Training Facility

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You walked through the pristine corridors of the Training Facility. It was like a beautiful futuristic gym but one hundred times bigger. You walked by small glass cased rooms that were occupied with Spiders lounging around, getting ready, and packing their gym equipment. Some of them traveled in groups and made their way to much larger rooms that were sealed shut with giant steel doors. Behind the steel doors you heard explosions and crashes that rattled the walls, your face stiffened at the sounds of chaos.

You wound up in a massive weight room that was swarmed with Spider people, not a single normal person. When you walked in, the entire room sensed you enter and went quiet as they turned their heads to you, giving you curious looks. A non-masked non-Spider person in room of superhumans. Your whole body went cold. You thought you might drop dead of embarrassment.

'Come on Y/n. Don't forget why you're here... to get strong. So move! ' you ordered yourself.

You shuffled through the crowd of Spiders in painful awkwardness as you fought the urge to pass out. 'PLEASE just go back to doing your things! Ignore my entire existence! ' you thought. Eventually everyone resumed what they were doing and payed no mind to you. You sighed a shaky breath you'd been holding.

'Okay, now just... pick a machine and do stuff on it. That's working out right? '

You approached a crazy contraption that was set with circular weights. You looked over the weights and gaged what to start at, but you were taken aback at the numbers.

'What the- THE WEIGHTS START AT EIGHT HUNDRED POUNDS?! AND THEY MAX OUT AT NINE TONS!! WHAT?! How the hell- oh, this is Spiderman training grounds. Everyone here is probably a hundred times stronger than the average person.' you sighed backing away from the machine. You looked over at some Spiders that were easily lifting massive cylinders nearly four times their size. Your eyes blew wide and your jaw hit the floor. Some of them were even chatting while tossing around weights the size of cars. You were almost personally offended at their insane strength.

'Great. Where am I supposed to start? '


Back at your room, Miguel was standing outside in the hallway.


No answer. He sighed through his nose, clenching his fists. "Y/n?" he called out. Still no response. He was running low on patience, agitated with how petty you were acting.

'All this because she was upset about being locked in a room. She's lucky she was even given one, I could've thrown her in a cell. Que mocosa.'

"I'm coming in." he warned before sliding his keycard to unlock the door. The door slid open abruptly to reveal your empty room, not a sign of you. His eyes widened at your absence as he stepped in, he checked your bathroom and every corner of the room thinking you might be hiding. But you were not here. His breathing picked up, eyes darting around for any sign. He threw your blankets checking your bed, wiped the curtains of your shower open, rummaged through your closet, looked under your bed, he even scanned outside your locked windows, nothing. His long swept back hair was becoming disheveled as he ransacked your entire room.

'¡Mierda! I knew I shouldn't have left her alone in one place! Where the hell did she go?! What is she planning?! ' he thought as he ran a hand through his hair pushing it back. His eyes went red as his anger climbed, he strained himself to calm down.

'She couldn't have gotten far, she's not superhuman. She's not gonna do any damage while I'm here. I'll find her. I'll hunt her down.'
he quickly turned to leave but his eyes caught something on the ground.

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