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You were given a new set of clothes by Gwen. You wore a large black hoodie with black leggings that had a large graffiti print on your left thigh reading 'SYSTEMLESS ' in yellow with blue. You similarly wore black-laced yellow high-tops. You had to admit, Gwen's clothes were cool. 'This must be what kids are wearing these days.' you thought as if you weren't only a couple years older than her. You styled your hair to comfort. You instantly felt better after being in proper clothes and freshening up, it was at least some normalcy.

"Black and yellow are your colors." Gwen commented with a smirk. You laughed in response with a thanks. And with that, you both set off.


You followed Gwen through a mind-bending building. It looked like you just walked into a fever-dream mall. There were slanted walls and pillars that extending across the entire room. There were large platforms on the ceiling filled with benches and tables, shops were built sideways into some of the walls, and the sidewalks twisted and turned in a way that no normal human could walk. The bridge you were walking had no railing, scaring you shitless as you peered over the far drop.

You cling to Gwen like a petrified cat. She chuckles at your shaking form trying to climb on her back.

"I know, it's a bit crazy. But don't worry, I won't let you fall. In fact, you're probably the safest you've ever been in your life here." she said.

"HERE?! Are you joki-" you stopped as your eyes caught something phenomenal.

A giant swarm of Spidermen and Spiderwomen suddenly flew through the air, dispersing in every direction of the massive hall. You heard bumping music echo from the speakers some of them carried. Red and blue flashed past you, webs were shooting all over the place before unraveling like white ribbon. They flipped and spun like Olympians through the air, waving at you in striking poses. They chattered and laughed mid-air amongst each other. You jumped back on Gwen as someone flew by you patting your head. Gwen giggled at your reaction. It felt like you were in the middle of a parade.

Your eyes nearly popped out of your head at the incredible scene.

"What... is this?" you whispered to yourself. Gwen overheard you, pulling you closer with a hand on your shoulder.

"Listen, I know this is probably a lot to see after what happened." she said.

"But trust me, they're all heroes. Just like he was."

Your throat tightened, you clenched your fists trying to push back the images of Peter. You couldn't break down here, not yet. Stay strong for now, break later. Gwen was clearly doing so much for you. You were so thankful for her. You gave her a small smile.

"I trust you." you said before continuing to walk along side her. She smiled seeing you look more relieved.

"So... what should I expect from your Spider-boss? What was it, O'Harry?" you questioned her. She rolled her eyes letting out a sigh.

"O'Hara. Miguel O'Hara. You'll catch on quick, he's not exactly a people-person. I'll deal with him don't worry, just let me do the talking." she said. You nodded, slightly nervous at her vagueness.

'This guy seems like a piece of work. Its like all his co-Spiders are on edge around him. AND THEY'RE SUPERHUMAN. What could they have to fear?!

He must be real uptight. And he's clearly not happy about me being here... man I hope this goes well.'


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