The Adventure's Grand Rescue

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"Man, why does it always have to be a bright light, there is such thing as a dimmer you know", Austin said as he was able to open his eyes and see that Liz was gone. "Guys, Liz isn't here", Austin said as everyone else opened there eyes and saw the same thing but this time, a shock appeared on there faces. "Where on earth did she go?", Casey said. "I think that's the least of our worries for now, we need to find Penny and London, stat", Cyrus said. "But where could they be?", Xander said. "For all we know, Liz could have taken them as well!" "Oh my, are you guys going to use your brains? We're in the room with the cameras! Why don't we use them?", Sophia said. "Great idea baby", Cyrus said as Xander took the seat that Liz was using before him and turned on the cameras. "Not there, not there, why do we have a camera in the bathroom?", Xander said in a weirded out voice. "Don't look at me", Cyrus said. "Not there ether, man this is boring.", Xander said in a tired voice. "Well are you expecting an robot to just appear on the cameras?", Austin said in a sarcastic voice. "Oh wait, i think i see some stage robots here but it's too dark to tell", Xander said as he switched to another camera. "Wait go back", Casey said as Xander flipped back to the camera with the equipment, "That's Penny and London in the testing labs", Sophia said in a relived voice. "Wow, I never though the first thing that would be tested there would be my own sister", Cyrus said as everyone headed out of the security room and rushed to the fourth floor where the testing labs were. They all rushed as fast as they could as any moment, Liz could stop them in there tracks and they wanted to avoid that fate. At the moment they got to the fourth floor thanks to the elevator, Cyrus was feeling a mix of fear and relived emotions at the same time. He was fearful that something was going to go wrong like it has pretty much since the day Penny came into his life but he also felt relived that maybe once, things were starting to go right. If they could just defeat this foe once more, maybe, just maybe things could go back to normal. Well, as normal as you can get with his lifestyle. Sophia on the other hand was feeling scared emotions taking on Liz again. She along with Cyrus had won the first fight with her but she already knew it was going to take more then a simple bottle of coke to win this battle and she was not looking forward to it simply because she had zero ways to help out this time sadly. She wasn't really looking forward to see everyone else take on this foe while she couldn't do anything to help. "Lastly, Xander was feeling ready to finally get approval of the very people he tried to kill. He was ready to turn over a new leaf this time around and he knew that this was his chance to shine. He was not going under and he was ready to show the very thing he was trying to help a new sense of hope, just maybe. After a bit of rushing to the lab, the five had reached the glass walls and doors of the testing labs and were trying to find the other two. "Now how do we get into these things again?", Xander said. "You just open the door.", Cyrus said. "Then why did you make everything here glass? It's impossible to see anything", Xander said. "Because that's how, i don't know", Cyrus said. "Wait guys, i think i see them", Austin said as he pointed to two testing chambers way off in the distance that had a body in each of them. "That must be them", Sophia said as they made there way to the chambers to see that they were locked. "Darn, Liz must have thought of this", Casey said in an annoyed tone. "Hmm, this is going to take a while to crack I'm sure", Cyrus said as he was looking at the control panel and seeing what button was the right one and would release the glass tube. "Wait, didn't you two design this panel", Xander asked Cyrus and Sophia. "Yeah, technically", Cyrus and Sophia said at around the same time.  "Then you should be able to crack it", Xander said. "Well you see, we kinda-", Sophia said. "Don't tell me you installed five layers of firewalls on this thing", Austin said. "Yeah, we might have", Cyrus said. "Ugh, let me handle this", Casey said as she moved her hands around and made a tiny, crystal clear ball made out of water and aimed it at the control panel. "Casey don't! You'll damage the panel. Don't you know how much that costed", Cyrus said in a panicked voice. "Well too bad nerd-boy", Casey said as she fired the water ball and it splashed on the control panel. The panel seemed fine at first but then it started to spudded as sparks were flying out of it and after some time, the panel short circuited as the clear tubes were opened at last and Penny and London's body's fell out of the tubes with a mighty thud. "Sis", Cyrus exclaimed as he along with the rest of the five rushed over to Penny and London just as they started to gain consensus again. "What...what went down here", London said as Austin helped her up. Penny on the other hand was a different story as it looked like she was short circuiting as well as her body wasn't moving. "Is she ok?", Xander asked in a worried voice. "Ahh, she will be fine, she just needs a spark, nothing much", Cyrus said as he rushed over to the control panel just as a tiny spark came out of it and landed on Cyrus's hand. "Isn't that dangerous? Sophia said. "To wizard hands, no since we don't conduct energy the same way as a regular human does, we don't feel anything when it happens", Cyrus said as he rushed over to Penny and placed his hand on her chest as the spark transferred and Penny awoke very quickly. "What in equestrian happened here?", Penny said. Cyrus then helped Penny back on her feet. "Liz kinda turned into a dragon and we almost died. Details to follow", Austin said. "Wow. You get kidnapped one time", Penny said. "First and last time i ever get kidnapped", London said. "I wished i could say the same", Penny said. "Sorry to interrupt but we really do need to get out of here", Xander said in a panicked voice. "What's he doing here", Penny said in a mad tone as she pointed and looked at Xander with an angry look. "Don't worry Penny. He's good now. Trust us", Sophia said in a trustworthy voice. "Hmm, I suppose now isn't a good time to question it but yeah we need to leave", Penny said as she pointed to a nearby window. What was on the other side of that window was a ten foot dragon flying around as it was using it's fire breath to burn everything in it's sight around it in an instant. People were screaming, children cried but the dragon didn't care as it kept doing it's thing. "Well we know where Liz is now", Cyrus said. "And how are we going to defeat that thing on our own this time?", London said. "Is that even possible? Liz has the power of the elemental dragons now, how can we defeat that?", Xander said. "Wait a sec, did you say that Liz has all the powers of the elemental dragons?", Penny said. "At least we think so", Casey said. "Why?" "Because she can't have all of the elemental powers", Penny exclaimed. "What? I don't follow up with that", Cyrus said. "From my understanding, the reason why there were four elemental dragons at all was that not one dragon could control two elementals, let alone four", Penny said. "I do remember that in the books but why is that important here?", Sophia said. So, since fire is domain over ice and water is domain over fire and earth i think is dormant over ice so with that, she can't control all the elements.", Penny explained. "So what your saying is that if we can get her to use all the elements at once, they will cancel each other out and weakening her so we can take her down you say?", Xander said. "Exactly", Penny said. "But there is still one thing, Liz can fly with those mighty wings, none of us can fly at all, let alone get up to her since the sky is a dragons advantage after all", Cyrus said. "but do we know anyone who can fly?", Xander said. "I wouldn't say anyone. More like anypony", Austin said. "I'll send the message", Cyrus said as he made a scroll with his wand and made it disappear within seconds. Just after a few minutes of waiting and preparing for what was yet to come, a portal appered as two four legged pony's walked through. "We were told you needed our help again?", Starlight said. "Yes indeed", Penny said. 

Becoming Normal Part 8, New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now