When The Hero's Fall

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"Oh? You know my name?", Krane said in a very surprised but sinister tone. "Don't be shocked Krane. Your ex assistant told us everything about you and that spirt in Dez", London said. "I see. Very well. I don't think it would be necessary to hide any more information from you any longer now that the siren has told you everything", Krane said. "Tell us now or you will take a trip into the atmosphere", Cyrus said. "Bold words from such a weak 'elite force'", Krane said in a very strong voice. "It's only a matter of time until your team is quashed for good." "Oh yeah? We will see about that", Cole said. "Hm, How bold. I just hope you have enough time to save the one person that brought you all here in the first place, or should i say, princess?", Krane said as his voice turned into laughter. "Get him", Cyrus said as London fired her heat vision at Krane as it knocked him out of the doorway and into the front porch. "Since when have you been able to do that", Casey said. "Not the time Casey", Sophia said as she was about to throw some hands at Krane when Cyrus stopped her. "You can't go out there babe. You'll die remember", Cyrus said. "You don't have to worry about me Cyrus. I can handle myself. You should know that", Sophia said. "Fine. I'll let you cook", Cyrus said as he and Sophia threw themselves into the battle. London was going all in on Krane as her mobile telekinesis was enough to freeze Krane long enough for everyone else to throw hands and lasers at him but London couldn't hold it for long enough as Krane found a way to break free every time. After a while, London couldn't hold it up for much longer as when she was down, Krane send her flying back into the grass as she was too weak to get up. Xander saw this and couldn't hold it in any longer. He had enough with Krane and what he did to him for far too long. He was able to sneak up behind his back and began to suck Krane's love, in witch he couldn't do because he had no love in him. "What are you doing", Krane said as he dropped kicked Xander back into the ground with a mighty stomp and he was down for the count as well. Cole seeing this was able to quickly get behind Krane but had a better idea. He saw that he had a wand in his back pocket. Cole then found a stick in the yard that kinda looked like a wand and stuck it in his back pocket while taking out the real wand and retreating. "Cute", Krane said as he was able to knock Cyrus, Sophia and Casey down as well after a few short minutes with well timed kicks and that he was an expert in dogging magical spells by now. "Well this has been fun but i have a princess to capture just like 1985 baby", Krane said as he pulled out the stick that looked like a wand and was about to use it when it didn't work. "Wait, you have a wand? Your a wizard", Cyrus said as he could barley talk. "No. I stole this from some store thing", Krane said as the wand wasn't working. "That's wand's a fake", Cole said as he was hiding from the battle but just came out. "WHAT", Roared Krane. "I may have slipped that wand into your back pocket while i have the real one", Cole said as he took out the real wand and slammed it into his knee, causing it to shadier into two pieces. "NO. HOW COULD YOU, YOU PEST", Krane said with a mighty roar of a voice. "Cole, get...Penny here", Xander said. "Not without you guys", Cole said as Krane blocked his way. "Oh not today werewolf boy", Krane said as his eyes were filled to the brim with rage and anger that was very visible to the naked eye. Cole saw this and as he was about to open his mouth, he got up on his legs and ran. "GET BACK HERE YOU FURRY BOY", Krane said as the chase was on. 

"Stay away from me you thing", Cole said as Krane was saying a whole lot of lines that Cole couldn't quite hear all of them. "Run, run, scurry, scurry, you can not escape me, I will hunt you down. You can try but you will fail and you will FALL to my wrath! Now here is the part where the werewolf goes DOWN! Run, run run away, you will need to stay cause you need to pray in order to sway you till i slay you now! Insolence doesn't get you far! Run, run, scurry, scurry, you can not escape me, I will hunt you down. You can try but you will fail and you will FALL to my wrath!", Krane was saying but singing at the same time. Cole was just too fast for Krane but he wasn't giving up ether. He was also fast for his age and he wasn't about to let a teenager in high school beat him. After a while of running, Cole had an idea on where Penny might be. He thought that the one area where she could just get away from everything was that place. He had to act fast since Krane was gaining up on him and he was getting too close for comport now. Cole moved as fast as he could down to the newly opened Simmons Center as he wasn't too far from it. When he got close enough to the entrance, he could see that Penny was sitting by herself in the courtyard so he made a mad dash to the entrance where Penny saw him. "Cole? What are you doing here and why are you so sweaty", Penny said. "Penny, you...need to....fight....him", Cole said as he looked back to see that Krane was nowhere in sight. "Fight who?" Penny said. "Krane. Elixir Krane. He's coming for you. He tried to kill us all and me", Cole said. "I don't know what your talking about but where is he?", Penny said as she was trying to wrap her head around this news. "I don't know. He was just here a moment ago", Cole said. "He couldn't have gone-", Cole said as a magical beam hit him right upside the head and making a hole in his body. "Cole", Penny said as she rushed over to him as she saw who shot him. "Bet your thinking ignorance is blissed princess", Krane said with a smile as the universe stood still, waiting on the next move. 

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