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"Okay okay, relax. Just walk in, and give it to him. Not that complicated, quit overthinking!" you spoke to yourself.

You were on your way to Miguel's weird cave-office lair after your dinner with the squad. You held a tiny donut box with an empanada inside. Peter told you that empanadas were more Miguel's style, so you stopped by the donut shop right before closing and requested for an empanada. It wasn't something they normally did, but since you were a regular and the Spiders loved you at the shop, they happily made one for you before closing.

The fresh empanada was round and puffy, steam seeped out of it and wafted a yummy smell into the air. The heat warmed your hands through the cardboard, comforting you somewhat as you walked.

Walking through the Spider-base this late at tonight was odd, there wasn't a Spider in sight. The lights were dimmed, and the giant hall that was usually swarmed like a hive was desolate. Guess even the Spider society clocked out after five o'clock. The closer you got to your destination the more anxious you became.

'What if he doesn't want it? '

'What if he's not even there? '

'What if he doesn't even like empanadas? Well, Peter said he does. He said it'd help me get on his good side... WAIT, what if I offend him?! '

'Maybe I should've stuck with a donut, maybe an empanada is too... personal? '

'What if he gets mad and tries to bite me again? '

Actually... you probably wouldn't mind that last part...

You took a deep breath as you finally reached the dim hallway that led to his office further down. 'Come on Y/n, just do it.' you commanded yourself. You took quiet steps as you approached the entrance of the lair, the orange-yellow lights of his computer monitors lit your way. It was so silent, you felt the need to tip-toe as if you'd wake a bear in its cave. You finally reached the large opening of his office, peaking around the corner to try and spot him.

The large platform full of screens and tech was suspended high up in the room, the lights of the monitors made it look almost like a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was Miguel, in the middle of the chandelier with his back turned as he sifted through the floating projections in front of him. The red accents of his suit were lightly glowing per usual, making him stand out against the orange and yellows. You watched as he reached a few times above him to select something from his screens. His height was even more imposing from this angle.

You gulped nervously. Your grip tightened on the donut box with the imposter empanada inside. You saw Miguel sigh and roll his neck very slowly as he pulled his shoulders back, a pop echoed through the room.

'Yeah... on second thought, I can't do this.'

You silently spun around to leave but were interrupted before you could take a step.

"You know I heard you." his voice echoed.

'Crap.' you gulped again as you shook off your nerves.

"You... did? From all the way up there?" you said turning back around to see him. He kept his back turned to you.

"Heightened hearing." he replied.

"Oh, that's cool." you said. You stepped further into the massive room, watching him from the ground.

"What do you want?" he asked as he continued tapping at the holograms, pinching and zooming into various important looking statistics. You gulped again before clearing your throat, you held the boxed empanada closer to you before answering him.

➕SPORADIC✖️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora