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Hey 😏

Listen I know Kess's name is Margo in the movie but idk why I just decided to call her by her last name in this book and it's too late to change it 😭

Enjoy this long ass chapter lol


"Soooo... are you almost done?" Ben asked lazily laying on the ceiling.

"Almost." Kess responded below.

He watched as she zipped around the room to various computers across her lab. The multitude of high tech equipment all led to one center console that connected to a giant carbon metal casing with heavy high-tech locks. It illuminated with orange and blue through slots along the corners. Kess bounced around to different screens to fidget with figures and numbers. Lyla chased after her while periodically listing numbers and code terminology that Ben was not gonna bother figuring out.

"You really think Spider-dad is gonna just let this slide?" he called out picking his teeth. "Absolutely not. But he kinda owes me for that gun." Kess responded. "Yeah well this is way more than a gun." he retorted. Kess looked up and rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you shut up and drown in your harrowing memories like you usually do Ben?" she bit. Ben groaned as he dramatically rolled around on the ceiling and threw a hand to his head.

"Don't remind me of my traumatic past! You wouldn't understand the dark depths of my brain!"

"I don't think there's much depth to your brain."

"But I'm not like the others~! I don't always like what I have to. But I know I have to be the one to-"

"Are you quoting who I think you're quoting?"

"You know I've heard him monologue to himself at four in the morning before. I was swinging around the HQ and passing by his man-cave and he was just in there poking at screens and introducing himself like some epic movie narrator. I can't tell if it's badass... or creepy."

"Definitely seems like a Miguel thing. Lyla?"

"Oh you have no idea."

The three chattered for a little longer in the large hall of a lab before Kess suddenly shrieked causing Ben to fall from the ceiling and Lyla to glitch out for a second. "DONE! IT'S DONE!" she shouted as she spun around the large carbon case and yanked the attachments connected to it with her glittery pixelated webs. She flourished like an ice skater in air and gleamed like a mad scientist. With the last connection being pulled, the carbon metal cylinder made a vibrating boom before shifting parts to let cold steam flush out from it's futuristic mechanics.

Lyla and Kess stared up at it excitedly, their eyes both shining pixelated stars through their hologram features. Ben pulled himself off the floor to join the two. However, he looked... less excited.

"Kess, do you... really think this is a good idea?" he asked with a sudden seriousness to his voice. She looked back at him, caught off guard by his uncharacteristic tone.

"Realistically... no. But I would feel better knowing something like this is capable of protecting her." she responded as the shine in her eyes simmered to a dim, a deeper thought crossing her mind. "If that thing is as dangerous as Miguel says, then... we need one last fallback. One that could hold up if... we can't." she said quietly. Ben's brows furrowed as he bit his cheek.

"This is the most advanced and adaptable piece of 2099 hardware we've ever created in the Society. And made for a human. A non-super human." Lyla chimed in. She tried to match their shift in energy, but as an AI it was proving difficult for her.

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