A Villain's Return

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As the first day back at school for the semester was coming to an end, it was an event for the five to say the least. They had there own challenges and I'm pretty sure you know the rest. As Penny and London were chatting in the library as they were working on some spells when Jr and Cyrus's eagle, Noot rushed in and informed the two about Dez when they came to check on him. They found out about the spirit and all and after that, the final bell had rung and they were free to go. "I'm still shocked that happened to Dez", London said as she was putting some books away in her locker. "Me two", Austin said. "It just hurts knowing we were this close and there's not much anyone can do about it." "Yeah. If that broom hadn't been acting up,", Cyrus said. "It's not anyone's fault Cy. The best thing we can do is wait", Penny said as the four of them were free to head home when word started to spread about Dez to the other student's at Stellarlune and before you knew about it, they had found out that Penny was friends with him and that meant they would come. When Penny, Cyrus, London and Austin had left the school, the paparazzi were already at the front doors and when they came out, they all got into Penny's face. "Your majesty, what does it feel like to have a close friend so close to death", one of them said. "He's not dead...i think", Penny said as she was trying to find a way out out the swarm and like before, she didn't even want to hear words relating to royalty. "Is this a tragic event for you", another said. "Well...yes", Penny said as she was getting more and more stressed. "How can our Mary sue deal with this", another said that made Penny lose it once more as she activated her shield and pushed her way though the crowd without even looking at them. The three were quick to notice that Penny was having trouble but they couldn't do anything about it as Penny got out of the mob and then activated her enhanced speed to get away from them without even looking back once more. "Penny! Come back", Cyrus, London and Austin said as they tried to keep up with Penny but it was no use as she was too fast for them. The paparazzi however were standing there in shock as by this point, they had an idea that they messed up. Cyrus however was pretty mad and he just lost it. "You see what you did to my sister? This is why she doesn't like you guys. You try to treat her like she's a Mary Sue when she isn't even close to that. She along with her friends are heroes and you treat her like she's bellow that", Cyrus shouted as he just couldn't stop himself from saying what he said. The paparazzi just stood there in shock as they didn't have a good response so with nothing left, they left the school as well as Cyrus, London and Austin as they headed home and hoped that Penny was there. 

"Ahh, i love watching that gang leader suffer with her title", Krane said as he saw the news story on the base's TV. "I suppose it's somewhat entertaining", Xander said as he was playing a video game. "Heck yes it is", Krane said. "So is this what were doing till we get the message from the boss", Xander said. "Well yes but now since Penny is left all alone and is most likely crying by now, you will execute the next part of our plan", Krane said. "What...what is that", Xander said. "You will bring Penny here to use as bait so we can take out her friends and the boss will take care of the rest", Krane said. "And why wasn't i told about this", Xander said. "Well your just a stupid kid that we need for this mission or whatever", Krane said. "Oh...yeah. I'll get ready for it", Xander said as he left the room with a little change of heart. He was starting to reconsider things from seeing how Krane was treating him but he ignored this as he got ready for the heist. 

It was nighttime. The stars were out and crickets were chirping. Out near the courtyard that Penny had her coronation party at. She was sitting next to one of the fountains there as she didn't want to go home and confront everyone. Even though they were her friends, she didn't feel like she could trust them right now. She just wanted to be alone under the stars. Just then, within a few minutes, she heard something in the bushes as she brought out her wand. "Who's there", Penny said in between a sob. "Ahh, ow, I'm not familiar with this area", Xander said as he came out of the bushes. "Xander", Penny said as she fired her wand at him. "Xander dogged it though and put his hand's up. "I'm not here to hurt you", Xander said. "Prove it", Penny said. "I was told to kidnap you but i just want to talk", Xander said. "About what", Penny said. "About Krane and-", Xander said. "Who's Krane", Penny said. "One of my coworkers back at the Simmons Center when Liz was the CEO. He has gone mad and ever since the attack, he has been trying to destroy you guys and now he has the magical powers to do it", Xander said. "How do i know your not lying", Penny said. Xander then pulled out a watch from his back pocket with much ease and in one swift motion. The watch was all black with no numbers or hands though as it was just a circle. "This is a lie watch. If you put it on me, it will show you that I'm telling the truth", Xander said. Penny didn't say a word as she put the watch on him. The watch stood still for a moment but then showed the word 'truth' on in. "See. I'm not lying here", Xander said. "Even so, why are you telling me this now", Penny said. "Because i care-", Xander said as he stopped mid sentence as he was about to say something that Penny was not gonna like. "Because i care what", Penny said. "You just have to trust me on this one. Please", Xander said. "No. I don't want to hear another word from you after what you did", Penny said as she used her wand to flash out of there, leaving Xander behind. Xander didn't speak for a while as a single tear sank to his check. "What have i done?"

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