family", Cyrus said. Penny was getting skeptical but then stood back up again. "I suppose you have a point. Lets just get out there have a party", Penny said. "Right this way", London said as everyone went back into the main ballroom.

 The crowd settled down and all went back to normal. After some time, it was finally time for the grand event, speeches. "Cyrus went up first. "Hello everyone. I can't thank you enough for being here for this event. Now before I say what I'm about to say, I want to do things differently this time. I want to start by saying that without my friends, my family's support, I couldn't have been here tonight with the very person who brings me the most happiness I have ever received before. Otherwise I would have been smashed by a giant", Cyrus said as he then continued his speech. During this, London went up to get some punch but when she tried to grab a cup, the stack moved towards her. "What was that", London said to herself. Just then, as she reached out her hand to pour some punch into her cup, the punch bowl was moving all-around the table as London was moving her hand. When she stopped, the punch bowl stopped as well. "That's...wait, no, it can't be", London said to herself as she started to panic a little. Penny then went up to the table and saw what was going on. "Uh London, what is going on", Penny said. "I have no idea. I was just trying to grab some punch and this happened", London said. "This isn't normal, wait...could you have powers like i have", Penny said. "How is that even possible? The only time i had that kind of thing happen to me is when...oh no", London said. "Oh no what", Penny said. "Uh...Nothing, nothing", London said as she was able to get the bowl to stay and she took some punch. "I think we should tell the others about this. School's starting up again and i don't think you want to be doing that in class", Penny said. "Actually, I kind of don't wanna tell the others about this. I fear they may flip", London said. "They won't flip about this. You know that", Penny said. "Yeah, but, the last time i had powers like this was when i was the shadow queen and we both know i did really terrible things during that period, what if by getting this power, I'm starting to turn back into my old roots", London said. "That's not gonna happen", Penny said as she put her hand on London. "I hope so, I really don't need another rainbow laser to me again, those things hurt", London said. Penny then went up to London and the two hugged. "Your gonna be fine. You just got to let these things happen and good things will come in return", Penny said. "I suppose your right. Lets just head back to our seats", London said as Penny agreed and the two went back to there seats. 

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