(BONUS) 2099

517 22 26


Hey this is sort of a bonus chapter lol. Enjoy ;)

Warnings: sexual tension, sexual content, non-penetration, foreplay


Fluttered kisses trailed down from your cheek, to your jaw, to your neck, then your shoulder. A hand gently moved up the side of your waist. You groaned in slight annoyance. Someone was clearly trying to bring you out of your much needed sleep.

You yanked the covers higher to shield yourself from the bothersome person, which made them chuckle deeply. The laugh didn't sound familiar. The cover was slowly pulled back down from your face as the kisses started once more at your jaw. You flinched feeling a light nip at your neck, the unknown person being more harsh to wake you.

You were so exhausted and out of it, it didn't even register that you were no longer alone in your bed and now being pawed at. All your survival instincts were out the window for some damn reason.

You tried to scoot away but the hand on your waist pulled you flush against them. Your brows furrowed feeling the massive frame of the person holding you. You tried to decipher who they were from the feeling of them alone, but you couldn't figure it out. Peter was nowhere near this size, even as Spiderman. And you weren't the type of person to bring home random hookups.

The warm kisses at your neck travelled up to your ear. Teeth lightly tugged at your lobe as soft breath ghosted over the shell of your ear to a soft whisper...


Your eyes shot open. There's only one person you know that calls you that.

Your heart started racing as the breath in your lungs caught. There was no way this was Miguel.


"You've been moving around all night. ¿Que pasó? " he said as he leaned down to burry his face in the crook of your neck.

You immediately jumped at the contact with a ridiculous yell and fell out of the bed tangled in the covers. He gasped as he tried to catch you but you were quick to make distance and scamper away on the floor. You spun around and sat up to look at him.

He was shirtless and heaving heavy from your sudden freak out. His dark brown hair was loose and falling over his forehead attractively. In the dim light of the night his brown eyes looked black. He stared at you with a worried expression as he moved closer to the edge of the bed.

"Niña what's wrong? What happened? Are you alri-"


He halted, furrowing his brows at you.

"O'Hara? "

"What are you doing in my room sleeping with me?! What happened?!"

"What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened, what are you talking about?" he spoke quietly in an attempt to calm you down. Your breath was shallow as you panicked thinking about all the possibilities that could've happened in the bed you were just in.

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