A Sporadic Existence

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"What did you find?" Jess asked as Kess zipped to the middle of the room.

"I think we're gonna need a visual." she said.

"Lyla!" Miguel shouted out.

"Yeah boss?" a snarky voice said directly next to your ear. You look to your left, seeing a tiny holographic woman with a fancy puffy coat and heart-shaped glasses casually sitting on your shoulder.

"Woah! That's amazing!" you stared at her in awe.

"Oh stop it~ you're flattering me." she said 'slapping' your shoulder with her translucent hand. She sauntered off your shoulder and teleported to the middle of the room. With a snap of her finger, the room became a simulation swarmed with floating graphs and information that illuminated the dark. Your eyes danced over the loads of numbers and words, trying to get some understanding of it.

Using her fingers to control the visuals of the room, Kess zoomed into one particular graph. It looked like a 3D timeline, on it were tiny specs of red that scattered along it infinitely. It stretched to both ends of the room.

"This is a representation of a normal person's existence across the multiverse, every red spec is a life in one dimension. As you can see it's infinite. Meaning if you exist in one place, you exist in all of them." she explained as everyone watched.

She then swiped her finger through the air, replacing the timeline with a new one.

"This... is Y/n's."

Everyone's eyes widened at the hologram. Your breath caught. Your timeline was near-desolate. The red specs that infinitely scattered the other line were all gone except for a few that were randomly spaced out. There were so few specs you could almost count them all.

"Y/n's existence isn't infinite across the multiverse." Kess said staring at the graph.

Everyone turned their heads to look at your expression. You felt like you were gonna pass out, you ran a hand through your hair as you tried to make sense of what you were seeing and hearing. A heavy feeling sunk your stomach, 'My existence isn't infinite? ' you thought.

"H-how?" Peter said breaking the silence.

"That's impossible." Gwen remarked walking over to your side.

"It is by our understandings, but there's still so much we don't know about the multiverse. Even with all our technology, there isn't a single formula that we have to explain this." Kess said.

"You're saying her existence is rare?" Jess asked.

"Maybe not rare, but sporadic. A sporadic existence across the multiverse."

You looked over at Miguel who was already staring at you with an unreadable expression. He looked away as you caught his gaze.

"How many lives have you tracked?" he said looking at Kess.

"So far only forty... out of infinity." she responded.

"How many of those lives cross paths with a Spiderman?"


She grabbed one of holographic dots off the timeline, holding it between her fingers.

"The Peter Parker she met on Earth-127 along with us makes one." she stated.

"And the other?" Miguel asked.

"Can't track it, it's extremely far into the future. Our tech can't reach it."

The conversation was making you more anxious by the second. It was already an adjustment wrapping your head around this dimension. Now you're trying to discern your existence across the entire complexity of space and time with a bunch of futuristic Spider people.

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