
778 43 28

WARNINGS: fighting, blood, stabbing, death, angst

Enjoy •^•!

"There you are."

The being spoke. It looked almost human, but instinct told you it wasn't.

It was huge, at least 10 feet tall and covered in grey plated armor with glowing purple eyes. It was robotic, it complex metal surrounded its entire body that resembled muscle. It towered over cars as it walked. It looked alien, technologically advanced and extremely strong by the looks of it alone. A long shredded cape hung from it's shoulders. There was a massive spear on it's back that glowed the same purple as it's eyes. You heard it talk, but there was no mouth on its face to confirm that. Until it spoke again.

"I thought I killed you for a second." it said stalking towards you.

It's voice rumbled deep shaking you to the core. You heard the base of its body echo against the street's demolished buildings, shaking the car windows. The pavement crunched as it walked.

Your blood ran cold. You stared at the menacing presence in front of you taking slow strides getting closer and closer. You didn't know what to do. This thing is clearly speaking to you like you're some lost pet. You had to run, there was no other option. You begged your body to unlock. Just as you were about to break, you heard something.


A web.

"Spiderman!" you heard people shout in the distance.

Your eyes shot up to the sky to see the iconic red and blue suit fling threw the cloud of smoke.

You're face lit up. A wave of hope rushed through you. You immediately ducked behind the car as you knew this robotic thing was about to get its ass whooped.

'You chose the wrong city to attack dumbass.' you glared at the alien.

"Y/n!" Spidey shouted as he launched toward the robotic being.

The being turned in time to stop his attack by ferociously grabbing his neck mid-air. He struggled against the giant hand of the being, clawing at the robotic digits while shooting webs in its purple-lit eyes. The alien didn't react, it only stared creepily as it began squeezing Spidey's neck. He choked and gasped, getting desperate to pry the hand that covered his entire head.

You watched in horror at how the thing easily kept Spiderman in a lock. You've seen Spidey catch trains, hold bridges, and scale a skyscraper like nothing. But this thing... made him look like a bug.

'No. NO!'

"LET HIM GO!" you screamed.

Lifting a stop sign off the ground with all your strength you charged the alien on your broken-bloodied knee. You nearly collapsed mid-sprint as you threw your entire body with the sign at the leg of the giant being. The sign barely pierced through his metallic plating. You harshly yanked the sign back out as it sliced the skin on your hands. You lifted it over your head to stab again putting more weight into your legs for power.

As you went to strike, the alien grabbed the edge of the sign before you could follow through. It peered down at you with its expressionless metal face and intense purple eyes.

"Y-Y/N!" Spidey choked as he tried to reach for you.

"How brave, little one." the alien bellowed.

He grabbed you between his fingers and lifted you to his height.

"Stay out of this." he stated before throwing you across the street into asphalt. You slammed into a car nearly blacking out from the impact. You cried out in pain as the skin on your arms and back bled. All the wind in your lungs felt like fire as it hurt to breathe.

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