Return Of An Enemy

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The waves came up, the waves came down, then back up again, and back down. The few birds who came by were just flying elsewhere, trying to avoid the storm that was a nearby island. This island was a prison for some of the most dangerous, smart and even magical criminals. On this island, it was just a Wednesday night. The nightshift had begun and the guards were doing a usual walk about to make sure everyone was in there cells and sound asleep. One of these guards was checking the third rows when he checked the cell of 375. This cell was keeping two of the most dangerous things known to magic. One of them was a teenager named Xander. Xander was a typical teen that was working at the Simmons Center for a while until the attack on it when Liz grew to a giant and crushed the place. Xander was in the building when some radioactive energy and it turned him into a humanized creature known as a siren. A siren needed to feed on love from anything it can find. Xander tried to attack what he thought were the victims but it didn't go so well and he got locked up in this prison. Anyway, the guard was doing his check at the cell when he noticed that Xander wasn't asleep. "Hey your love sucking freak, hit the hay for tonight", The guard said. "Oh, how right you are", Xander said. "Don't make me come in there and bump up this story's age ratting", The guard said. "Oh so your breaking the fourth wall now? I want to sleep after hearing that", Xander said as he got into his bed and started to fake sleep. The guard bought it and started to check the other cells. Xander then knew when the coast was clear and spoke. "So what is that spare key you were talking about", Xander whispered. "Oh you will know soon enough but for now, we need to make a plan once we get out of here", The other cellmate said. "I suppose you have a reasonable point", Xander said. "Oh my points aren't reasonable. There accurate", The cellmate said. "Whatever you have to tell yourself", Xander said. "Just shut your love sucking mouth and listen to what I have to say", The cellmate said. "Fine Elixir", Xander said. "You can drop that name Xander, I am now Krane", Krane said. "With a C", Xander said. "NO, with a K because it's more threating and what not", Krane said. "Fine, what's the plan", Xander said. "You drain all of the love out of those guard's and take there keys and we bust our way out of here and we find a helicopter or even a boat and escape this island. Then once we get back to my place, we bring back our old boss", Krane said. "Uhh I see a couple holes in that plan. One, I know for a fact that the guard from before didn't have keys on them. If anything we would need to convince them to let us out and we aren't female so that would be impossible. Second, I don't know this place well enough and lastly, we don't even know where they keep the vehicles", Xander said. "Just do what I say by any means necessary", Krane said. "Fine, fine", Xander said as he hid behind the bunked beds when he heard footsteps coming. He saw that a guard was doing one final check around the cells before they shut down for the night. Xander quickly made his way to the cell bars and was about to start sucking the love when the guard saw him. "And what are you doing you siren", The guard said. "Uhh nothing now", Xander said. "Don't even think I didn't see you trying to suck my love. Until we can get magic bars then stop that at once", The guard said. "Uh yeah, I'm gonna do it", Xander said as he then opened his mouth as quickly as he could. The guard then took out his gun and pointed it at Xander but it was too late. Xander was sucking his love in an instant. The guard now feeing weaker then ever, fell to the floor in defeat. Xander then saw that this guard had keys on him and was able to grab them from the cell. He was able to unlock the cell from there. "Good work my fellow siren", Krane said. "Whatever. Now how do we get out of this place again", Xander said. "My minion, I know this place like the back of my hand. We will reach my workshop in an instant", Krane said. "Hold on, I don't even know you and what your doing here. Could you give me an explanation", Xander said. "Now isn't the time for that. We must leave this place at once. Just then, the two could hear an alarm go off as a red sirens were ringing loudly as cages were secured much more. "Shit they must have found us", Xander said. "Let those pigs come. We need to get out of here", Krane said as several guards came and circled the two. "Put your hands up", The guards said. "Gladly", Krane said as he then put his hands up and then put one around one of the guards neck and threw them to the ground. "Get them", the guards said as the raised there spears at the two and charged. Xander was only doing so much as he could only suck so much love at once and he was losing pretty badly. He had to duck, dogged and wait for his perfect chance to suck some love out of the guards. It was hard and Xander was having a difficult time with it then he had a few months ago at Trailblazers. He's skills there must have had to become rusty in his time behind bars. That is known to happen sometimes. Meanwhile, Krane was being a powerhouse as he was crushing every single guard he saw and before you knew it, all of the guards were out but the alarm was still going off. We need to get out now", Xander said. "Duh", Krane said as the two raced downstairs. They didn't face a single guard during this as most of them had been knocked out or drained of love. Regardless, they did have to move fast as it wasn't gonna be long till more guards from the mainland came since that alarm had notified the mainland. Xander and Krane looked around for a while till they found a speedboat in one of there storage lockers. "This is perfect. We shall use this to reach my-", Krane said. "Yeah yeah save the speech, we need to get out of here", Xander said. "How right you are", Krane said as the two hopped in the boat with Krane driving and Xander in the passenger seat. Within seconds, the two raced out of the island just as helicopters could be heard in the nearby distance. "Hang on", Krane said as he avoiding the helicopters lights and the choppy waves all at the same time. It truly was a sight to see as the cops were having quite a bit of a difficult time catching him. After a little while, Krane got away from the cops and he headed to another island not far from the boarder of Washington. Krane and Xander got out of the boat and headed into this warehouse. "So what's the plan again", Xander said. "If we are going to turn Penny back to the way she was before she made herself lose her memory, we need to be smart about it", Krane said. "Well we don't know how to do something like that. I may have helped with Toby and Nick but not Penny as that was Liz on that one", Xander said. "That gave me an idea, do you have her old files on that piece of scrap metal", Krane said. "Not anymore. All of my files are back at Central Sea on my flashdrive witch I'm guessing Penny and the others have somewhere at the Simmons Center", Xander said. "Then we will take that flashdrive when we come up with a plan", Krane said. "And what's the plan to take that flashdrive", Xander said. "Don't worry, we won't have to bother on that. As it will come right too us", Krane said. "What are you talking about", Xander said. "When the worlds merged a while back, our old boss as a spirit was able to break free back into the notal world and get inside one of those kids but I don't know who just yet. "Then we will head over there and find them", Xander said. "Oh yes. When we do find them, they won't stand a chance", Krane said as he and Xander laughed . . . 

Hey everyone. I just want to say that until I can get my new story that I want to go on FIMfiction, i will be uploading BN until I can get it approved since the system is being a bit bs right now. I'm gonna do the story just on the side for now kinda like with the commentary. That is all for now. 

Becoming Normal Part 8, New RevelationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora